19.20. The CBAZ Data Record - Number of Composite Cable Plane Azimuth Angles

This data record is optional for composite cables if the global seabed slope defined with the SBED data record is non-trivial.

     2   5  7    11    16    
    - --- -- ---- ----- ---
   |XXXX |  |CBAZ|     |
    - --- -- ---- ----- ---
          |   |     |
          |   |     |_(2)No. of azimuths of cable plane (I5) 
          |   |
          |   |_(1)Compulsory Data Record Keyword (A4)
          |_Optional User Identifier (A2)

Note:  A default value of 21 is used if this data record does not exist, or if the defined value is less than the default. The maximum value should not be greater than 41. The range of azimuth angles is from 0 to 180° relative to the sloped seabed direction.