

2D interpolation method
constant: Miscellaneous Options
inverse distance weighted: Miscellaneous Options
least squares: Miscellaneous Options


diffusion terms: Spatial Discretization
first-order: Choosing the Discretization Scheme, Spatial Discretization
second-order: Choosing the Discretization Scheme, Spatial Discretization
Active : Description
active objects
saving: Saving a Project File
Active parameter dialog box: Defining Check Box Parameters
Add marker dialog box: The Ansys Icepak Menus
add point: Creating a History Plot
adding objects to a group: Adding Objects to a Group
Advanced solver setup dialog box: The Model manager Window, Choosing the Discretization Scheme
algebraic multigrid (AMG): Spatial Discretization, Multigrid Method
Align and morph edges button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Align and morph faces button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Align and morph vertices button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Align centers button: Aligning Object Centers
Align edges button: Aligning Object Edges
Align face centers button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Aligning Object Face Centers
Align faces button: Aligning Object Faces
Align object centers button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Align vertices button: Aligning Object Vertices
All projects button: Configuring a Project, Editing the Library Paths
altitude effects
modeling: Modeling Altitude Effects
Ambient reflectance: The Ansys Icepak Menus
ambient values: Ambient Values
animated GIF files: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
isosurface: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
particle traces: Particle Trace Attributes
plane cut: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
saving: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
transient simulations: Creating an Animation
Anisotropic tensor dialog box: Editing an Existing Material
annotations: Graphics Windows, Editing Options
Annotations dialog box: Graphics Windows
Ansys Icepak: What is Ansys Icepak?
Ansys Icepak environment variables: Environment Variables on Linux Systems
Ansys Icepak Menus: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Ansys Icepak Toolbars: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Ansys Icepak Windows
resizing: The Main Window
Appearance/Background Color2 : Display Options
Appearance/Background Style : Display Options
applications: Applications
Arrows: Graphics Windows
Assemblies dialog box: Editing Properties of an Assembly
assembly: Custom Assemblies, Creating and Adding an Assembly
adding objects to: Creating and Adding an Assembly
copying: Copying an Assembly
creating: Creating and Adding an Assembly
using a group: Using a Group to Create an Assembly
deleting: Deleting an Assembly
editing: Editing Properties of an Assembly, Editing Objects in an Assembly
expanding into its components: Expanding an Assembly Into Its Components
external: Editing Properties of an Assembly
internal: Editing Properties of an Assembly
loading: Loading an Assembly
merging: Merging an Assembly With Another Project
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Assemblies
moving: Moving an Assembly
saving: Saving an Assembly
selecting: Selecting an Assembly
summary: Summary Information for an Assembly
total area: Total Area of an Assembly
total volume: Total Volume of an Assembly
translating: Editing Properties of an Assembly
viewing: Assembly Viewing Options
Assembly contents dialog box: Summary Information for an Assembly
Assembly node: The Assembly Node Context Menu
assembly structure
save: Saving a Project File
augmentation efficiency: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
auto-save interval: Optimizing the Parallel Solver Performance
automatic mesh generation: Overview
Autoscale button: Resizing the Cabinet
files: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak
saving: Saving an AutoTherm File


baffles: Planar Resistances
band width for contour plots: Contour Attributes
Basic parameters dialog box: The Model manager Window
Basic parameters panel: Specifying the Problem Parameters
Basic settings dialog box: The Model manager Window
Basic settings panel: Initializing the Solution
Reset button: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Setting Under-Relaxation Factors, Initializing the Solution
transient simulations: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
execution: Batch Processing of Ansys Icepak Projects on a Windows Machine
file: Batch Processing of Ansys Icepak Projects on a Windows Machine
bay stations: Enclosures
block: Blocks
combination: Block-Combination Thermal Characteristics, Cylinder, Polygon, Ellipsoid, or Elliptical Cylinder Blocks Positioned on a Prism Block
coincident surfaces: Blocks with Coincident Surfaces
intersecting volumes: Blocks with Intersecting Volumes
creating: Adding a Block to Your Ansys Icepak Model
detailed heat sink macro: Detailed Heat Sink
fixed heat: Physical and Thermal Specifications
fixed temperature: Physical and Thermal Specifications
fluid: Block Type, User Inputs for the Block Thermal Specification
hollow: Block Type, User Inputs for the Block Thermal Specification
individual sides: Physical and Thermal Specifications, User Inputs for the Block Surface Specification
joule heating: User Inputs for the Block Thermal Specification
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
3D polygon: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
cylinder: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
ellipsoid: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
elliptical cylinder: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
prism: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
network: Block Type, Network Blocks, User Inputs for Network Blocks, Network Block Values Report
on external wall: Blocks Positioned on an External Wall
intersecting volume: A Block and an Intersecting Plate
surface coincident: Blocks with Intersecting Volumes
radiation: User Inputs for the Block Surface Specification, Radiation Modeling for Objects
emissivity: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specification: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
resistance: User Inputs for the Block Surface Specification
solid: Block Type, User Inputs for the Block Thermal Specification
surface roughness: Surface Roughness
thermal properties: Physical and Thermal Specifications, Block-Combination Thermal Characteristics, User Inputs for the Block Surface Specification, User Inputs for the Block Thermal Specification
transient simulations: User Inputs for the Block Thermal Specification, User Inputs for Transient Simulations
type: Block Type
Block thermal conditions dialog box: User Inputs for the Block Thermal Specification
Blocks dialog box: Adding a Block to Your Ansys Icepak Model
blower: Blowers
centrifugal: Centrifugal Blowers
creating: Adding a Blower to Your Ansys Icepak Model
curve window: Adding a Blower to Your Ansys Icepak Model
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Blowers
operating point: Fan Operating Points Report
swirl: Specifying Swirl
Blowers dialog box: Adding a Blower to Your Ansys Icepak Model
board layer information: Importing Trace Files
Board properties dialog box: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
body forces: Choosing the Discretization Scheme, Spatial Discretization
bolt: Adding PCB Attachments to Your Ansys Icepak Model
periodic: Periodic Boundaries
boundary conditions
parameterization: Overview of Parameterization
radiative heat transfer: Radiative Heat Transfer
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
trace object: Trace Heating Boundary Conditions
boundary profiles: User Inputs for a Free Opening, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify a Spatial Boundary Profile
Boussinesq approximation: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, The Boussinesq Model
Boussinesq hypothesis: Advanced Turbulence Models
bubble help: Accessing Online Help, Miscellaneous Options
building a model: Building a Model
buoyancy forces: Buoyancy-Driven Flows and Natural Convection


color: Modifying the Graphical Style of the Cabinet
creating: Defining the Cabinet
default: Defining the Cabinet
Edit window : Defining the Cabinet
line width: Modifying the Graphical Style of the Cabinet
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Cabinets
mirroring: Repositioning the Cabinet
moving: Repositioning the Cabinet
name: Changing the Name of the Cabinet
notes: Changing the Name of the Cabinet
resizing: Resizing the Cabinet
to fit objects: Resizing the Cabinet
rotating: Repositioning the Cabinet
scaling: Resizing the Cabinet, Repositioning the Cabinet
snap to grid: Repositioning the Cabinet
translating: Repositioning the Cabinet
wall: Changing the Walls of the Cabinet, Walls
Cabinet dialog box: Resizing the Cabinet
Cabinet node: The Cabinet Context Menu
CAD geometry: Importing and Exporting Model Files
cadence powermap files: Gradient, Cadence, and Apache Sentinel Powermap Files
calculating a solution: Calculating a Solution, Performing Calculations
in batch mode: Batch Processing of Ansys Icepak Projects on a Windows Machine
capabilities: Program Capabilities
boundary conditions: Boundary Conditions
general: General
materials: Materials
meshing: Meshing
model building: Model Building
physical models: Physical Models
reporting: Reporting
solver: Solver
visualization: Visualization
case files: Solver Files
Cavity Down BGA Die dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages, User Inputs for Lead-Frame Packages
Cavity Down BGA Dimensions dialog box: Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Cavity Down BGA Solder dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
Cavity Down BGA Substrate dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
cell values: Spatial Discretization
Check model button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
checking the design: Checking the Design of Your Model, Design Checks
checking the mesh: Checking the Mesh
element volume: Checking the Element Volume
face alignment: Checking the Face Alignment
skewness: Checking the Skewness
circular object: Geometry
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
Clean up project data: Cleaning up the Project Data
Clean up project data dialog box: Cleaning up the Project Data
co-located scheme: Spatial Discretization
coarse mesh
hexahedral: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
cocooning: Overview, Global Refinement for a Hex-Dominant Mesh, Global Refinement for a Hexahedral Mesh
color: Editing the Graphical Styles
cabinet: Modifying the Graphical Style of the Cabinet
contour plot: Contour Attributes
graphical displays: The Significance of Color in Graphical Displays
group: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
object: Graphical Style
particle trace: Particle Trace Attributes
vector plot: Vector Attributes
color legend
data format: Display Options
moving: Moving the Display Identifiers
color levels
contour plot: Contour Attributes
color spectrum: The Significance of Color in Graphical Displays
changing: Changing the Color Spectrum
contour plot: Contour Attributes
data format: Display Options
temperature limits: Comparing the Object Temperatures with the Temperature Limits
Complex lighting: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Component selection dialog box: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
compressing project data: Cleaning up the Project Data
compute nodes: Parallel Processing
computing view factors: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
adaptive method: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
hemicube method: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
condenser: Modeling a Planar Heat Exchanger in Ansys Icepak
conduction: Energy Conservation Equation
transient simulations: Transient Simulations
configuring a project: Configuring a Project
conjugate-gradient methods: Multigrid Method
conservation equations
discretization: Spatial Discretization
integral form: Spatial Discretization
context menu
set levels: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
set orientation: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
context menus
graphics display: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
context-specific help: Accessing Online Help
continuity equation: The Mass Conservation Equation
contours: Contour Attributes
control panels: Control Panels
control volume technique: Overview of Numerical Scheme
convection: Buoyancy-Driven Flows and Natural Convection
forced: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects
natural: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects
transient simulations: Transient Simulations
keyboard: Mouse and Keyboard Conventions Used In This Manual
mouse: Mouse and Keyboard Conventions Used In This Manual
used in this manual: Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual
convergence: Solution Residuals
criteria: Initializing the Solution, Overview of Numerical Scheme
history: The Solution residuals Graphics Display and Control Window
judging: Judging Convergence, Solution Residuals
monitoring: Changing the Solution Monitors During the Calculation
conversion factors
units: Defining a New Unit
coordinate axes
moving: Moving the Display Identifiers
coordinate systems: Repositioning an Object
Copy assembly dialog box: Copying an Assembly
Copy from button: Copying an Object
Copy object button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Copying an Object, Copying a Material, Copying an Assembly
Copy object dialog box: Copying an Object
assembly: Copying an Assembly
group: Copying Groups
materials: Copying a Material
mesh data: Saving a Project File
object: Copying an Object
solution data: Saving a Project File
Coupled algorithm: Spatial Discretization
Create assemblies button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Creating and Adding an Assembly
Create blocks button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Block to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create blowers button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Blower to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create Detailed Heatsink dialog box: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create enclosures button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding an Enclosure to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create fans button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create grille button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create heat exchangers button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Heat Exchanger to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create heat sinks button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Heat Sink to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create image file button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, The File commands Toolbar
Create JEDEC Test Chamber dialog box: Forced-Convection Test Chamber, Natural-Convection Test Chamber
Create Krylov ROM dialog box: Creating and Using a Krylov ROM
Create materials button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Creating a New Material
Create networks button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Network to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create openings button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding an Opening to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create packages button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create PCB - Detailed and Compact dialog box: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create periodic boundaries button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Periodic boundary to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create plates button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Plate to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create printed circuit boards button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create resistances button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create sources button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Source to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Create walls button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Adding a Wall to Your Ansys Icepak Model
assembly: Creating and Adding an Assembly
block: Adding a Block to Your Ansys Icepak Model
blower: Adding a Blower to Your Ansys Icepak Model
cabinet: Defining the Cabinet
enclosure: Adding an Enclosure to Your Ansys Icepak Model
fan: Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
grille: Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
group: Creating a Group
heat exchanger: Adding a Heat Exchanger to Your Ansys Icepak Model
heat sink object: Adding a Heat Sink to Your Ansys Icepak Model
isosurface: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
local coordinate system: Creating a New Local Coordinate System
materials: Creating a New Material
network: Adding a Network to Your Ansys Icepak Model
new point: Creating a History Plot
object: Creating a New Object
object face: Displaying Results on Object Faces
opening: Adding an Opening to Your Ansys Icepak Model
package: Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
PCB: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
periodic boundary: Adding a Periodic boundary to Your Ansys Icepak Model
plane cut: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
plate: Adding a Plate to Your Ansys Icepak Model
point: Displaying Results at a Point
project: Creating, Opening, Reloading, and Deleting a Project File
resistance: Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
source: Adding a Source to Your Ansys Icepak Model
wall: Adding a Wall to Your Ansys Icepak Model
displaying results: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
displaying the mesh: Displaying the Mesh on a Cross-Section of the Model
CSV/Excel files: Importing Other Files into Ansys Icepak, General Procedure for CSV/Excel Files, CSV/Excel Files
classic display: Changing the Mouse Controls
curve specification: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
Curve specification dialog box: Using the Curve specification Panel, User Inputs for a Free Opening, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify the Pressure Drop Curve for a Grille, User Inputs for Thermal specification, User Inputs for the Thermal Model, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify a Spatial Boundary Profile, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify the Curve for a Characteristic Curve Fan Type, User Inputs for a Simplified Heat Sink, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify a Piecewise Linear Variation With Time
custom assembly: Custom Assemblies
materials: Editing an Existing Material, Saving Materials and Properties
mesh parameters: Overview
units: Customizing Units
cylinder: Cylindrical Objects
elliptical: Elliptical Cylinder Objects
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
meshing: Global Refinement for a Hex-Dominant Mesh, Global Refinement for a Hexahedral Mesh, Meshing Parameters for Blocks


data files: Solver Files
date: Graphics Windows, Moving the Display Identifiers
default file location: Miscellaneous Options
default materials: Default Fluid, Solid, and Surface Materials
default project location: Miscellaneous Options
default script file location: Miscellaneous Options
Define full report dialog box: Full Reports
Define point report dialog box: Point Reports
Define summary report dialog box: Defining Reports, Summary Reports
isosurface: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
meshing parameters: Defining Meshing Parameters for Multiple Objects
object face (facet): Displaying Results on Object Faces
object face (node): Displaying Results on Object Faces
plane cut: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
point: Displaying Results at a Point
postprocessing objects: Defining Postprocessing Objects
project: Defining a Project
summary report: Defining Reports, Summary Reports
Delete object button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Deleting a Material, Managing Postprocessing Objects
assembly: Deleting an Assembly
group: Deleting a Group
isosurface: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
local coordinate system: Deleting Local Coordinate Systems
materials: Deleting a Material
object: Deleting an Object
object face: Displaying Results on Object Faces
parameters: Deleting Parameters
plane cut: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
point: Creating a History Plot, Displaying Results at a Point
postprocessing objects: Managing Postprocessing Objects
delphi package: Delphi Package Characterization
density: Editing an Existing Material, Overview of Modeling Species Transport
incompressible ideal gas law: Incompressible Ideal Gas Law
derived variables: Generating Reports, General Information about Variables
object: Selecting and Deselecting an Object
checking: Checking the Design of Your Model, Design Checks
of heat sinks: Detailed Heat Sinks, Detailed Heat Sink
optimization: Overview of Parameterization
design variable
creating a new design variable: Defining a Parameter (Design Variable) Using the Parameters and optimization Panel
Detect gaps between overlapped objects: Meshing Options
files: Solver Files
tools: Diagnostic Tools for Technical Support
die stack information: User Inputs for Stacked Die Packages
Diffuse reflectance: The Ansys Icepak Menus
diffusion coefficient: Overview of Modeling Species Transport
diffusivity: Editing an Existing Material
discrete ordinates (DO)
radiation : The Discrete Ordinates (DO) Radiation Model
discrete values
storage points: Spatial Discretization
discretization: Choosing the Discretization Scheme, Spatial Discretization, Time Discretization
body force weighted interpolation schemes: Choosing the Discretization Scheme
first-order scheme: Spatial Discretization
pressure interpolation schemes: Spatial Discretization
second-order scheme: Spatial Discretization
spatial: Spatial Discretization
temporal: Time Discretization
DISPLAY : Environment Variables on Linux Systems
Display object names button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Display/Background Color 1 : Display Options
cut plane mesh: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
mesh: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window, Displaying the Mesh
cross-section: Displaying the Mesh on a Cross-Section of the Model
individual objects: Displaying the Mesh on Individual Objects
residuals: Plotting Residuals
results: Examining the Results
view factors: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
distributed compute gateway
Ansys Icepak in Workbench: Using Icepak With Remote Solve Manager (RSM)
divergence: Setting Under-Relaxation Factors
documentation: Accessing the Ansys Icepak Manuals
double precision: Solution Residuals
solver: Selecting the Version of the Solver
drilled holes: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
drop-down list: Control Panels
DUAL Die dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages, User Inputs for Lead-Frame Packages
DUAL Dimensions dialog box: Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
DUAL Solder dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
DUAL Substrate dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
dynamic head: Modeling the Pressure Loss through a Heat Exchanger
dynamic-q optimization method: Optimization, The Dynamic-Q Optimization method


EC XML files: Importing Electronics Cooling XML Files into Ansys Icepak, Electronics Cooling XML Files
files: Cleaning up the Project Data
ECAD packages: Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, Importing IDX Files into Ansys Icepak
Edit button: Defining the Cabinet
Edit commands toolbar: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Edit menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Edit object button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Edit units button: Units for Postprocessing
Edit window: The Edit Window
cabinet: Defining the Cabinet
object: Overview of the Object Panels and Object Edit Windows
Edit/Annotations menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Edit/Clear clipboard: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Edit/Find menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Edit/Preferences menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Edit/Redo menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Edit/Show clipboard: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Edit/Snap to grid menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Edit/Undo menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
assembly: Editing Properties of an Assembly, Editing Objects in an Assembly
existing point: Creating a History Plot
interactively: Interactive Editing
isosurface: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
local coordinate system: Editing an Existing Local Coordinate System
materials: Editing an Existing Material
object: Editing an Object
object face: Displaying Results on Object Faces
plane cut: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
point: Displaying Results at a Point
postprocessing objects: Managing Postprocessing Objects
view factors: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
electric potential: Variables Available for Reporting
count: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
height: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
outward height: Meshing Parameters for Fans
outward ratio: Meshing Parameters for Fans
volume: Checking the Element Volume
ellipsoid: Ellipsoid Objects
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
elliptical cylinder: Elliptical Cylinder Objects
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
EM heat losses: EM Heat Losses Report
EM mapping
files: Cleaning up the Project Data
emissivity: Editing an Existing Material, Radiation Modeling for Objects
enclosure: Enclosures
creating: Adding an Enclosure to Your Ansys Icepak Model
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Enclosures
radiation: Adding an Enclosure to Your Ansys Icepak Model
emissivity: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specification: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
Enclosures dialog box: Adding an Enclosure to Your Ansys Icepak Model
energy equation: Energy Conservation Equation
Enforce 3D cut cell meshing: Meshing Options
environment variables: Environment Variables on Linux Systems
Ansys Icepak: Environment Variables on Linux Systems
system: Environment Variables on Linux Systems
Epsilon : Variables Available for Reporting
error reduction: Multigrid Method
rate: Multigrid Method
mesh: Displaying the Mesh, Checking the Mesh
hex-dominant: Hex-Dominant Meshing Procedure
hexahedral: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
results: Examining the Results
exiting: Quitting Ansys Icepak
CAD geometry: Exporting Ansys Icepak Files
CSV/Excel files: CSV/Excel Files
EC XML files: Electronics Cooling XML Files
IDF files: IDF Files
exporting solution data: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, Saving an AutoTherm File, Results Solution Control Options
external assembly: Editing Properties of an Assembly
extract delphi network: Delphi Package Characterization


F-cycle multigrid: Multigrid Method
F1 key: Accessing Online Help
F9 key: Switching Between Modes
face alignment: Checking the Face Alignment
face flow rate: Spatial Discretization
fan: Fans
characteristic curve: Fans, Fan Characteristic Curve, Using the Fan curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Characteristic Curve Fan Type, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify the Curve for a Characteristic Curve Fan Type
circular: Simple Fans
parallel: Fans in Parallel
series: Fans in Series
creating: Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
efficiency: Fan Efficiency
exhaust: Defining a Fan in Ansys Icepak, Flow Direction, Fan Characteristic Curve, Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
failed: Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
fixed flow: Fans, Fixed Flow
flow: Fans
flow direction: Flow Direction, Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
flow rate: Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
housing: Fans on Solid Blocks
failed: Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
guard: Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
hub: Fans, Simple Fans, Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
intake: Defining a Fan in Ansys Icepak, Flow Direction, Fan Characteristic Curve, Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
internal: Defining a Fan in Ansys Icepak, Flow Direction, Fan Characteristic Curve, Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
library: Loading a Pre-Defined Fan Object
search: Loading a Pre-Defined Fan Object
located on a block: Fans on Blocks
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Fans
operating point: Fan Operating Points Report
pressure drop: Fan Characteristic Curve
rectangular: Simple Fans
resistance modeling: Fan Resistance Modeling
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
static pressure: Fan Characteristic Curve
swirl magnitude: Swirl Magnitude
transient simulations: Defining a Fan in Ansys Icepak, Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model, User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Fan curve window: Using the Fan curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Characteristic Curve Fan Type
Fans dialog box: Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model
fans node: The fans and packages Node Context Menu
File commands toolbar: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, The File commands Toolbar
File menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Ansys Icepak in Workbench: The Ansys File Menu
file selection
current directory: File Selection Dialog Boxes
favorite button: File Selection Dialog Boxes
home: File Selection Dialog Boxes
new directory: File Selection Dialog Boxes
root directory: File Selection Dialog Boxes
File selection dialog box: File Selection Dialog Boxes
File/Cleanup menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Cleaning up the Project Data
File/Command prompt menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Create image file menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Export menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Import menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Files That Can Be Imported into Ansys Icepak
File/Merge project menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Merging Model Data
File/New project menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Open project menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Opening an Existing Project
File/Pack menu: Diagnostic Tools for Technical Support
File/Pack project menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Packing and Unpacking Model Files
File/Print options dialog box: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Print screen menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Quit menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Reload main version menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Save project as menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Saving a Project File
File/Save project menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Saving a Project File
File/Shell window menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
File/Unpack project menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Packing and Unpacking Model Files
files: Importing Other Files into Ansys Icepak
AEDT script: Export Ansys Electronics Desktop Script
ANF: Importing Trace Files into Ansys Icepak, Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Adding a Block to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Ansys Icepak: Files Created by Ansys Icepak
AutoTherm: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, Saving an AutoTherm File
batch: Batch Processing of Ansys Icepak Projects on a Windows Machine
cadence powermap: Gradient, Cadence, and Apache Sentinel Powermap Files
cadence thermal resistance: Gradient, Cadence Thermal Resistance and SIwave Temperature Files
case: Solver Files
CSV/Excel: Importing Other Files into Ansys Icepak, General Procedure for CSV/Excel Files, CSV/Excel Files
data: Solver Files
diagnostic: Solver Files
EC XML: Importing Electronics Cooling XML Files into Ansys Icepak, Electronics Cooling XML Files
exporting: Exporting Ansys Icepak Files
gradient: Gradient, Cadence, and Apache Sentinel Powermap Files
gradient thermal resistance: Gradient, Cadence Thermal Resistance and SIwave Temperature Files
grid: Mesh Files
IDF: Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, IDF Files
IDX: Importing IDX Files into Ansys Icepak
image: Saving Image Files
format: Choosing the Image File Format
frame: Choosing the Image File Format
label: Choosing the Image File Format
landscape: Saving Image Files
portrait: Saving Image Files
PostScript options: Choosing the Image File Format
scaling: Saving Image Files
importing: Importing and Exporting Model Files
JEDEC PTD/JEP30: Importing JEDEC PTD/JEP30 Files into Ansys Icepak, Exporting JEDEC PTD/JEP30 Files into Ansys Icepak
job : Problem Setup Files
log: The Message Window
mesh: Mesh Files
model: Problem Setup Files
node: Workstation Cluster
ODB++: Importing Trace Files into Ansys Icepak, Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Adding a Block to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
opening: File Selection Dialog Boxes
optimization: Optimization Files
input: Optimization Files
log: Optimization Files
output: Optimization Files
postprocessing: Optimization Files
tab: Optimization Files
overview: Overview of Files Written and Read by Ansys Icepak
postprocessing: Postprocessing Files
PostScript: Choosing the Image File Format, Printing Options
problem: Problem Setup Files
problem setup: Problem Setup Files
reading: File Selection Dialog Boxes
Redhawk CTM: Apache RedHawk Chip Thermal Model (CTM) Powermap Files
residual: Solver Files, Diagnostic Tools for Technical Support
saving: File Selection Dialog Boxes
transient simulations: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
scratch: Cleaning up the Project Data
script: Solver Files, Advanced Solution Control Options
selecting: File Selection Dialog Boxes
sentinel: Gradient, Cadence, and Apache Sentinel Powermap Files
Sentinel TI: Write Sentinel TI HTC File
SIwave temperature files: Gradient, Cadence Thermal Resistance and SIwave Temperature Files
solution: Cleaning up the Project Data
solver: Solver Files
input: Solver Files
output: Solver Files
stacked die: Gradient Powermap Files for Stacked Die Packages
Total for project: Cleaning up the Project Data
Twin Builder: Write Twin Builder Files
version: Cleaning up the Project Data
writing: File Selection Dialog Boxes
filter efficiency: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
Find in tree dialog box: The Ansys Icepak Menus
finite-volume scheme: Spatial Discretization
finned heat sink: Detailed Heat Sink
theory: Simplified Heat Sinks, Detailed Heat Sinks
first-order accuracy: Choosing the Discretization Scheme, Spatial Discretization
Fix values : Changing the Units for a Quantity
flex-cycle multigrid: Multigrid Method
Flip-Chip Die dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages, User Inputs for Lead-Frame Packages
Flip-Chip Dimensions dialog box: Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Flip-Chip Solder dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
Flip-Chip Substrate dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
floating toolbars: Control Panels
conductivity: Modeling a Simplified Heat Sink
heat: Variables Available for Reporting, Temperature-Related Quantities
mass: Variables Available for Reporting, Velocity-Related Quantities
radiative heat: Variables Available for Reporting
regime: Flow Regime
variables: Solution Variables
postprocessing: Solution Variables
volume: Variables Available for Reporting, Velocity-Related Quantities
Flow dependent heat transfer dialog box: User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
Fluent: What is Ansys Icepak?, Solver
fluid material
default: Default Fluid, Solid, and Surface Materials
properties: Editing an Existing Material
heat: Variables Available for Reporting, Temperature-Related Quantities
radiation: Radiation Modeling for Objects
font: Editing the Graphical Styles
forced convection: Solution Variables, Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects
inertial: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects
viscous: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects
Form factors dialog box: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
Four viewing windows button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
FPBGA Die dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages, User Inputs for Lead-Frame Packages
FPBGA Dimensions dialog box: Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
FPBGA Solder dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
FPBGA Substrate dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
fraction menu: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
image: Choosing the Image File Format


gas law: Incompressible Ideal Gas Law
Gauss-Seidel method: Multigrid Method
Generate mesh button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Creating a Minimum-Count Hex-Dominant Mesh, Creating a Minimum-Count Hexahedral Mesh
geometric transformations
cabinet: Resizing the Cabinet, Repositioning the Cabinet, Resizing an Object
for merging model data: Geometric Transformations
object: Repositioning an Object, Copying an Object
object: Geometry
parameterization: Overview of Parameterization
getting started: Getting Started
governing equations: Governing Equations
discretization: Spatial Discretization
integral form: Spatial Discretization
gradient files: Gradient, Cadence, and Apache Sentinel Powermap Files
gradient powermap files: Gradient Powermap Files for Stacked Die Packages
Graph editor : Using the Temperature value curve Window, Using the Pressure drop curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Grille, Using the Fan curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Characteristic Curve Fan Type, User Inputs for a Simplified Heat Sink, Using the Time/value curve Window to Specify a Piecewise Linear Variation With Time
graphical displays: Graphical Displays
color: The Significance of Color in Graphical Displays
graphical styles
editing: Editing the Graphical Styles
graphical user interface (GUI): The Graphical User Interface
configuring: Configuring a Project
graphics display and control window: Graphics Windows
graphics driver: Startup Options for Linux Systems
Graphics file options dialog box: Saving Image Files, Choosing the Image File Format, Specifying the Print Region
graphics tools for postprocessing: Examining the Results
graphics window: Startup Screen, Graphics Windows
adding annotations: Graphics Windows
adding arrows: Graphics Windows
adding lines: Graphics Windows
adding markers: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Graphics Windows
adding text: Graphics Windows
isometric view: The Ansys Icepak Menus, The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
lighting options: The Ansys Icepak Menus
scale to fit: The Ansys Icepak Menus, The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
views: The Ansys Icepak Menus
zooming: The Ansys Icepak Menus, The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Using the Keyboard
Grashof number: Buoyancy-Driven Flows and Natural Convection
gravity: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects
grid: Overview
files: Mesh Files
storage points: Spatial Discretization
grille: Grilles
approach velocity: Pressure Drop Calculations for Grilles, Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
creating: Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
device velocity: Pressure Drop Calculations for Grilles, Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
flow direction: Pressure Drop Calculations for Grilles, Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
free area ratio: Pressure Drop Calculations for Grilles, Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
loss coefficient: Pressure Drop Calculations for Grilles, Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
2D polygon: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
circular: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
inclined: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
rectangular: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
planar resistance: Planar Resistances
approach velocity: Planar Resistances
device velocity: Planar Resistances
free area ratio: Planar Resistances
loss coefficient: Planar Resistances
meshing: Planar Resistances
pressure drop: Pressure Drop Calculations for Grilles
pressure drop curve: Using the Pressure drop curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Grille
Pressure drop curve: Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify the Pressure Drop Curve for a Grille
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
stagnation pressure: Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
static pressure: Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
vent: Vents
pressure drop: Vents
Grille dialog box: Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model
group: The Model manager Window, Grouping Objects
activating: Activating or Deactivating a Group
adding objects: Adding Objects to a Group
color: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
copying: Copying Groups
created during IDF import: Using the Imported IDF File in Ansys Icepak
created during IDX import: Using the Imported IDX File in Ansys Icepak
creating: Creating a Group
assembly: Using a Group to Create an Assembly, Creating and Adding an Assembly
deactivating: Activating or Deactivating a Group
deleting: Deleting a Group
displaying results: Displaying Results on Object Faces
editing object properties: Editing the Properties of Like Objects in a Group
including objects: Description
line width: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
moving: Moving a Group
node: The Groups Node Context Menus, The Model manager Window
removing objects: Removing Objects From a Group
renaming: Renaming a Group
saving: Saving a Group as a Project
shading: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
texture: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
transparency: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
GUI: The Graphical User Interface


heat exchanger: Heat Exchangers
creating: Adding a Heat Exchanger to Your Ansys Icepak Model
heat transfer: Modeling the Heat Transfer through a Heat Exchanger
heat transfer coefficient: Calculating the Heat Transfer Coefficient
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Heat Exchangers
pressure drop: Modeling the Pressure Loss through a Heat Exchanger
Heat exchangers dialog box: Adding a Heat Exchanger to Your Ansys Icepak Model
heat flow: Variables Available for Reporting, Temperature-Related Quantities
heat flux: Variables Available for Reporting, Temperature-Related Quantities
radiation: Radiation Modeling for Objects
heat pipes: Heat Pipes
heat sink: Heat Sinks
bonded fin: Detailed Heat Sinks, User Inputs for a Detailed Heat Sink, Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
creating object: Adding a Heat Sink to Your Ansys Icepak Model
cross cut extrusion: Detailed Heat Sinks, User Inputs for a Detailed Heat Sink, Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
cylindrical pin: Detailed Heat Sinks, User Inputs for a Detailed Heat Sink, Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
design: Detailed Heat Sinks, Detailed Heat Sink
detailed: Detailed Heat Sinks, User Inputs for a Detailed Heat Sink, Detailed Heat Sink
extruded: Detailed Heat Sinks, User Inputs for a Detailed Heat Sink, Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
longitudinal: Simplified Heat Sinks
bonded fin: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
cross cut extrusion: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
cylindrical pin: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
detailed: Detailed Heat Sink, Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
extruded: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Heat Sink Objects
pins: Simplified Heat Sinks
radiation: Adding a Heat Sink to Your Ansys Icepak Model
emissivity: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specification: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
simplified: Simplified Heat Sinks, User Inputs for a Simplified Heat Sink
simplified flow conductivity: Modeling a Simplified Heat Sink
simplified modeling: Modeling a Simplified Heat Sink
thermal resistance curve: User Inputs for a Simplified Heat Sink
heat sinks
flow resistance: Modeling Compact Heat Sinks Using Geometry-Based Correlations
thermal resistance: Modeling Compact Heat Sinks Using Geometry-Based Correlations
Heat sinks dialog box: Adding a Heat Sink to Your Ansys Icepak Model
heat sources: Energy Conservation Equation
Heat tr. coeff parameters dialog box: Temperature-Related Quantities
heat transfer: When to Include Radiation, Energy Conservation Equation
conducting solids: Energy Conservation Equation
heat transfer coefficient: Modeling the Heat Transfer through a Heat Exchanger, Calculating the Heat Transfer Coefficient, Variables Available for Reporting, Temperature-Related Quantities
heaters: Openings
help: Accessing the Ansys Icepak Manuals, Accessing Online Help
bubble: Accessing Online Help
context-specific: Accessing Online Help
F1 key: Accessing Online Help
online: Accessing Online Help
Help menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Help/About Ansys Icepak menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Help/Ansys Customer Portal menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Help/Help menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Help/Icepak on the Web menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Help/List shortcuts menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
hex-dominant mesh: Hex-Dominant and Hexahedral Meshes
hexahedral mesh: Hex-Dominant and Hexahedral Meshes
hidden line removal: The Ansys Icepak Menus
high end: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
high side: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
High side surface properties dialog box: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model, User Inputs for the Low- and High-Side Properties of the Plate
History plot button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Creating a History Plot
History plot dialog box: Creating a History Plot
history plot for transient simulations: Creating a History Plot
hollow block
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
HOME : Environment Variables on Linux Systems
Home position button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
HTC files
exporting Sentinel TI: Write Sentinel TI HTC File
HTML report: HTML Reports
HTML report dialog box: HTML Reports
hub: Simple Fans
housing: Fans on Solid Blocks
humidity ratio: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations


I-deas: Results Solution Control Options
icepak : Starting Ansys Icepak on a Linux System
icepak -unpack : Startup Options for Linux Systems
icepak -x : Startup Options for Linux Systems
icepak -xfast : Startup Options for Linux Systems
icepak projectname : Startup Options for Linux Systems
ICEPAK_JOB_DIRECTORY : Environment Variables on Linux Systems
ICEPAK_LIB_PATH : Environment Variables on Linux Systems
ICEPAK_LICENSE_FILE : Environment Variables on Linux Systems
ideal gas law: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Incompressible Ideal Gas Law
IDF files: Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, IDF Files
board files: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak, Updating the Imported IDF File in Ansys Icepak
detailed import: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
drilled holes: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
exporting AutoTherm files: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, Saving an AutoTherm File
groups: Using the Imported IDF File in Ansys Icepak
library files: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak, Updating the Imported IDF File in Ansys Icepak
Miscellaneous options: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
modeling components as 2D sources: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
modeling components as 3D blocks: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
overview: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak
panel files: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak, Updating the Imported IDF File in Ansys Icepak
simple import: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak, Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak
IDF import dialog box: Reading an IDF File into Ansys Icepak, Updating the Imported IDF File in Ansys Icepak
IDX files: Importing IDX Files into Ansys Icepak
board files: Reading an IDX File into Ansys Icepak
groups: Using the Imported IDX File in Ansys Icepak
Miscellaneous options: Reading an IDX File into Ansys Icepak
modeling components as 2D sources: Reading an IDX File into Ansys Icepak
modeling components as 3D blocks: Reading an IDX File into Ansys Icepak
overview: Overview of Importing IDX Files into Ansys Icepak
IDX import dialog box: Reading an IDX File into Ansys Icepak
image: Saving Image Files
file format: Choosing the Image File Format
frame: Choosing the Image File Format
label: Choosing the Image File Format
landscape: Saving Image Files
options: Saving Image Files
portrait: Saving Image Files
PostScript options: Choosing the Image File Format
scaling: Saving Image Files
importing: Importing Other Files into Ansys Icepak
ANF: Importing Trace Files, Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
BOOL: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
CAD geometry: Importing and Exporting Model Files
CSV/Excel files: Importing Other Files into Ansys Icepak, General Procedure for CSV/Excel Files
EC XML files: Importing Electronics Cooling XML Files into Ansys Icepak
IDF files: Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak
IDX files: Importing IDX Files into Ansys Icepak
JEDEC PTD/JEP30 files: Importing JEDEC PTD/JEP30 Files into Ansys Icepak, Exporting JEDEC PTD/JEP30 Files into Ansys Icepak
ODB++: Importing Trace Files, Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
overview: Files That Can Be Imported into Ansys Icepak
trace files: Importing Trace Files
importing trace files
license requirements: Licensing Requirements for Importing Trace Files
improving the mesh
hex-dominant: Hex-Dominant Meshing Procedure
hexahedral: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
Inactive: The Model manager Window
Inactive node: The Inactive Node Context Menu, The Model manager Window
inclined object: Geometry
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
Individual side specification dialog box: User Inputs for the Block Surface Specification
inertial forces: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects
die stack: User Inputs for Stacked Die Packages
initial conditions: Initial Conditions
initializing the solution: Initializing the Solution
interactive editing: Interactive Editing
Interactive editing dialog box: Repositioning the Cabinet
Interface thermal resistance dialog box: User Inputs for a Detailed Heat Sink
internal assembly: Editing Properties of an Assembly
interpolation: Spatial Discretization
interpolation method
2D profile: Miscellaneous Options
introduction: Getting Started
isometric view: The Ansys Icepak Menus, The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Isometric view button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
clipping: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
displaying results: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
Isosurface button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
Isosurface contours dialog box: Contour Attributes
Isosurface dialog box: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
Isosurface particles dialog box: Particle Trace Attributes
Isosurface vectors dialog box: Vector Attributes
iterations: Initializing the Solution
transient simulations: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
iterative procedure: Overview of Numerical Scheme


k-ω SST turbulence model: Advanced Turbulence Models
shortcuts: Using the Keyboard
known issues and limitations: Known Issues and Limitations
krylov rom: Krylov Reduced-order Models


image: Choosing the Image File Format
laminar flow: Flow Regime
landscape: Saving Image Files
Libraries node: The Model manager Window, Using the Context Menus in the Model manager Window, The Model manager Window
fans: Loading a Pre-Defined Fan Object
packages: Loading a Pre-Defined Package Object
searching for fans: Loading a Pre-Defined Fan Object
searching for packages: Loading a Pre-Defined Package Object
Library name and info dialog box: Editing the Library Paths
library path: Editing the Library Paths
Lighting options dialog box: The Ansys Icepak Menus
interval: Contour Attributes
line solvers: Multigrid Method
line width: Editing the Graphical Styles
cabinet: Modifying the Graphical Style of the Cabinet
contour plot: Contour Attributes
group: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
object: Graphical Style
linearization: Overview of Numerical Scheme
Link dialog box: Network Links
linux nodes
remote: Configure Remote Linux Nodes
Linux systems
starting Ansys Icepak on: Starting Ansys Icepak on a Linux System
startup options: Startup Options for Linux Systems
drop-down: Control Panels
single selection: Control Panels
Load solution ID button: Selecting a Solution Set to be Examined
assembly: Loading an Assembly
existing mesh: Loading an Existing Mesh
postprocessing objects: Managing Postprocessing Objects
postprocessing views: Managing Postprocessing Objects
report format: HTML Reports
trials plot: Trials Plots
variation plot: Variation Plots
Local coord systems dialog box: The Model manager Window, Repositioning an Object
local coordinate systems: Repositioning an Object
creating: Creating a New Local Coordinate System
deleting: Deleting Local Coordinate Systems
editing: Editing an Existing Local Coordinate System
viewing definition of: Viewing the Definition of a Local Coordinate System
Local coords dialog box: Creating a New Local Coordinate System
min/max: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
log file: The Message Window
Logo: Graphics Windows
loss coefficient: Modeling the Pressure Loss through a Heat Exchanger
low end: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
low side: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
Low side surface properties dialog box: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model, User Inputs for the Low- and High-Side Properties of the Plate
low-Reynolds-number flows: Advanced Turbulence Models
Lower pri button: The Solution residuals Graphics Display and Control Window


macros: Using Macros
CRAC: CRAC macro
adding: CRAC macro
modifying: CRAC macro
data center: Data Center Components
heat sink
bonded fin: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
cross cut extrusion: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
cylindrical pin: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
detailed: Detailed Heat Sink, Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
extruded: Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
JEDEC test chambers: JEDEC Test Chambers
forced-convection: Forced-Convection Test Chamber
natural-convection: Natural-Convection Test Chamber
PCB: Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
adding: PDU Macro
modifying: PDU Macro
PDU object: PDU Macro
power dependent power: Power Dependent Power
rack: Rack Macro
adding: Rack Macro
modifying: Rack Macro
tile: Tile Object
adding: Tile Object
modifying: Tile Object
Macros menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Using Macros
Macros/Geometry/Approximation menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Approximation/1/4 Cylinder-Polygonal menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Approximation/Circular-Polygonal menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Approximation/Cylinder-Plates menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Approximation/Cylinder-Polygonal menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Approximation/Hemisphere menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Approximation/Polygonal enclosure menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Approximation/Thin Adiabatic Enclosure menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Data Center Components menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Data Center Components/CRAC menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Data Center Components/PDU menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Data Center Components/Rack (Front to Rear) menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Data Center Components/Rack (Front to Top) menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Data Center Components/Tile menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Align Heatsinks menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Angled Fin Heatsink menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Circular Based Pin Fin - Generalized Pin menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Detailed Heatsink menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Adding a Detailed Heat Sink Macro to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Folded Fin menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Lance + Offset - Blocks menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Lance + Offset menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Radial - Cylindrical Hub menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Radial - Cylindrical Hub Triangular Fins menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Heatsinks/Skived menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Packages - Network menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Packages - TO Devices menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/Packages menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/PCB menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/PCB/Bolt menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/PCB/Compact Vias Filled menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/PCB/Compact Vias II menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/PCB/Compact Vias menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/PCB/PCB - Detailed and Compact menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Macros/Geometry/PCB/Stiffener menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Geometry/PCB/Wedgelock menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/ IC Packages/Conduction Enclosure menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/ IC Packages/Extract Delphi Network menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/ IC Packages/Extract JC and JC menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/ IC Packages/JEDEC Test Chamber menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Bio-Heat Source menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Extract Network Information menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Heatsink Wind Tunnel menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Heatsink Wind Tunnel/Create Wind Tunnel menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Heatsink Wind Tunnel/Process Wind Tunnel - Plate-Fin Heatsink Configuration menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/IC Packages/JEDEC Test Chamber menu: Forced-Convection Test Chamber, Natural-Convection Test Chamber
Macros/Modeling/Import Power Matrix File menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Multi-Die Characterization menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Multi-Die Characterization Post menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Power Dependent Power Macro menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Siwave Icepak Coupling/PCB Iterator menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Solar Flux Calculator menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Source/Fan Thermostat menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Thermoelectric Cooler menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Modeling/Transient Temperature Dependent Power menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Other/ATX/Micro-ATX Chassis menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Other/Network Heat Exchanger menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Other/Network Heatpipe - Straight menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Post Processing/AutomaticPostprocessing menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Post Processing/Ensight Export menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Post Processing/Export CSV Reports menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Post Processing/Report Max Values menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Post Processing/Temperature Field to Ansys WB menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Post Processing/Write Average Metal Fractions menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Post Processing/Write Detailed Report menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Automatic Case Check Tool menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Automatic CutCell Meshing menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Automatic Mesh Settings menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Change Background Color menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Cleanup Object Names menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Copy Assembly Settings menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Debug Divergence menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Delete Unused Materials menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Delete Unused Parameters menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Dimensionless Parameter Calculator menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Export materials to Fluent menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Find Zero-Slack Assemblies menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Macros Toolbar menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Make All Objects Visible menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Mesh Settings Comparison menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Productivity/Sort Inactive Node menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Rotate menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Rotate/Groups of Prism Blocks menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Rotate/Individual Plates menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Rotate/Individual Polygonal Blocks menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Macros/Rotate/Individual Prism Blocks menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Main library node: The Main library Node Context Menu, The Materials Node Context Menu
Main window: Startup Screen, The Main Window
postprocessing objects: Managing Postprocessing Objects
manuals: Accessing the Ansys Icepak Manuals
using: What’s In This Manual
mass diffusion coefficients: Overview of Modeling Species Transport
mass flow: Variables Available for Reporting, Velocity-Related Quantities
Match edges button: Matching Object Edges
Match faces button: Matching Object Faces
materials: Material Properties
copying: Copying a Material
creating: Creating a New Material
default: Default Fluid, Solid, and Surface Materials
deleting: Deleting a Material
editing: Editing an Existing Material
fluid: Editing an Existing Material
parameterization: Overview of Parameterization
saving: Saving Materials and Properties
solid: Editing an Existing Material
conductivity: Editing an Existing Material, Defining a Parameter in an Input Field
summary: Object and Material Summaries
surface: Editing an Existing Material
temperature dependence: Material Properties, Defining Properties Using Temperature-Dependent Functions
velocity dependence: Defining Properties Using Velocity-Dependent Functions
viewing properties: Viewing the Properties of a Material
Materials dialog box: Using the Materials Library and the Materials Panel, Editing an Existing Material
Materials node: The Materials Node Context Menu
mathematical conventions: Mathematical Conventions
Ansys Icepak: The Ansys Icepak Menus
postprocessing context: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
Merge project dialog box: Merging Model Data
assembly: Merging an Assembly With Another Project
model data: Merging Model Data
projects: Merging Model Data
mesh: Overview, General Procedure
checking: Checking the Mesh
element volume: Checking the Element Volume
face alignment: Checking the Face Alignment
skewness: Checking the Skewness
controlling order for objects: Controlling the Meshing Order for Objects
copying: Saving a Project File
defining parameters: Defining Meshing Parameters for Multiple Objects
displaying: Displaying the Mesh
cross-section: Displaying the Mesh on a Cross-Section of the Model
individual objects: Displaying the Mesh on Individual Objects
files: Mesh Files, Cleaning up the Project Data
parameters: Global Refinement for a Hex-Dominant Mesh
guidelines: Guidelines for Mesh Generation
hex-dominant: Hex-Dominant and Hexahedral Meshes
examining: Hex-Dominant Meshing Procedure
improving: Hex-Dominant Meshing Procedure
minimum-count: Creating a Minimum-Count Hex-Dominant Mesh
object-specific controls: Hex-Dominant Meshing Procedure
procedure: Hex-Dominant Meshing Procedure
refining: Global Refinement for a Hex-Dominant Mesh
hexahedral: Hex-Dominant and Hexahedral Meshes
coarse: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
examining: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
improving: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
minimum-count: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure, Creating a Minimum-Count Hexahedral Mesh
object-specific controls: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
parameters: Global Refinement for a Hexahedral Mesh
procedure: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
refining: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure, Global Refinement for a Hexahedral Mesh, General Procedure
loading: Loading an Existing Mesh
parameters: Global Refinement for a Hex-Dominant Mesh
object-specific controls: General Procedure, Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
2D polygon: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
3D polygon: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
assembly: Meshing Parameters for Assemblies
block: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
blower: Meshing Parameters for Blowers
cabinet: Meshing Parameters for Cabinets
circular object: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
cylinder: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
ellipsoid: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
elliptical cylinder: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
enclosure: Meshing Parameters for Enclosures
fan: Meshing Parameters for Fans
grille: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
heat exchanger: Meshing Parameters for Heat Exchangers
heat sink object: Meshing Parameters for Heat Sink Objects
inclined object: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
network: Meshing Parameters for Networks
opening: Meshing Parameters for Openings
Packages: Meshing Parameters for Packages
PCB: Meshing Parameters for PCBs
plate: Meshing Parameters for Plates
prism: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
rectangular object: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
resistance: Meshing Parameters for Resistances
source: Meshing Parameters for Sources
traces: Meshing Parameters for Traces
wall: Meshing Parameters for Walls
partitioning: Partitioning the Grid
planar resistance: Planar Resistances
quality: Mesh Quality and Type
resistance: Resistances
skew: Mesh Quality
units: Units for Meshing
Mesh control dialog box: Creating a Minimum-Count Hex-Dominant Mesh, Creating a Minimum-Count Hexahedral Mesh
mesh type: Meshing Options
Message window: Startup Screen, The Message Window
METIS: Partitioning the Grid
Microsoft Excel location: Miscellaneous Options
Min/max locations dialog box: Displaying Results at a Point
minimum-count mesh
hex-dominant: Creating a Minimum-Count Hex-Dominant Mesh
hexahedral: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure, Creating a Minimum-Count Hexahedral Mesh
cabinet: Repositioning the Cabinet
merged model data: Geometric Transformations
object: Copying an Object
model: The Model manager Window
adding objects: Adding Objects to the Model
building: Building a Model
files: Cleaning up the Project Data
merging: Merging Model Data
parameterization: Overview of Parameterization
Model and solve toolbar: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Model Display window: Graphics Windows
model file: Problem Setup Files
Model manager window: Startup Screen, The Model manager Window
collapsing nodes: The Model manager Window
context menus: Using the Context Menus in the Model manager Window
expanding nodes: The Model manager Window
Groups node: The Model manager Window
Inactive node: The Model manager Window
Libraries node: The Model manager Window
fans: Loading a Pre-Defined Fan Object
packages: Loading a Pre-Defined Package Object
searching for fans: Loading a Pre-Defined Fan Object
searching for packages: Loading a Pre-Defined Package Object
Model node: The Model manager Window
Points node: The Model manager Window
Postprocessing node: The Model manager Window
postprocessing objects: Managing Postprocessing Objects
Problem setup node: The Model manager Window
Solution settings node: The Model manager Window
Surfaces node: The Model manager Window
Trash node: The Model manager Window
Model menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, The Model Menu
Model node: The Model Node Context Menus, The Model manager Window
Model/Check model menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Design Checks
Model/Create material library menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Model/Create object menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Display/Material: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Model/Display/Property: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Model/Display/Type : The Ansys Icepak Menus
Model/Edit grid cutouts menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Model/Edit overlaps menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Model/Edit priorities menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Controlling the Meshing Order for Objects
Model/Find object menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Generate mesh menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Creating a Minimum-Count Hex-Dominant Mesh, Creating a Minimum-Count Hexahedral Mesh
Model/Load assembly menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Merge project menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Object view/Flat menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Object view/Types menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Object view/Types/subtypes menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Object view/Types/subtypes/shapes menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Paste from clipboard menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Power and temperature limits menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Model/Radiation form factors menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
Model/Sort menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Sort/Alphabetical menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Sort/Creation order menu: The Model Node Context Menus
Model/Sort/Meshing priority menu: The Model Node Context Menus
species: Species Transport Modeling
Modify form factors dialog box: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
Modify point dialog box: Defining Solution Monitors
Modify surface dialog box: Defining Solution Monitors
molecular weight: Editing an Existing Material, Overview of Modeling Species Transport
momentum equation: Momentum Equations
monitor point
frequency: Optimizing the Parallel Solver Performance
Monitor window: Plotting Residuals
convergence: Solution Residuals
residuals: Solution Residuals
solution: Monitoring the Solution, The Solution residuals Graphics Display and Control Window, Changing the Solution Monitors During the Calculation
Morph edges button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Morph faces button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
mounting holes: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak
mouse: Using the Mouse
3Dconnexion: 3-D Input Device Support
adding objects: Adding Objects to the Model
changing color spectrum: Changing the Color Spectrum
changing controls: Changing the Mouse Controls
controlling panel inputs: Controlling Panel Inputs
cursors: Triad (coordinate axis) and Rotation Cursors
manipulating graphics: Manipulating Graphics With the Mouse
Model manager window: Using the Mouse in the Model manager Window
moving color legend: Moving the Display Identifiers
moving coordinate axes: Moving the Display Identifiers
moving date: Moving the Display Identifiers
moving title: Moving the Display Identifiers
pointer modes: Pointer Modes
resizing objects: Resizing Objects within a Model
rotating the model: Rotating a Model
selecting objects: Selecting Objects within a Model
switching modes: Switching Between Modes
translating objects: Translating Objects within a Model
translating the model: Translating a Model
zooming the model: Zooming In and Out
Move all objects in model dialog box: Resizing the Cabinet, Repositioning the Cabinet, Resizing an Object
Move assembly dialog box: Moving an Assembly
Move group dialog box: Moving a Group
Move object button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Resizing the Cabinet, Moving an Assembly
assembly: Moving an Assembly
cabinet: Repositioning the Cabinet
group: Moving a Group
object: Repositioning an Object
point: Displaying Results at a Point
MPEG file: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
multigrid solver: Selecting the Multigrid Scheme, Multigrid Method
cycles: Multigrid Method
F cycle: Multigrid Method
flex cycle: Multigrid Method
prolongation: Multigrid Method
residual reduction rate: Multigrid Method
restriction: Multigrid Method
termination criteria: Multigrid Method
V cycle: Multigrid Method
W cycle: Multigrid Method
multiprocessor workstations: Parallel Processing


cabinet: Changing the Name of the Cabinet
object: Description
NASTRAN: Results Solution Control Options
natural convection: Solution Variables, Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Spatial Discretization
Navier-Stokes equations: Governing Equations
near-wall flows: Advanced Turbulence Models
network: Networks
creating: Adding a Network to Your Ansys Icepak Model
external heat exchangers: Modeling Heat Exchangers/Cold Plates
fully shunted: User Inputs for Network Blocks
general: User Inputs for Network Blocks
IC packages: Modeling IC Packages
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Networks
nodes: Network Nodes
radiation: Adding a Network to Your Ansys Icepak Model
star : User Inputs for Network Blocks
transient simulations: Network Nodes and Faces
two-resistor: User Inputs for Network Blocks
network block: Block Type, Network Blocks, User Inputs for Network Blocks, Network Block Values Report
Network editor dialog box: Network Editor Panel
network objects
exporting: Networks
importing: Networks
recirculation openings: Modeling Recirculation Openings
network resistances dialog box: User Inputs for Network Blocks
Networks dialog box: Adding a Network to Your Ansys Icepak Model
New directory button: File Selection Dialog Boxes
New project button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, The File commands Toolbar
New project dialog box: Startup Screen
New unit name dialog box: Defining a New Unit
Node dialog box: Network Nodes and Faces
node file: Workstation Cluster
node values: Spatial Discretization
Notes: File Selection Dialog Boxes
notes: Creating a New Project
cabinet: Changing the Name of the Cabinet
object: Description
numerical scheme: Overview of Numerical Scheme


adding to group: Adding Objects to a Group
centers: Aligning Object Centers
edges: Aligning Object Edges
face centers: Aligning Object Face Centers
faces: Aligning Object Faces
matching edges: Matching Object Edges
matching faces: Matching Object Faces
using edit window : Aligning an Object with Another Object in the Model
using object modification toolbar: Aligning an Object with Another Object in the Model
vertices: Aligning Object Vertices
with another object: Aligning an Object with Another Object in the Model
assembly: Custom Assemblies
attributes: Object Attributes
block: Blocks
blower: Blowers
circular: Geometry
color: Graphical Style
controlling meshing order: Controlling the Meshing Order for Objects
copying: Copying an Object
creating: Creating a New Object
cylindrical: Cylindrical Objects
defining mesh parameters: Defining Meshing Parameters for Multiple Objects
deleting: Deleting an Object
deselecting: Selecting and Deselecting an Object
displaying results: Displaying Results on Object Faces
displaying the mesh: Displaying the Mesh on Individual Objects
Edit window: Overview of the Object Panels and Object Edit Windows
editing: Editing an Object
properties of like objects in a group: Editing the Properties of Like Objects in a Group
ellipsoid: Ellipsoid Objects
elliptical cylinder: Elliptical Cylinder Objects
enclosure: Enclosures
excluding: Description
fan: Fans
geometry: Geometry
grille: Grilles
grouping: Grouping Objects
heat exchanger: Heat Exchangers
heat sink: Heat Sinks
high side: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
inclined: Geometry
in a group: Description
in model: Description
line width: Graphical Style
low side: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
minimum separation: Meshing Options
mirroring: Copying an Object
name: Description
network: Networks
notes: Description
opening: Openings
package: Packages
parameterization: Overview of Parameterization
PCB: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
periodic boundary: Periodic Boundaries
physical characteristics: Physical Characteristics
plate: Plates
2D: Two-Dimensional Polygons
3D: Three-Dimensional Polygons
position: Position and Size
activating: Managing Postprocessing Objects
deactivating: Managing Postprocessing Objects
managing: Managing Postprocessing Objects
prism: Prism Objects
modeling: Radiation Modeling for Objects
surface-to-surface model: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
rectangular: Geometry
removing from group: Removing Objects From a Group
full: Full Reports
summary: Summary Reports
resistance: Resistances
resizing: Resizing an Object
rotating: Repositioning an Object, Copying an Object
scaling: Copying an Object
selecting: Selecting and Deselecting an Object
shading: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Graphical Style
size: Position and Size
source: Sources
summary: Object and Material Summaries
texture: Graphical Style
translating: Repositioning an Object, Copying an Object
transparency: Graphical Style
wall: Walls
Object creation toolbar: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, The Object Creation Toolbar
Object dialog box: Overview of the Object Panels and Object Edit Windows
Object face (facet) dialog box: Displaying Results on Object Faces
Object face button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Displaying Results on Object Faces
Object face contours dialog box: Contour Attributes
Object face dialog box: Displaying Results on Object Faces
Object face particles dialog box: Particle Trace Attributes
Object face vectors dialog box: Vector Attributes
Object modification toolbar: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, The Object Modification Toolbar
Object priority dialog box: Controlling the Meshing Order for Objects
Object selection dialog box: Copying an Object
object-specific meshing controls: General Procedure, Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
hex-dominant: Hex-Dominant Meshing Procedure
hexahedral: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure
Objects outside dialog box: Repositioning an Object
One viewing window button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
online help: Accessing Online Help
Open project button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, The File commands Toolbar, Opening an Existing Project
Open project dialog box: Startup Screen, File Selection Dialog Boxes, Opening an Existing Project
opening: Openings
creating: Adding an Opening to Your Ansys Icepak Model
flow direction: Flow Direction for Recirculation Openings, User Inputs for a Free Opening, User Inputs for a Recirculation Opening
free: Openings, Free Openings, User Inputs for a Free Opening
heat flow: Recirculation Opening Thermal Specifications
mass flow rate: Recirculation Mass Flow Rate, User Inputs for a Free Opening, User Inputs for a Recirculation Opening
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Openings
pressure: Free Openings
profiles: User Inputs for a Free Opening
recirculation: Openings, Recirculation Openings, Recirculation Mass Flow Rate, User Inputs for a Recirculation Opening
mass flow rate: Openings
report: Summary Reports
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
thermal specification: Recirculation Opening Thermal Specifications
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
augmentation: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
filtering: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
temperature: Free Openings
thermal specification: Recirculation Opening Thermal Specifications, User Inputs for a Recirculation Opening
transient simulations: User Inputs for a Free Opening, User Inputs for Transient Simulations
opening a file: File Selection Dialog Boxes
opening a project: Opening an Existing Project
Openings dialog box: Adding an Opening to Your Ansys Icepak Model
operating density: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Incompressible Ideal Gas Law
operating point
blower: Fan Operating Points Report
fan: Fan Operating Points Report
operating pressure: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Incompressible Ideal Gas Law
optimization: Optimization
dynamic-q method: The Dynamic-Q Optimization method
files: Optimization Files
input: Optimization Files
log: Optimization Files
output: Optimization Files
postprocessing: Optimization Files
tab: Optimization Files
specification: User Inputs for Optimization
Option parameter dialog box: Defining Radio Button Parameters (Option Parameters)
Orient menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient negative Z button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Orient positive X button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Orient positive Y button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Orient/Clear user views menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Managing Postprocessing Objects
Orient/Home position menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Isometric view menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Nearest axis menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Orient negative X menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Orient negative Y menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Orient negative Z menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Orient positive X menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Orient positive Y menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Orient positive Z menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Read user views from file menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Reverse orientation menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Save user view menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Managing Postprocessing Objects
Orient/Scale to fit menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Write user views to file menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orient/Zoom in menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Orientation commands toolbar: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Output units button: Units for Postprocessing


package: Packages
cavity-down BGA: User Inputs for BGA Packages
CCM: Compact Conduction Model (CCM) Packages
BGA: Ball Grid Array (BGA) Packages
lead-frame: Lead-Frame Packages
creating: Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
detailed: Detailed Packages
BGA: Detailed Packages
lead-frame: Detailed Features
flip-chip: User Inputs for BGA Packages
FPBGA: User Inputs for BGA Packages
JB: Junction-to-Board Characterization Model
JC: Junction-to-Case Characterization Model
library: Loading a Pre-Defined Package Object
search: Loading a Pre-Defined Package Object
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Packages
node: The fans and packages Node Context Menu
package on package (POP): User Inputs for Package on Package
PBGA: User Inputs for BGA Packages
QFP: User Inputs for Lead-Frame Packages
radiation: User Inputs for BGA Packages, User Inputs for Lead-Frame Packages, User Inputs for Stacked Die Packages, User Inputs for Package on Package, Radiation Modeling for Objects
emissivity: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specification: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
top side: User Inputs for BGA Packages, User Inputs for Lead-Frame Packages, User Inputs for Stacked Die Packages, User Inputs for Package on Package
Packages dialog box: Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
packing up a project: Startup Options for Linux Systems, Packing and Unpacking Model Files, Diagnostic Tools for Technical Support
panels: Control Panels
parallel processing: Parallel Processing
efficiency: Parallel Processing
GPU: Parallel Processing
on a dedicated parallel machine: Parallel Processing
on a multiprocessor workstation: Parallel Processing
on a workstation cluster: Workstation Cluster
Job Scheduler: Starting Parallel Ansys Icepak with the Job Scheduler
partitioning: Partitioning the Grid
Parallel settings dialog box: The Model manager Window, Parallel Processing
parallel solver: Parallel Processing
optimize: Optimizing the Parallel Solver Performance
Param value dialog box: Defining a Parameter in an Input Field
parameterization: Parameterizing the Model
creating a new parameter: Defining a Parameter in an Input Field, Defining a Parameter (Design Variable) Using the Parameters and optimization Panel
deleting parameters: Deleting Parameters
defining: Defining Trials
running: Running Trials
saving: Running Multiple Trials
selecting: Selecting Trials
Parameters and optimization dialog box: User Inputs for Optimization, Defining a Parameter (Design Variable) Using the Parameters and optimization Panel, Perform State-Space Characterization
particle trace: Particle Trace Attributes
animation: Particle Trace Attributes
radiation: Radiation Modeling for Objects
partitioning the mesh: Partitioning the Grid
PATH : Environment Variables on Linux Systems
PATRAN: Results Solution Control Options
PBGA Die dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages, User Inputs for Lead-Frame Packages
PBGA Dimensions dialog box: Adding a Package to Your Ansys Icepak Model
PBGA Solder dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
PBGA Substrate dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
PCB: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
compact: Compact PCBs
components: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
creating: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
detailed: Detailed PCBs
high side: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
hollow: Hollow PCBs
components height: Hollow PCBs
components number: Hollow PCBs
heat dissipation: Hollow PCBs
high side: Hollow PCBs
low side: Hollow PCBs
side specification: Hollow PCBs
low side: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
macro: Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
meshing: Meshing Parameters for PCBs
racks: Racks of PCBs, Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
radiation: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Radiation Modeling for Objects
emissivity: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specification: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
PCB attachments
bolt: Adding PCB Attachments to Your Ansys Icepak Model
stiffener: Adding PCB Attachments to Your Ansys Icepak Model
wedgelock: Adding PCB Attachments to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Peclet number: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Initializing the Solution
Per-object mesh parameters dialog box: General Procedure
Per-object parameters : General Procedure
periodic boundaries: Periodic Boundaries
creating: Adding a Periodic boundary to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Periodic boundaries dialog box: Adding a Periodic boundary to Your Ansys Icepak Model
picture file: Cleaning up the Project Data
saving: File Selection Dialog Boxes, Saving a Project File
planar resistance: Planar Resistances
plane cut
clipping: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
Plane cut button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
Plane cut contours dialog box: Contour Attributes
Plane cut dialog box: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
Plane cut particles dialog box: Particle Trace Attributes
Plane cut vectors dialog box: Vector Attributes
planning the analysis: Planning Your Ansys Icepak Analysis
computational model: Planning Your Ansys Icepak Analysis
modeling goals: Planning Your Ansys Icepak Analysis
physical models: Planning Your Ansys Icepak Analysis
solution procedure: Planning Your Ansys Icepak Analysis
plate: Plates
adiabatic thin: Plates, Thermal Model Type, User Inputs for the Thermal Model
block surface coincident: Blocks with Intersecting Volumes
conducting thick: Plates, Thermal Model Type, User Inputs for the Thermal Model
conducting thin: Plates, Thermal Model Type, User Inputs for the Thermal Model
contact resistance: Plates, Thermal Model Type, User Inputs for the Thermal Model
creating: Adding a Plate to Your Ansys Icepak Model
fluid: Plates, User Inputs for the Thermal Model
high side: Defining a Plate in Ansys Icepak, User Inputs for the Low- and High-Side Properties of the Plate
hollow thick: Plates, Thermal Model Type, User Inputs for the Thermal Model
intersecting block: A Block and an Intersecting Plate
joule heating: User Inputs for the Thermal Model
low side: Defining a Plate in Ansys Icepak, User Inputs for the Low- and High-Side Properties of the Plate
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Plates
modeling a PCB: Using Plates in Combination with Other Objects
radiation: User Inputs for the Low- and High-Side Properties of the Plate
emissivity: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specification: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
resistance: User Inputs for the Low- and High-Side Properties of the Plate
surface roughness: Surface Roughness
temperature dependence: User Inputs for the Thermal Model
thermal model: Thermal Model Type, User Inputs for the Thermal Model
thickness: Plate Thickness
transient simulations: User Inputs for the Thermal Model, User Inputs for Transient Simulations
using with other objects: Using Plates in Combination with Other Objects
Plates dialog box: Adding a Plate to Your Ansys Icepak Model
network temperature: Network Temperature Plots
point: The Model manager Window
add: Creating a History Plot
creating new: Creating a History Plot
deleting: Creating a History Plot
displaying results: Displaying Results at a Point
editing: Creating a History Plot
node: The Model manager Window, The Points Node Context Menus
report: Point Reports
Point button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Displaying Results at a Point
Point dialog box: Displaying Results at a Point
Point particles dialog box: Particle Trace Attributes
Point vectors dialog box: Vector Attributes
2D: Two-Dimensional Polygons
3D: Three-Dimensional Polygons
meshing: Global Refinement for a Hex-Dominant Mesh, Global Refinement for a Hexahedral Mesh
2D: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
3D: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
portrait: Saving Image Files
object: Position and Size
Post menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, The Post Menu
Post-processing node: The Post-processing Node Context Menu
Post/3D Variation plot menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Post/Convergence plot menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Plotting Residuals
Post/Create zoom-in model menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Zoom-In Modeling
Post/Display powermap property menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Post/History plot menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Creating a History Plot
Post/Isosurface menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
Post/Load post objects from file menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Managing Postprocessing Objects
Post/Load solution ID menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Selecting a Solution Set to be Examined
Post/Min/max locations menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Post/Network temperature plot: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Post/Object face (facet) menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Displaying Results on Object Faces
Post/Object face (node) menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Displaying Results on Object Faces
Post/Plane cut menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
Post/Point menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Displaying Results at a Point
Post/Postprocessing units menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Units for Postprocessing
Post/Power and temperature values menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Post/Rescale vectors menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, The Significance of Color in Graphical Displays, Managing Postprocessing Objects
Post/Save post objects to file menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Managing Postprocessing Objects
Post/Surface probe menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Post/Transient settings menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Examining Results at a Specified Time
Post/Trials plot menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Trials Plots
Post/Variation plot menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Variation Plots
Post/Workflow data menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
postprocessing: Examining the Results
animation: Creating an Animation, Particle Trace Attributes
cascade modeling: Zoom-In Modeling
color: The Significance of Color in Graphical Displays
contour attributes: Contour Attributes
cross-section: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
files: Postprocessing Files, Cleaning up the Project Data
graphical displays: Graphical Displays
isosurface: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
clipping: Displaying Results on Isosurfaces
min/max points: Displaying Results at a Point
node: The Model manager Window
object face: Displaying Results on Object Faces
object face (facet)
defining: Displaying Results on Object Faces
object face (node)
defining: Displaying Results on Object Faces
activating: Managing Postprocessing Objects
deactivating: Managing Postprocessing Objects
defining: Defining Postprocessing Objects
managing: Managing Postprocessing Objects
Model manager window : Managing Postprocessing Objects
saving: Saving a Project File
particle trace: Particle Trace Attributes
plane cut: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
clipping: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
defining: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
point: Displaying Results at a Point
solution ID: Selecting a Solution Set to be Examined
solution variables: Solution Variables
species transport: Postprocessing for Species Calculations
transient simulations: Postprocessing for Transient Simulations
animation: Creating an Animation
trials plot: Trials Plots
units: Units for Postprocessing
variables: Variables for Postprocessing and Reporting
variation plot: Variation Plots
vectors: Vector Attributes
XY plot: XY Plots
zoom-in modeling: Zoom-In Modeling
Postprocessing toolbar: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Postprocessing units dialog box: Units for Postprocessing
PostScript files: Choosing the Image File Format, Printing Options
power and temperature
setup: Setting Up the Power and Temperature Limit Values
Power and temperature limit setup dialog box: Setting Up the Power and Temperature Limit Values
Power and temperature limits button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Power and temperature values button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
power setup: Power and Temperature Limit Setup
Prandtl number: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Initializing the Solution
precision: Selecting the Version of the Solver, Solution Residuals
display options: Display Options
editing options: Editing Options
meshing options: Meshing Options
miscellaneous options: Miscellaneous Options, Delphi Package Characterization
postprocessing options: Postprocessing Options
printing options: Printing Options
solution options: Solution Options
Preferences dialog box: Built-In Unit Systems in Ansys Icepak, Configuring a Project
preferences panel
Ansys Icepak in Workbench: The Preferences Panel
pressure: Variables Available for Reporting, Pressure-Related Quantities
drop: Modeling the Pressure Loss through a Heat Exchanger
interpolation schemes: Spatial Discretization
variable: Pressure-Related Quantities
postprocessing: Solution Variables
Pressure drop curve window: Using the Pressure drop curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Grille
pressure-correction equation: Spatial Discretization
pressure-velocity coupling: Spatial Discretization
primary variables: Generating Reports, General Information about Variables
Print options dialog box: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
print region: Specifying the Print Region
Print screen button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, The File commands Toolbar
printed circuit board: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
Printed circuit boards dialog box: Adding a PCB to Your Ansys Icepak Model
printing images: Saving Image Files
file format: Choosing the Image File Format
frame: Choosing the Image File Format
label: Choosing the Image File Format
landscape: Saving Image Files
portrait: Saving Image Files
PostScript options: Choosing the Image File Format
print region: Specifying the Print Region
scaling: Saving Image Files
printing text files: Printing Options
printing trials plots: Trials Plots
printing variation plots: Variation Plots
prism: Prism Objects
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Blocks
problem files: Problem Setup Files
problem parameters: Specifying the Problem Parameters
problem setup: Problem Solving Steps
wizard: Problem Setup Wizard
Problem setup node: The Model manager Window
Basic parameters: The Model manager Window
Local coords: The Model manager Window
Title/notes: The Model manager Window
profiles: User Inputs for a Free Opening, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify a Spatial Boundary Profile
species mass fraction: Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify a Spatial Boundary Profile
program structure: Program Structure
compressing data: Cleaning up the Project Data
configuring: Configuring a Project
creating: Creating, Opening, Reloading, and Deleting a Project File
defining: Defining a Project
merging: Merging Model Data
notes: Creating a New Project
opening: Opening an Existing Project
packing: Startup Options for Linux Systems, Packing and Unpacking Model Files, Diagnostic Tools for Technical Support
parameters: Specifying the Problem Parameters
reloading: Reloading the Main Version of a Project
removing data: Cleaning up the Project Data
saving: Saving a Project File, Creating a New Project
active objects: Saving a Project File
assembly structure: Saving a Project File
at specified frequency: Results Solution Control Options
mesh data: Saving a Project File
picture files: Saving a Project File
postprocessing objects: Saving a Project File
solution data: Saving a Project File
transient simulations: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
scaling: Display Options
title: Creating a New Project
unpacking: Startup Options for Linux Systems, Packing and Unpacking Model Files
recent: Recent Projects
prolongation: Multigrid Method
pseudo transient
under-relaxation: Pseudo Transient Under-Relaxation


radiation: Radiation Modeling
discrete ordinates radiation model: Discrete Ordinates Radiation Modeling
heat flow: Variables Available for Reporting, Radiation-Related Quantities
heat flux: Radiation Modeling for Objects
modeling: Solution Variables
ray tracing model: Ray tracing Radiation Modeling, The Ray Tracing Radiation Model
solar load model: Modeling Solar Radiation Effects
specification: User Inputs for Radiation Modeling
surface-to-surface model: Radiation Modeling for Objects, The Surface-to-Surface Radiation Model
for individual objects: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
objects to include in calculation: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
using Form factors : User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
view factors: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
temperature: Radiation Modeling for Objects
variables: Solution Variables, Radiation-Related Quantities
postprocessing: Solution Variables
radiation behavior: Editing an Existing Material
Radiation button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
Radiation object selection dialog box: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
Radiation specification dialog box: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
radiator: Modeling a Planar Heat Exchanger in Ansys Icepak
ray tracing radiation model: The Ray Tracing Radiation Model
Rayleigh number: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Initializing the Solution, Buoyancy-Driven Flows and Natural Convection
reading a file: File Selection Dialog Boxes
real number entry: Control Panels
recent projects: Recent Projects
rectangular object: Geometry
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Grilles
Redo button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
reference temperature: Temperature-Related Quantities
refining the mesh: General Procedure
globally: Refining the Mesh Globally
hex-dominant: Global Refinement for a Hex-Dominant Mesh
hexahedral: Hexahedral Meshing Procedure, Global Refinement for a Hexahedral Mesh, General Procedure
locally: Refining the Mesh Locally
refrigeration circuits: Openings
relative humidity: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
relaxation scheme: Multigrid Method
relaxation sweeps: Multigrid Method
reloading a project: Reloading the Main Version of a Project
Remote execution parameters dialog box: Advanced Solution Control Options
object from group: Removing Objects From a Group
project data: Cleaning up the Project Data
group: Renaming a Group
renormalization group (RNG) theory: Advanced Turbulence Models
solution overview: Reviewing a Solution
Report menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Overview: The Report Menu
Report point data dialog box: Point Reports
Report summary data dialog box: Summary Reports
Report window: Full Reports
Report/EM heat losses menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, EM Heat Losses Report
Report/Export menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Report/Fan operating points menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Fan Operating Points Report
Report/Full report menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Full Reports
Report/HTML report menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, HTML Reports
Report/Network block values menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Network Block Values Report
Report/Point report menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Point Reports
Report/Show optimization/param results menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Report/Solar loads menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Report/Solution overview/Create menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Reviewing a Solution
Report/Solution overview/View menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Reviewing a Solution
Report/Summary report menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Summary Reports
Report/Write Autotherm file menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Saving an AutoTherm File, Write Sentinel TI HTC File
reports: Generating Reports
EM heat losses: EM Heat Losses Report
fan operating point: Fan Operating Points Report
files: Cleaning up the Project Data
full: Full Reports
transient simulation: Full Reports
HTML: HTML Reports
loading format: HTML Reports
network blocks
internal node temperatures: Network Block Values Report
point: Point Reports
transient simulation: Point Reports
saving format: HTML Reports, Summary Reports, Point Reports
summary: Defining Reports, Summary Reports
transient simulation: Summary Reports
transient simulations: Generating a Report
variables: Variables Available for Reporting, Variables for Postprocessing and Reporting
rescaling vectors: Managing Postprocessing Objects
resetting variation plots: Variation Plots
residual files: Solver Files
residual reduction rate criteria: Multigrid Method
residuals: Initializing the Solution, Defining Solution Monitors, Diagnostic Tools for Technical Support
definition of: Solution Residuals
monitoring: Solution Residuals
plotting: Plotting Residuals
reduction rate: Multigrid Method
scaling of: Solution Residuals
resistance: Resistances
approach velocity: Resistances, Pressure Drop Calculation for a 3D Resistance, Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
creating: Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
device velocity: Resistances, Pressure Drop Calculation for a 3D Resistance, Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
pressure drop: Pressure Drop Calculation for a 3D Resistance
free area ratio: Resistances, Pressure Drop Calculation for a 3D Resistance
heat transfer coefficient: Adding a Heat Exchanger to Your Ansys Icepak Model
loss coefficient: Modeling the Pressure Loss through a Heat Exchanger, Resistances, Pressure Drop Calculation for a 3D Resistance, Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
meshing: Resistances, Meshing Parameters for Resistances
power law: Resistances, Pressure Drop Calculation for a 3D Resistance, Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
pressure drop: Resistances, Pressure Drop Calculation for a 3D Resistance
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
transient simulations: Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model, User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Resistance curve window: User Inputs for a Simplified Heat Sink
Resistances dialog box: Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Ansys Icepak Windows: The Main Window
cabinet: Resizing the Cabinet
object: Resizing Objects within a Model, Resizing an Object
restarting the solution: Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls
Restore complex defaults: The Ansys Icepak Menus
restriction: Multigrid Method
Reverse orientation button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Reynolds averaging: Advanced Turbulence Models
Reynolds number: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects, Initializing the Solution, Buoyancy-Driven Flows and Natural Convection
Rotate about screen normal button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
cabinet: Repositioning the Cabinet
merged model data: Geometric Transformations
model: Rotating a Model
object: Repositioning an Object, Copying an Object
roughness: Editing an Existing Material
round-off error: Solution Residuals
Run optimization button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Run solution button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Defining Solution Monitors, Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls


sample session: Sample Session
Save image dialog box: Saving Image Files
Save object dialog box: CSV/Excel Files
Save picture file: File Selection Dialog Boxes
Save project button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Saving a Project File, The File commands Toolbar
Save project dialog box: File Selection Dialog Boxes, Saving a Project File
Save table dialog box: Setting Up the Power and Temperature Limit Values
active objects: Saving a Project File
assembly: Saving an Assembly
assembly structure: Saving a Project File
blower curve: Adding a Blower to Your Ansys Icepak Model
contour plot: Contour Attributes
fan curve: Adding a Fan to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Using the Fan curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Characteristic Curve Fan Type
files: File Selection Dialog Boxes
grille curve: Adding a Grille to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Using the Pressure drop curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Grille
group: Saving a Group as a Project
log files: The Message Window
materials: Saving Materials and Properties
picture file: File Selection Dialog Boxes, Saving a Project File, Cleaning up the Project Data
postprocessing objects: Saving a Project File, Managing Postprocessing Objects
postprocessing views: Managing Postprocessing Objects
pressure drop curve: User Inputs for a Simplified Heat Sink
project: Saving a Project File, Creating a New Project
active objects: Saving a Project File
assembly structure: Saving a Project File
at specified interval: Results Solution Control Options
mesh data: Saving a Project File
picture file: Saving a Project File
postprocessing objects: Saving a Project File
solution data: Saving a Project File
full: Full Reports
point: Point Reports
summary: Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls, Summary Reports
report format: HTML Reports, Summary Reports, Point Reports
resistance curve: Adding a Resistance to Your Ansys Icepak Model
solution data: Results Solution Control Options
thermal resistance curve: User Inputs for a Simplified Heat Sink
trials plot: Trials Plots
variation plot: Variation Plots
view factors: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
scalar variables: General Information about Variables
scale (in a GUI panel): Control Panels
scale to fit: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
Scale to fit button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
cabinet: Resizing the Cabinet, Repositioning the Cabinet
merged model data: Geometric Transformations
object: Repositioning an Object, Copying an Object
project: Display Options
vectors: Vector Attributes
scratch files: Cleaning up the Project Data
screens: Planar Resistances
script files: Solver Files, Advanced Solution Control Options
Search fan library dialog box: Loading a Pre-Defined Fan Object
Search package library dialog box: Loading a Pre-Defined Package Object
second-order accuracy: Choosing the Discretization Scheme, Spatial Discretization
Selected solid shading: The Ansys Icepak Menus
assembly: Selecting an Assembly
files: File Selection Dialog Boxes
object: Selecting Objects within a Model, Selecting and Deselecting an Object
Selection dialog box: Saving Materials and Properties
Sentinel TI: Write Sentinel TI HTC File
sequential solution: Overview of Numerical Scheme
serial solver: Parallel Processing
set levels: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
set orientation (see set orientation)
Set range dialog box: Using the Temperature value curve Window, Using the Pressure drop curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Grille, Using the Fan curve Window to Specify the Curve for a Characteristic Curve Fan Type, Using the Time/value curve Window to Specify a Piecewise Linear Variation With Time
setting up a problem: Problem Solving Steps
power and temperature: Setting Up the Power and Temperature Limit Values
shading: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Editing the Graphical Styles
contour plot: Contour Attributes
group: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
hidden line: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
object: Graphical Style
selected solid: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
solid: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
solid/wire: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
wire: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
shift +right-click: Changing the Mouse Controls
Shininess: The Ansys Icepak Menus
SIMPLE algorithm: Spatial Discretization
single-precision solvers: Selecting the Version of the Solver
single-selection list: Control Panels
SIwave powermap files: Gradient, Cadence, and Apache Sentinel Powermap Files
object: Position and Size
skewness: Mesh Quality, Checking the Skewness
slider bar: Control Panels
snap to grid: Repositioning the Cabinet
Snap to grid dialog box: Repositioning the Cabinet
Solar load model
solar participation: Modeling Solar Radiation Effects
user inputs: Modeling Solar Radiation Effects
solid material
default: Default Fluid, Solid, and Surface Materials
properties: Editing an Existing Material
Solid specific heat dialog box: Defining Properties Using Temperature-Dependent Functions
accuracy: Spatial Discretization
batch file: Batch Processing of Ansys Icepak Projects on a Windows Machine
calculating: Calculating a Solution, General Procedure for Setting Up and Calculating a Solution, Performing Calculations
on another computer: Advanced Solution Control Options
cascade modeling: Zoom-In Modeling
continuation of: Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls
control: Setting the Solver Controls
advanced options: Advanced Solution Control Options
results options: Results Solution Control Options
convergence: Judging Convergence, Solution Residuals
criteria: Initializing the Solution
copying data: Saving a Project File
diagnostic tools: Diagnostic Tools for Technical Support
discretization scheme: Choosing the Discretization Scheme
ending: Ending the Calculation
examining results of: Examining the Results
initial conditions: Initial Conditions
initializing: Initializing the Solution
linear solver advanced controls: Selecting Linear Solver Advanced Controls
monitoring: Monitoring the Solution, The Solution residuals Graphics Display and Control Window, Changing the Solution Monitors During the Calculation
multigrid: Selecting the Multigrid Scheme
numerical scheme: Overview of Numerical Scheme
overview: Reviewing a Solution
parallel: Parallel Processing
parameters: Setting the Solver Controls
under-relaxation: Setting Under-Relaxation Factors
plotting residuals: Plotting Residuals
precision: Selecting the Version of the Solver
procedure: Setting Under-Relaxation Factors
restarting: Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls
reuse existing input files: Advanced Solution Control Options
script file: Advanced Solution Control Options
serial: Parallel Processing
setup procedure: General Procedure for Setting Up and Calculating a Solution
under-relaxation: Setting Under-Relaxation Factors, Spatial Discretization
variables: Solution Variables
postprocessing: Solution Variables
version: Selecting a Solution Set to be Examined
Solution dialog box: Reviewing a Solution
Solution ID button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Solution monitor definition dialog box: Plotting Residuals, Changing the Solution Monitors During the Calculation
Solution monitor parameters dialog box: Defining Solution Monitors
Solution residuals window: Graphics Windows, Plotting Residuals, Starting the Calculation, The Solution residuals Graphics Display and Control Window
Solution settings node: The Model manager Window
Advanced settings: The Model manager Window
Basic settings: The Model manager Window
Parallel settings: The Model manager Window
create krylov rom: The Ansys Icepak Menus
define report: The Ansys Icepak Menus
define trials: The Ansys Icepak Menus
diagnostics: The Ansys Icepak Menus
patch temperatures: The Ansys Icepak Menus
run optimization: The Ansys Icepak Menus
run solution: The Ansys Icepak Menus
settings: The Ansys Icepak Menus
solution monitor: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Solve dialog box: Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls, Batch Processing of Ansys Icepak Projects on a Windows Machine
Solve menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Overview
Solve/Create Krylov ROM menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Solve/Define report menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Defining Reports
Solve/Define trials menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Defining Trials
Solve/Diagnostics menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Diagnostic Tools for Technical Support
Solve/Patch temperatures: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Solve/Run optimization menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Solve/Run solution menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Defining Solution Monitors, Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls
Solve/Settings menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
Solve/Settings/Advanced menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Choosing the Discretization Scheme
Solve/Settings/Basic menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Initializing the Solution
Solve/Settings/Parallel menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Parallel Processing
Solve/Solution monitor menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Plotting Residuals, Changing the Solution Monitors During the Calculation
solver: What is Ansys Icepak?, Solver
control: Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls
advanced options: Advanced Solution Control Options
results options: Results Solution Control Options
discretization: Spatial Discretization
double-precision: Selecting the Version of the Solver
files: Solver Files
input: Solver Files
output: Solver Files
linear solver advanced controls: Selecting Linear Solver Advanced Controls
linearization: Overview of Numerical Scheme
multigrid: Spatial Discretization, Multigrid Method
numerical scheme: Overview of Numerical Scheme
overview of: Overview of Numerical Scheme
parallel: Parallel Processing
precision: Selecting the Version of the Solver
serial: Parallel Processing
single-precision: Selecting the Version of the Solver
source: Sources
creating: Adding a Source to Your Ansys Icepak Model
heat parameters: Thermal Options, User Inputs for Thermal specification
joule heating: User Inputs for Thermal specification
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Sources
radiation: Adding a Source to Your Ansys Icepak Model, Radiation Modeling for Objects
emissivity: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specification: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
temperature dependent: Thermal Options, User Inputs for Thermal specification
transient simulations: Adding a Source to Your Ansys Icepak Model, User Inputs for Transient Simulations
using: Source Usage
Sources dialog box: Adding a Source to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Spalart-Allmaras model: Advanced Turbulence Models
spatial power profile: Specifying a Spatial Power Profile
species: Species Transport Modeling
adding: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
augmentation: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
boundary conditions: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
concentration: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
concentrations: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
filtering: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
heat flow: Species-Transport-Related Quantities
initial concentrations: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
inputs for transport: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
material properties: Overview of Modeling Species Transport
order of: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
properties: Overview of Modeling Species Transport
specification: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
transient simulations: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
postprocessing: Postprocessing for Species Calculations
transport equations: Species Transport Equations
variables: Species-Transport-Related Quantities
specific heat: Editing an Existing Material
specific heat capacity: Overview of Modeling Species Transport
Specular reflectance: The Ansys Icepak Menus
speed: Variables Available for Reporting, Velocity-Related Quantities
Square Wave Time-Step Parameters dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
stability: Spatial Discretization
stacked die packages
gradient powermap files: Gradient Powermap Files for Stacked Die Packages
starting Ansys Icepak: Starting Ansys Icepak
on a Linux system: Starting Ansys Icepak on a Linux System
on a Windows system: Starting Ansys Icepak on a Windows System
startup options for Linux systems: Startup Options for Linux Systems
startup screen: Startup Screen
state-space characterization: State-Space Characterization
static pressure: Pressure-Related Quantities
steady-state calculation: Time Variation
stiffener: Adding PCB Attachments to Your Ansys Icepak Model
assembly: Summary Information for an Assembly
material: Object and Material Summaries
object: Object and Material Summaries
Summary output
files: Cleaning up the Project Data
summary report: Defining Reports, Summary Reports
Summary report button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Defining Reports, Summary Reports
support engineer
when to call: When To Call Your Ansys Icepak Support Engineer
surface: The Model manager Window
high side: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
low side: Definitions of Object-Specific Meshing Parameters
default: Default Fluid, Solid, and Surface Materials
properties: Editing an Existing Material
node: The Model manager Window, The Surfaces Node Context Menus
plane cut: Displaying Results on Cross-Sections of the Model
Surface probe button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Displaying Results at a Point
surface roughness: Editing an Existing Material, Surface Roughness, Surface Roughness, Surface Roughness
surface-to-surface radiation model: Radiation Modeling, Radiation Modeling for Objects, The Surface-to-Surface Radiation Model
adaptive method: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
objects to include in calculation: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
specification for individual objects: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
using Form factors : User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
view factors
computing: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
displaying: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
editing: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
saving: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
swirling flow: Spatial Discretization
turbulence modeling in: Advanced Turbulence Models
system environment variables: Environment Variables on Linux Systems


tabs: Control Panels
geometry: Control Panels
info: Control Panels
notes: Control Panels
properties: Control Panels
temperature: Variables Available for Reporting, Temperature-Related Quantities
reference: Temperature-Related Quantities
variables: Temperature-Related Quantities
Temperature dependent power dialog box: User Inputs for Thermal specification, User Inputs for the Thermal Model, User Inputs for the Block Thermal Specification
temperature limits
compare: Comparing the Object Temperatures with the Temperature Limits
Temperature or velocity dependent fluid conductivity dialog box: Defining Properties Using Velocity-Dependent Functions
temperature variables: Solution Variables
postprocessing: Solution Variables
temperature-dependent material parameters: Defining Properties Using Temperature-Dependent Functions
Temperature/value curve window: Using the Temperature value curve Window
temporal discretization: Time Discretization
TERM : Environment Variables on Linux Systems
termination criteria: Multigrid Method
Text editor : Using the Curve specification Panel, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify the Pressure Drop Curve for a Grille, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify the Curve for a Characteristic Curve Fan Type, User Inputs for a Simplified Heat Sink, Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify a Piecewise Linear Variation With Time
text window: Miscellaneous Options
group: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
object: Graphical Style
thermal conductivity: Editing an Existing Material, Overview of Modeling Species Transport
anisotropic: Editing an Existing Material
parameterization: Defining a Parameter in an Input Field
biaxial: Editing an Existing Material
orthotropic: Editing an Existing Material
variables: Thermal Conductivity-Related Quantities
thermal resistance: Variables Available for Reporting
This project button: Configuring a Project, Editing the Library Paths
time variation: Time Variation
time-dependent calculations: Transient Simulations
time-dependent variables: Specifying Variables as a Function of Time
Time/value curve window: Using the Time/value curve Window to Specify a Piecewise Linear Variation With Time
title: Graphics Windows, Creating a New Project
moving: Moving the Display Identifiers
Title: File Selection Dialog Boxes
Title/notes dialog box: The Model manager Window, Creating a New Project
TKE : Variables Available for Reporting
Ansys Icepak: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Ansys Icepak in Workbench: The Ansys Icepak Toolbar
tooling holes: Overview of Importing IDF Files into Ansys Icepak
Top side surface properties dialog box: User Inputs for BGA Packages
total area
assembly: Total Area of an Assembly
total volume
assembly: Total Volume of an Assembly
boundary conditions: Trace Heating Boundary Conditions
files: Importing Trace Files into Ansys Icepak
heating: Trace Heating
mesh: Meshing Parameters for Traces
cabinet: Resizing the Cabinet, Repositioning the Cabinet, Resizing an Object
merging model data: Geometric Transformations
object: Repositioning an Object, Copying an Object
Transient animation dialog box: Creating an Animation
Transient current dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient fan strength dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient heat tr coeff dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient parameters dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient power dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient power/area dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient pressure dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient settings button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Examining Results at a Specified Time
transient simulations: Time Variation, Transient Simulations
animation: Creating an Animation
Basic parameters panel : User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Basic settings panel : User Inputs for Transient Simulations
block: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
fan: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
history plot: Creating a History Plot
initial conditions: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
iterations: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
opening: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
plate: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
postprocessing: Postprocessing for Transient Simulations
report: Generating a Report
full: Full Reports
point: Point Reports
summary: Summary Reports
resistance: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
saving: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
solving: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
source: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
specifying variables as a function of time: Specifying Variables as a Function of Time
user inputs: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
variation of temperature with time: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
wall: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient temperature dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient X velocity dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient Y velocity dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transient Z velocity dialog box: User Inputs for Transient Simulations
Transients dialog box: Displaying the Variation of Transient Parameters with Time
assembly: Editing Properties of an Assembly
cabinet: Repositioning the Cabinet
merged model data: Geometric Transformations
model: Translating a Model
object: Translating Objects within a Model, Repositioning an Object, Copying an Object
%: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
group: Changing the Graphical Style of a Group
object: Graphical Style
Off: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
transport equation
coupling SST transport and transition model: Advanced Turbulence Models
transition SST model: Advanced Turbulence Models
Trash node: The Model manager Window, The Trash Node Context Menus
trials: Overview of Parameterization
defining: Defining Trials
export: Import and Export of Trial Data
import: Import and Export of Trial Data
plot: Trials Plots
set range: Trials Plots
reporting and plotting: Function Reporting and Plotting
running: Running Trials
multiple trials: Running Multiple Trials
single trial: Running a Single Trial
saving: Running Multiple Trials
selecting: Selecting Trials
Trials plot button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Trials Plots
Trials plot dialog box: Trials Plots
Trials plot window: Trials Plots
turbulence: Flow Regime, Turbulence
buoyancy effects: Advanced Turbulence Models
enhanced two-equation model: Flow Regime, Advanced Turbulence Models
K-ω SST: Flow Regime
mixing-length model: Zero-Equation Turbulence Model
modeling: Advanced Turbulence Models
production: Advanced Turbulence Models
realizable k-ε  model: Advanced Turbulence Models
realizable k-ε model: Flow Regime
RNG k-ε model: Flow Regime, Advanced Turbulence Models
RNGk-ε  model: Advanced Turbulence Models
Spalart-Allmaras model: Flow Regime, Advanced Turbulence Models
standard k-ε model: Flow Regime, Advanced Turbulence Models
two-equation model: Flow Regime, Advanced Turbulence Models
variables: Turbulence-Related Quantities
zero-equation model: Flow Regime, Zero-Equation Turbulence Model
turbulent dissipation rate: Variables Available for Reporting, Turbulence-Related Quantities
turbulent kinetic energy: Variables Available for Reporting, Turbulence-Related Quantities
turbulent viscosity: Flow Regime, Advanced Turbulence Models
turbulent viscosity ratio: Variables Available for Reporting
tutorial: Sample Session, Accessing Online Help


V-cycle multigrid: Multigrid Method
power and temperature: Using the Context Menus in the Graphics Display Window
variables: Variables for Postprocessing and Reporting
reports: Variables Available for Reporting
solution: Solution Variables
value at a point: Displaying Results at a Point
variation plot: Variation Plots
set range: Variation Plots
Variation plot button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars, Variation Plots
Variation plot dialog box: Variation Plots
Variation plot window: Variation Plots
vector variables: General Information about Variables
vectors: Vector Attributes
scaling: Managing Postprocessing Objects, Vector Attributes
velocity: Variables Available for Reporting
variables: Velocity-Related Quantities
velocity-dependent material parameters: Defining Properties Using Velocity-Dependent Functions
vent: Vents
Version selection dialog box: Selecting a Solution Set to be Examined, Summary Reports, Point Reports
versions: File Selection Dialog Boxes
via layer information: Importing Trace Files
view factors: Radiation Modeling for Objects
computing: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
adaptive method: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
hemicube method: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
displaying: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
editing: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
saving: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation Using the Form factors Panel
View menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Angle menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Bounding box menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Default shading menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Default shading/Solid menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Default shading/Solid/wire menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Default shading/Wire menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Construction lines menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Construction points menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Coord axes menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Current date menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Depthcue menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Logo menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Mesh menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Mouse position menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Object names menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Object names/Current assembly menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Object names/None menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Object names/Selected menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Origin marker menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Project title menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Rulers menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Tcl console menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Display/Visible grid menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Distance menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Edit toolbars menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Lights menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Location menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Markers menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Markers/Add menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Markers/Clear menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Rubber bands menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Rubber bands/Add menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Rubber bands/Clear menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Shading/Hidden line menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Shading/Selected solid menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Summary (HTML) menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus, Object and Material Summaries
View/Traces menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
View/Visible menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
assembly: Assembly Viewing Options
viewing material properties: Viewing the Properties of a Material
Viewing options toolbar: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
viscosity: Editing an Existing Material, Overview of Modeling Species Transport
viscosity ratio: Variables Available for Reporting
viscous forces: Forced- or Natural-Convection Effects
volume flow: Variables Available for Reporting, Velocity-Related Quantities
volume source
species: User Inputs for Species Transport Simulations
volumetric expansion coefficient: Editing an Existing Material, Overview of Modeling Species Transport
volumetric heat sources: Energy Conservation Equation
vorticity: Velocity-Related Quantities


W-cycle multigrid: Multigrid Method
wall: Walls
cabinet: Changing the Walls of the Cabinet
creating: Adding a Wall to Your Ansys Icepak Model
effective thickness: Wall Thickness
external thermal conditions: External Thermal Conditions
heat transfer: User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
coefficient: Convective Heat Transfer
convective: Convective Heat Transfer
radiative: External Thermal Conditions, Radiative Heat Transfer, User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
inside: Walls
meshing: Meshing Parameters for Walls
moving: Wall Velocity, User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
multifaceted: Constructing Multifaceted Walls
outside: Walls
profiles: Using the Curve specification Panel to Specify a Spatial Boundary Profile
radiation: Radiation Modeling for Objects
emissivity: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specification: User Inputs for Specification of Radiation in Individual Object Panels
specified heat flux: Specified Heat Flux
specified temperature: Specified Temperature
stationary: User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
surface roughness: Surface Roughness
symmetry: User Inputs for a Symmetry Wall
thermal boundary conditions: Thermal Boundary Conditions
thermal specification: User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
thickness: Wall Thickness, User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
transient simulations: User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall, User Inputs for Transient Simulations
velocity: Wall Velocity, User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
Wall external thermal conditions dialog box: User Inputs for a Stationary or Moving Wall
Walls dialog box: Adding a Wall to Your Ansys Icepak Model
wedgelock: Adding PCB Attachments to Your Ansys Icepak Model
Welcome to Icepak dialog box: Startup Screen
wheel sensitivity: Changing the Mouse Controls
batch processing: Batch Processing of Ansys Icepak Projects on a Windows Machine
menu: The Ansys Icepak Menus
starting Ansys Icepak on: Starting Ansys Icepak on a Windows System
systems: Starting Ansys Icepak on a Windows System
wire shading: The Ansys Icepak Menus
problem setup: Problem Setup Wizard
workstation clusters: Workstation Cluster
electric current density vector: Results Solution Control Options
interpolated restart data file: Results Solution Control Options
restart data file: Results Solution Control Options
Write assembly button: Saving an Assembly
file: File Selection Dialog Boxes
full: Full Reports
point: Point Reports
summary: Using the Solve Panel to Set the Solver Controls, Summary Reports


XY plot: XY Plots


zero slack: Non-Conformal Meshing Procedures for Assemblies
Zoom in button: The Ansys Icepak Toolbars
Zoom-in modeling dialog box: Zoom-In Modeling
zooming the model: Zooming In and Out