Several typographical conventions are used in this manual’s text to facilitate your learning process.
Different type styles are used to indicate graphical user interface menu items and text inputs that you enter (for example, Open project panel, enter the name
).A mini flow chart is used to indicate the menu selections that lead you to a specific panel. For example,
Generate mesh
indicates that the Generate mesh option can be selected from the Model menu at the top of the Ansys Icepak main window.
The arrow points from a specific menu toward the item you should select from that menu. In this manual, mini flow charts usually precede a description of a panel or a screen illustration showing how to use the panel. They allow you to look up information about a panel and quickly determine how to access it without having to search the preceding material.
A mini flow chart is also used to indicate the list tree selections that lead you to a specific panel or operation. For example,
Problem setup
Basic parameters
indicates that the Basic parameters item can be selected from the Problem setup node in the Model manager window
Pictures of toolbar buttons are also used to indicate the button that will lead you to a specific panel. For example,
indicates that you will need to click this button (in this case, to open the Walls panel) in the toolbar.