4.2. The Ansys Icepak Toolbar

When running Ansys Icepak in Workbench, the File commands toolbar options are slightly different. The following options are no longer available: New project, Open project, and Save project. The File commands toolbar options are described below.

Save Project ( ) saves the current Ansys Icepak  project.

Refresh Input Data ( ) refreshes the current data with new input data.

Print screen ( ) enables you to print a PostScript image of the Ansys Icepak  model that is displayed in the graphics window using the Print options panel. The inputs for the Print options panel are similar to those in the Graphics file options panel. See Saving Image Files for details.

Create image file ( ) opens a Save image dialog box that enables you to save your model displayed in the graphics window to an image file. Supported file types include: PNG, PPM, GIF (8-bit color), JPEG, TIFF, VRML and PS. PNG is the default file type.