2.7. POST1 Commands

These commands postprocess the results with the database processor. The commands are grouped by functionality.

Table 2.72: Setup

These POST1 commands put data into the database for postprocessing.
APPENDReads data from the results file and appends it to the database. 
DESOLDefines or modifies solution results at a node of an element. 
DNSOLDefines or modifies solution results at a node. 
FILESpecifies the data file where results are to be found. 
HRCPLXComputes and stores in the database the time-harmonic solution at a prescribed phase angle. 
/POST1Enters the database results postprocessor. 
RESCOMBINEReads results from local results files into the database after a distributed-memory parallel (DMP) solution. 
RESETResets all POST1 or POST26 specifications to initial defaults. 
SETDefines the data set to be read from the results file. 
SUBSETReads results for the selected portions of the model. 

Table 2.73: Controls

These POST1 commands control the calculations done for other commands.
AVPRINSpecifies how principal and vector sums are to be calculated. 
AVRESSpecifies how results data will be averaged when PowerGraphics is enabled. 
/EFACETSpecifies the number of facets per element edge for PowerGraphics displays. 
ERNORMControls error estimation calculations. 
FORCESelects the element nodal force type for output. 
INRESIdentifies the data to be retrieved from the results file. 
LAYERSpecifies the element layer for which data are to be processed. 
RSYSActivates a coordinate system for printout or display of results. 
SHELLSelects a shell element or shell layer location for results output. 

Table 2.74: Results

These POST1 commands process results, such as degree-of-freedom results, nodal stresses, and element summable and nonsummable miscellaneous data.
NSORTSorts nodal data. 
NUSORTRestores original order for nodal data. 
PLCINTPlots the contour integral (CINT) result data. 
PLCKSURFPlots the Φ = 0 level set surface in an XFEM-based crack analysis 
PLDISPDisplays the displaced structure. 
PLESOLDisplays solution results as discontinuous element contours. 
PLNSOLDisplays solution results as continuous element contours. 
PLORBDisplays the orbital motion of a rotating structure undergoing vibration. 
PRENERGYPrints the total energies of a model. 
PRORBPrints the orbital motion characteristics of a rotating structure undergoing vibration. 
PLVECTDisplays results as vectors. 
PRCINTLists the contour integral (CINT) result data. 
PRESOLPrints the solution results for elements. 
PRJSOLPrint joint element output. 
PRNLDPrints the summed element nodal loads. 
PRNSOLPrints the nodal solution results. 
PRRFORUsed with the FORCE command. Prints the constrained node reaction solution. 
PRRSOLPrints the constrained node reaction solution. 
PRVECTPrints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines. 
SUMTYPESets the type of summation to be used in the following load case operations. 

Table 2.75: Element Table

These POST1 commands operate with the element table, which in turn is used to process results stored for each element, such as average stresses, heat fluxes, etc.
DETABModifies element table results in the database. 
ESORTSorts the element table. 
ETABLEFills a table of element values for further processing. 
EUSORTRestores original order of the element table. 
PLETABDisplays element table items. 
PLLSDisplays element table items as contoured areas along elements. 
PLVECTDisplays results as vectors. 
PRETABPrints the element table items. 
PRVECTPrints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines. 
SABSSpecifies absolute values for element table operations. 
SADDForms an element table item by adding two existing items. 
SALLOWDefines the allowable stress table for safety factor calculations. 
SEXPForms an element table item by exponentiating and multiplying. 
SFACTEnables safety factor or margin of safety calculations to be made. 
SFCALCCalculates the safety factor or margin of safety. 
SMAXForms an element table item from the maximum of two other items. 
SMINForms an element table item from the minimum of two other items. 
SMULTForms an element table item by multiplying two other items. 
SSUMCalculates and prints the sum of element table items. 
TALLOWDefines the temperature table for safety factor calculations. 
VCROSSForms element table items from the cross product of two vectors. 
VDOTForms an element table item from the dot product of two vectors. 

Table 2.76: Listing

These POST1 commands control printed listings of results.
/FORMATSpecifies format controls for tables. 
/HEADERSets page and table heading print controls. 
IRLISTPrints inertia relief summary table. 
/PAGEDefines the printout and screen page size. 
PRITERPrints solution summary data. 

Table 2.77: Animation

These POST1 commands animate results.
ANCNTRProduces an animated sequence of a contoured deformed shape. 
ANCUTProduces an animated sequence of Q-slices. 
ANDATAProduces a sequential contour animation over a range of results data. 
ANDSCLProduces an animated sequence of a deformed shape. 
ANCYCApplies a traveling wave animation to graphics data in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis. 
ANDYNAProduces an animated sequence of contour values through substeps. 
/ANFILESaves or resumes an animation sequence to or from a file. 
ANFLOWProduces an animated sequence of a charged particle traveling in an electric or magnetic field. 
ANHARMProduces an animated sequence of time-harmonic results or complex mode shapes. 
ANIMDisplays graphics data in animated form. 
ANISOSProduces an animated sequence of an isosurface. 
ANMODEProduces an animated sequence of a mode shape. 
ANTIMEGenerates a sequential contour animation over a range of time. 
TRTIMEDefines the options used for the PLTRAC (charged particle trace) command. 

Table 2.78: Path Operations

These POST1 commands are used for path operations.
PADELEDeletes a defined path. 
PAGETWrites current path information into an array variable. 
PAPUTRetrieves path information from an array variable. 
PARESURestores previously saved paths from a file. 
PASAVESaves selected paths to an external file. 
PATHDefines a path name and establishes parameters for the path. 
PCALCForms additional labeled path items by operating on existing path items. 
PCROSSCalculates the cross product of two path vectors along the current path. 
PDEFInterpolates an item onto a path. 
PDOTCalculates the dot product of two path vectors along the current path. 
PLPAGMDisplays path items along the path geometry. 
PLPATHDisplays path items on a graph. 
PLSECTDisplays membrane and membrane-plus-bending linearized stresses. 
PMAPCreates mapping of the path geometry by defining path interpolation division points. 
PPATHDefines a path by picking or defining nodes, or locations on the currently active working plane, or by entering specific coordinate locations. 
PRANGEDetermines the path range. 
PRPATHPrints path items along a geometry path. 
PRSECTCalculates and prints linearized stresses along a section path. 
PSELSelects a path or paths. 
PVECTInterpolates a set of items onto a path. 

Table 2.79: Surface Operations

These POST1 commands define an arbitrary surface and to develop results information for that surface.
SUCALCCreate new result data by operating on two existing result datasets on a given surface.  
SUCRCreate a surface.  
SUDELDelete geometry information as well as any mapped results for specified surface or for all selected surfaces.  
SUEVALPerform operations on a mapped item and store result in a scalar parameter. 
SUGETCreate and dimension an NPT row array parameter named PARM, where NPT is the number of geometry points in SurfName. 
SUMAPMap results onto selected surface(s).  
SUPLPlot specified SetName result data on all selected surfaces or on the specified surface.  
SUPRPrint surface information.  
SURESUResume surface definitions from a specified file. 
SUSAVESave surface definitions and result items to a file.  
SUSELSelects a subset of surfaces 
SUVECTOperate between two mapped result vectors.  

Table 2.80: Load Case Calculations

These POST1 commands are used for combining results from different load steps.
LCABSSpecifies absolute values for load case operations. 
LCASEReads a load case into the database. 
LCDEFCreates a load case from a set of results on a results file. 
LCFACTDefines scale factors for load case operations. 
LCFILECreates a load case from an existing load case file. 
LCOPERPerforms load case operations. 
LCSELSelects a subset of load cases. 
LCSUMSpecifies whether to process nonsummable items in load case operations. 
LCWRITECreates a load case by writing results to a load case file. 
LCZEROZeroes the results portion of the database. 
RAPPNDAppends results data from the database to the results file. 

Table 2.81: Magnetics Calculations

These POST1 commands are used for special purpose magnetics postprocessing.
CURR2DCalculates current flow in a 2D conductor. 
EMAGERRCalculates the relative error in an electrostatic or electromagnetic field analysis. 
EMFCalculates the electromotive force (emf), or voltage drop along a predefined path. 
EMFTSummarizes electromagnetic forces and torques on a selected set of nodes. 
FLUXVCalculates the flux passing through a closed contour. 
MMFCalculates the magnetomotive force along a path. 
PLF2DGenerates a contour line plot of equipotentials. 
POWERHCalculates the rms power loss in a conductor or lossy dielectric. 
SENERGYDetermines the stored magnetic energy or co-energy. 

Table 2.82: Trace Points

These POST1 commands trace charged particle motion.
PLTRACDisplays a charged particle trace on an element display. 
TRPDELDeletes charged particle trace points. 
TRPLISLists charged particle trace points. 
TRPOINDefines a point through which a charged particle trace will travel. 

Table 2.83: Special Purpose

These POST1 commands are used for various special purposes.
BFINTActivates the body force interpolation operation. 
CBDOFActivates cut boundary interpolation (for submodeling). 
CMSFILESpecifies the component mode synthesis (CMS) results files to include when plotting the mode shape of an assembly. 
CYCCALCCalculates results from a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis using the specifications defined by CYCSPEC. 
/CYCEXPANDGraphically expands displacements, stresses and strains of a cyclically symmetric model partially or through the full 360 degrees. 
CYCFILESSpecifies the data files where results are to be found for a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis. 
CYCPHASEProvides tools for determining minimum and maximum possible result values from frequency couplets produced in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis. 
CYCSPECDefines the set of result items for a subsequent CYCCALC command in postprocessing a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis. 
EXOPTIONSpecifies the EXPROFILE options for the Mechanical APDL to Ansys CFX profile file transfer. 
/EXPANDEnables the creation of a larger graphic display than that which is represented by the actual finite element analysis model. 
EXPANDDisplays the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis. 
EXPROFILEExports interface loads to a CFX Profile file. 
EXUNITIndicates units assumed for an interface load for Mechanical APDL to CFX transfer. 
FSSPARMCalculates reflection and transmission properties of a frequency selective surface.  
FSUMSums the nodal force and moment contributions of elements. 
HFANGDefines or displays spatial angles of a spherical radiation surface for antenna parameter calculations. 
HFSYMSets symmetry planes for the computation of high-frequency acoustic fields in the near and far field domains (beyond the finite element region). 
MACOPTSpecifies modal assurance criterion (MAC) calculation options for RSTMAC. 
MAXCYCMODEComputes the maximum results value of cyclic mode pairs at the same frequency or the amplitude of a single complex mode. 
MSOPTSpecifies solution options for a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis 
NFORCESums the nodal forces and moments of elements attached to nodes. 
NLDPOSTGets element component information from nonlinear diagnostic files. 
PLASPlots a specified acoustic quantity during postprocessing of an acoustic analysis. 
PLCAMPPlots a Campbell diagram for applications involving rotating structure dynamics. 
PLCFREQPlots the frequency response for the given CYCSPEC specification 
PLCHISTPlots a histogram of the frequency response of each sector for the given CYCSPEC specification. 
PLFARPlots electric far fields and far field parameters. 
PLMCPlots the modal coordinates from a mode-superposition solution. 
PLNEARPlots the electric field in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface.  
PLZZPlots the interference diagram from a cyclic modal analysis. 
PRASPrints a specified acoustic quantity during postprocessing of an acoustic analysis. 
PRCAMPPrints a Campbell diagram for applications involving rotating structure dynamics. 
PRFARPrints electric far fields and far field parameters.  
PRMCPrints the modal coordinates from a mode-superposition solution. 
PRNEARPrints the electric field in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface.  
RESWRITEAppends results data from the database to a results file in a top-down substructure analysis. 
RMFLVECWrites eigenvectors of fluid nodes to a file for use in damping parameter extraction. 
RSPLITCreates one or more results file(s) from the current results file based on subsets of elements. 
SPOINTDefines a point for moment summations. 
SPMWRITECalculates state-space matrices and writes them to the .spm file. 

Table 2.84: Status

These POST1 commands are for use with the STAT command.
CALCSpecifies "Calculation settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
DATADEFSpecifies "Directly defined data status" as the subsequent status topic. 
DEFINESpecifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
DISPLAYSpecifies "Display settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
LCCALCSpecifies "Load case settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
POINTSpecifies "Point flow tracing settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
PRINTSpecifies "Print settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
SORTSpecifies "Sort settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
SPECSpecifies "Miscellaneous specifications" as the subsequent status topic. 

Table 2.85: Failure Criteria

These POST1 commands are for use with the failure criteria.
FCProvides failure criteria information and activates a data table to input temperature-dependent stress and strain limits. 
FCCHECKChecks both the strain and stress input criteria for all materials. 
FCDELEDeletes previously defined failure criterion data for the given material. 
FCLISTLists the failure criteria that has been input. 
FCTYPActivates or removes failure-criteria types for postprocessing.