1.3. Component Mode Synthesis

Component mode synthesis (CMS) is a form of substructure coupling analysis frequently used in structural dynamics.

CMS allows you to derive the behavior of the entire assembly from its constituent components. First, the dynamic behavior of each of the components is formulated. Then, by enforcing equilibrium and compatibility along component interfaces, the program forms the dynamic characteristics of the full system model.

The following CMS topics are available:

1.3.1. Understanding Component Mode Synthesis

Although breaking up a single large problem into several reduced-order problems via substructuring saves time and processing resources, component mode synthesis (CMS) can be advantageous because it is more accurate than a Guyan reduction for modal, harmonic and transient analyses. CMS includes truncated sets of normal mode generalized coordinates defined for components of the structural model.

A typical use of CMS involves a modal analysis of a large, complicated structure (such as an aircraft or nuclear reactor) where various teams each design an individual component of the structure. With CMS, design changes to a single component affect only that component; therefore, additional computations are necessary only for the modified substructure.

Finally, CMS supports these substructuring features: Supported CMS Methods

The following component mode synthesis methods are available:

  • Fixed-interface  (CMSOPT,FIX)

  • Free-interface  (CMSOPT,FREE)

  • Residual-flexible free-interface (CMSOPT,RFFB)

For most analyses, the fixed-interface CMS method is preferable. The free-interface method and the residual-flexible free-interface method are useful when your analysis requires more accurate eigenvalues computed at the mid- to high-end of the spectrum. The following table describes the primary characteristics of each interface method:

CMS Methods Supported
Fixed (CMSOPT,FIX)Free (CMSOPT,FREE)[a]Residual-Flexible Free (CMSOPT,RFFB)[a]
Interface nodes are constrained during the CMS superelement generation pass.Interface nodes remain free during the CMS superelement generation pass.Interface nodes remain free during the CMS superelement generation pass.
No requirement to specify rigid body modes.You must specify the number of rigid body modes (CMSOPT).If rigid body motion exists, you must specify pseudo-constraints (D).
Generally recommended when accuracy on only the lower modes of the assembled structure (use pass) is necessary. Generally recommended when accuracy on both lower and higher modes of the assembled structure (use pass) is required.Generally recommended when accuracy on both lower and higher modes of the assembled structure (use pass) is required.

[a] For the free-interface and residual-flexible free-interface CMS methods, you can specify pseudo-constraints on some interface master nodes (SUPPORT = ON on the M command). In this case, there is no requirement to specify rigid body modes. These mixed-free interface and mixed-RFFB methods differ from the fixed- and free-interface methods and the RFFB method, which require all master DOFs to be either constrained or free, regardless of whether or not they belong to interfaces with other substructures. It is particularly useful for obtaining better convergence when master nodes are defined at locations other than the interfaces, for example an observation node where the displacement solution is wanted without the need of an expansion pass.

For more information, see the discussion of component mode synthesis theory and methods in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference. Solvers Used in Component Mode Synthesis

Following are the solvers and files used in a typical component mode synthesis analysis:

Figure 1.1: Applicable CMS Solvers and Files

Applicable CMS Solvers and Files