PRENERGY, EnergyType, Cname1, Cname2, Cname3, Cname4, Cname5, Cname6
Prints the total energies of a model or the energies of the specified components.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Type of energies to be printed:



All energies are printed: potential, kinetic, artificial hourglass/drill stiffness, contact stabilization energy, and artificial stabilization energy when applicable. This is the default.



Potential energy (stiffness energy).



Kinetic energy.



Damping energy.



Work done by external loads.

Cname1, Cname2, Cname3,…

Component names for energies of the components printout.

If Cname1 is blank, the total energies are listed.

If Cname1 = ALL, the energies are listed for all selected components.

If Cname1 is neither blank nor ALL, it is the name of an existing component. The energies are listed for up to 6 selected components named in Cname1 to Cname6.


The PRENERGY command prints out either the total energies of the entire model or the energies of the components depending on the Cname1 specification.

Only existing components based on elements (defined with the CM command) are supported when component energies are listed.

Damping energy (DENE) and work done by external loads (WEXT) are available only if the following were set prior to the analysis solution: EngCalc = YES on the TRNOPT, HROUT or MXPAND command; and Item = VENG, ESOL, or ALL on the OUTRES command.

If EngCalc = YES on the HROUT or MXPAND command, average, amplitude, and peak values are returned for potential (SENE) and kinetic (KENE) energies.

The energy values can be retrieved using the *GET command with Entity = PRENERGY.

This command applies to structural elements only.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.