SMULT, LabR, Lab1, Lab2, FACT1, FACT2
Forms an element table item by multiplying two other items.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Label assigned to results. If same as existing label, the existing values will be overwritten by these results.


First labeled result item in operation.


Second labeled result item in operation (may be blank).


Scale factor applied to Lab1. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.


Scale factor applied to Lab2. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.


Forms a labeled result item (see ETABLE command) for the selected elements by multiplying two existing labeled result items according to the operation:

LabR = (FACT1 x Lab1) x (FACT2 x Lab2)

May also be used to scale results for a single labeled result item. If absolute values are requested (SABS,1), the absolute values of Lab1 and Lab2 are used.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Multiply