PDEF, Lab, Item, Comp, Avglab
Interpolates an item onto a path.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Label assigned to the resulting path item (8 characters maximum). This item may be used as input for other path operations.


Label identifying the item for interpolation. Valid item labels are shown in Table 211: PDEF - Valid Item and Component Labels below. Some items also require a component label.


Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in Table 211: PDEF - Valid Item and Component Labels below.


Option to average across element boundaries:



Average element results across elements (default).



Do not average element results across elements. If the parameter DISCON = MAT on the PMAP command, this option is automatically invoked.


Defines and interpolates a labeled path item along a predefined path (PATH). Path item results are in the global Cartesian coordinate directions unless transformed (RSYS). A path item must be defined before it can be used with other path operations. Additional path items may be defined from the PVECT, PCALC, PDOT, and PCROSS commands. Path items may be listed (PRPATH) or displayed (PLPATH, PLPAGM). A maximum number of path items permitted is established by the nSets argument specified with the PATH command.

When you create the first path item (PDEF or PVECT), the program automatically interpolates four path items which are used to describe the geometry of the path. These predefined items are the position of the interpolated path points (labels XG, YG, and ZG) in global Cartesian coordinates, and the path length (label S). For alternate methods of mapping the path geometry (to include, for example, material discontinuity) see the PMAP command. These items may also be listed or displayed with the PRPATH, PLPATH, and PLPAGM commands.

If specifying that load case operations act on principal/equivalent stresses (SUMTYPE,PRIN), derived quantities (principal and equivalent stresses/strains) will be zero for path plots. A typical use for such a case involves mode combinations in a response spectrum analysis.

The number of interpolation points on the path is defined by the nDiv argument on the PATH command. See Mapping Nodal and Element Data onto the Path in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details. Use PDEF,STAT to list the path item labels. Use PDEF,CLEAR to erase all labeled path items, except the path geometry items (XG, YG, ZG, S).

See also Mapping Results onto a Path in the Basic Analysis Guide.

Table 211: PDEF - Valid Item and Component Labels

Valid item and component labels for nodal degree of freedom results are:
UX, Y, Z, SUMX, Y, or Z structural displacement or vector sum.
ROTX, Y, Z, SUMX, Y, or Z structural rotation or vector sum.
TEMP[1] Temperature.
PRES Pressure.
VOLT Electric potential.
MAG Magnetic scalar potential.
VX, Y, Z, SUMX, Y, or Z fluid velocity or vector sum.
AX, Y, Z, SUMX, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential or vector sum.
CONC Concentration.
CURR Current.
EMF Electromotive force drop.
Valid item and component labels for element results are:
SX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent stress.
"1, 2, 3Principal stress.
"INT, EQVStress intensity or Equivalent stress.
EPTOX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR).
"1, 2, 3Principal total strain.
"INT, EQVTotal strain intensity or total equivalent strain.
EPELX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent elastic strain.
"1, 2, 3Principal elastic strain.
"INT, EQVElastic strain intensity or elastic equivalent strain.
EPPLX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent plastic strain.
"1, 2, 3Principal plastic strain.
"INT, EQVPlastic strain intensity or plastic equivalent strain.
EPCRX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent creep strain.
"1, 2, 3Principal creep strain.
"INT, EQVCreep strain intensity or creep equivalent strain.
EPTHX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent thermal strain.
"1, 2, 3Principal thermal strain.
"INT, EQVThermal strain intensity or thermal equivalent strain.
EPSW Swelling strain.
NLSEPLEquivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).
"SRATStress state ratio.
"HPRESHydrostatic pressure.
"EPEQAccumulated equivalent plastic strain.
"CREQAccumulated equivalent creep strain.
"PSVPlastic state variable.
"PLWKPlastic work/volume.
For contact results PowerGraphics is applicable for 3D models only.
CONTSTAT2Contact status.
"PENEContact penetration.
"PRESContact pressure.
"SFRICContact friction stress.
"STOTContact total stress (pressure plus friction).
"SLIDEContact sliding distance.
"GAPContact gap distance.
"FLUXTotal heat flux at contact surface.
TGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent thermal gradient or vector sum.
TFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent thermal flux or vector sum.
PGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent pressure gradient or vector sum.
EFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electric field or vector sum.
DX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electric flux density or vector sum.
JCX, Y, Z, SUMComponent conduction current density or vector sum (for elements that support conduction current calculation)
HX, Y, Z, SUMComponent magnetic field intensity or vector sum.
BX, Y, Z, SUMComponent magnetic flux density or vector sum.
CGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent concentration gradient or vector sum
DFX, Y, Z, SUMComponent diffusion flux density or vector sum
FMAGX, Y, Z, SUMComponent electromagnetic force or vector sum.
ETABLabAny user-defined element table label (see ETABLE command).
BFETEMPApplied and calculated temperatures along a defined path.
SPL Sound pressure level.
SPLA A-weighted sound pressure level (dBA).

  1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, ..., TTOP instead of TEMP.

  2. For more information on the meaning of contact status and its possible values, see Reviewing Results in POST1 in the Contact Technology Guide.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Clear Path Items
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>Path Status>Current Path
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Map onto Path
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Map onto Path>FE Results