MACOPT, Option, Value1, Value2, Value3
Specifies modal assurance criterion (MAC) or frequency response function (FRF) correlation criteria calculation options for RSTMAC.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Matching / Mapping options:
Option LabelDescriptionValue1, Value2, Value3
(blank)Matching method based on the node location (default).NA
NUMMATCHKey to activate the node matching method based on the node number.


0 (OFF or NO) – Node number matching is off, and nodes are matched based on node location. Tolerance for node matching may also be applied.

1 (ON or YES) – Nodes are matched based on node number and solutions are compared at matched nodes only.

NODMAPKey to activate node mapping.


0 (OFF or NO) – Node mapping is off, and nodes are matched based on node location. Tolerance for node matching may also be applied.

1 (ON or YES) – Nodes are mapped and solution is interpolated.

Options for matching by location (not applicable to NUMMATCH and NODMAP methods):
ABSTOLNAbsolute tolerance for node matching. Relative tolerance setting (RELTOLN) is ignored. This is the default option.


Absolute tolerance value. Defaults to 0.01.

RELTOLNRelative tolerance for node matching. Absolute tolerance setting (ABSTOLN) is ignored. Relative tolerance is based on a fraction of the minimum element dimension.


Relative tolerance value. It must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1. Defaults to 0.5 (50%).
KEYALGONODKey to specify the algorithm for node matching based on location.


0 (OFF or NO) – The first node with distance below tolerance is considered a match (default).

1 (ON or YES) – The nearest node with distance below tolerance is considered a match.

MAC calculation options :
DOFKey to specify the degrees of freedom used. Defaults to all structural degrees of freedom.

DOF selection is not supported with node mapping.


Supported labels are:


U (all translations), ROT (all rotations), STRU (all structural DOFs)



(blank) – Select DOF

DELE – Reset to default (all structural DOFs)

KEYMASSKey to include the mass matrix diagonal in the MAC calculations.


0 (OFF or NO) – Do not include the mass.

1 (ON or YES) – Include the mass if available (default).

NMACKey to activate the computation of MAC per node pair


0 (OFF or NO) – Do not activate the node pair MAC calculation (default).

1 (ON or YES) – Activate the node pair MAC calculation.

UNV file options :
FRFKey to activate the frequency response function (FRF) correlation method and specify required inputs. Only applies when File2 on RSTMAC is a universal format file (.unv) and contains Dataset 58.


Key to activate/deactivate FRF correlation methods and specify the needed criteria:

YES (or blank) – Activates the cross signature assurance criterion (default).

ALL – Activates the computation of both the cross signature assurance criterion and the cross signature scale factor.

NO – Deactivates the FRF correlation and activates the default MAC calculations. Value2 and Value3 are ignored.


Key to specify the considered response degree of freedom in the.rst file. The following options are available:

1– +X Translation     4– +X Rotation

2– +Y Translation     5– +Y Rotation

3– +Z Translation     6– +Z Rotation


Key to specify the considered response degree of freedom in the .unv file. The following options are available:

1 – +X Translation      4– +X Rotation

-1 – -X Translation     -4– -X Rotation

2 – +Y Translation      5– +Y Rotation

-2 – -Y Translation     -5– -Y Rotation

3 – +Z Translation      6– +Z Rotation

-3 – -Z Translation     -6– -Z Rotation

UNVSCALEScaling of the nodal coordinates when File2 on RSTMAC is a universal format file (.unv).


Blank or 0 – No scaling (default).

Non-zero value – Scaling factor applied to nodal coordinates.

UNVTRANKey to control the transformation of the solution vector from the local to the global coordinate system. Only applies when File2 on RSTMAC is a universal format file (.unv) and contains Dataset Number 2420.


0 (OFF or NO) – No transformation is performed (default).

1 (ON or YES) – Transformation of the solution vector is performed.

UNVDEBUGKey to control the printout of the universal format file records. All information is listed on file File2_unv.txt. Only applies when File2 on RSTMAC is a universal format file (.unv).


0 (OFF or NO) – No printout (default).

1 (ON or YES) – Print file records.

Command Default

If MACOPT is not issued prior to RSTMAC, node matching based on location is used by default in MAC calculations performed by RSTMAC. Unless otherwise specified, an absolute tolerance (ABSTOLN) value of 0.01 is used for the node matching.


The RSTMAC command calculates the MAC or FRF criteria values based on the options specified via MACOPT. The MACOPT command must be issued before the RSTMAC command. These commands enable you to compare nodal solutions from two results files (.rst or .rstp) or from one results file and one Universal Format file (.unv). Multiple MACOPT commands can be issued to specify which results are compared and how.

As listed in the table above, model solutions can be compared using three different mehtods: matching nodes based on location, matching nodes based on node number, or by node mapping and solution interpolation.

When node mapping and solution interpolation is performed (Option = NODMAP), the following applies:

  • File1 on RSTMAC must correspond to a model meshed in solid and/or shell elements. Other types of elements can be present, but the node mapping is not performed for these elements.

  • You should only compare solutions of models having the same dimension (both models are 2D or both models are 3D). Comparing models with different dimensions may lead to incorrect results if the solution at mapped/matched nodes is not representative of the global solution.

  • Interpolation is performed on UX, UY, and UZ degrees of freedom.

Node pair MAC computation (Option = NMAC) is only supported when a matching procedure is used and a specific substep number is requested for each solution (Sbstep1, Sbstep2 on RSTMAC command).

Non-structural degrees of freedom in coupled-field analyses are supported for the matching methods (Option = ABSTOLN or NUMMATCH). Multiple MACOPT, DOF commands can be issued consecutively to combine different degrees of freedom.

The FRF option is not compatible with any MAC calculation options (DOF, NMAC and KEYMASS) and can only be used with node matching procedures.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.