Prints inertia relief summary table.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Prints the inertia relief summary data, including the mass summary table, the total load summary table, and the inertia relief summary table resulting from the inertia relief calculations. These calculations are performed in the solution phase (SOLVE) as specified by the IRLF or AIRL command.

Inertia relief output is stored in the database rather than in the results file (Jobname.rst). When you issue IRLIST or AIRL, Mechanical APDL pulls the information from the database, which contains the inertia relief output from the most recent solution (SOLVE).

When RIGID_CALC = 0 on the AIRL command, inertia relief output is available only when the node chosen by the algorithm as the virtual reference point (mentioned in Linear Static Analysis Without Supports) has six degrees of freedom.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.