SUGET, SurfName, RSetName, Parm, Geom
Moves surface geometry and mapped results to an array parameter.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Eight character surface name.


Eight character result name.


APDL array parameter name (up to 32 characters).


Switch controlling how data is written.

ON (or 1 or YES)


Writes geometry data and interpolated results information to the parameter.

OFF (or 0 or NO)


Writes only interpolated results information to the parameter. (Default)


For Geom = OFF (or 0 or NO), only results information is written to this parameter.

For Geom = ON (or 1 or YES), both geometry data and results information are written to this parameter. Geometry data includes 7 data items: (GCX, GCY, GCZ, NORMX, NORMY, NORMZ, and DA). Results information is then written to the 8th column of the parameter. SetNames of GCX, GCY, GCZ, NORMX, NORMY, NORMZ, and DA are predefined and computed when SUCR is issued.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Results to Array