Provides tools for determining minimum and maximum possible result values from frequency couplets produced in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


The type of operation requested:



Calculate the maximum and minimum possible displacement at each node in the original sector model. Store the values and the phase angle at which they occurred.



Calculate the maximum and minimum possible stresses at each node in the original sector model. Store the values and the phase angle at which they occurred.



Calculate the maximum and minimum possible strains at each node in the original sector model. Store the values and the phase angle at which they occurred.



Calculate the maximum and minimum possible displacement, stress and strain at each node in the original sector model. Store the values and the phase angle at which they occurred.



Places the value of a MAX or MIN item into the _CYCVALUE parameter, the node for that value in the _CYCNODE parameter, and the phase angle for the value in the _CYCPHASE parameter.



Put resulting sweep values for printing (via the PRNSOL command ) or plotting (via the PLNSOL command).



List the current minimum/maximum displacement, stress and strain nodal values.



Summarize the results of the last phase sweep.



Clear phase-sweep information from the database.


If TYPE = DISP, STRAIN, STRESS or ALL, controls the sweep angle increment to use in the search:



The sweep angle increment in degrees, greater than 0.1 and less than 10. The default is 1.

If TYPE = PUT, controls which values are placed onto the model:



Put all existing nodal maximum values onto the model. This option is the default.



Put all existing nodal minimum values onto the model.

If TYPE = GET, controls the values placed into cyclic parameters:



Specifies the type of values on which to operate:

U -- Displacement
S -- Stress
EPEL -- Strain



Specifies the specific component of displacement, stress or strain for which to get information:

X,Y,Z -- Basic components
XY,YZ,XZ -- Shear components
1,2,3 -- Principal values
EQV -- Equivalent value



Specifies whether the requested value information is for the maximum or minimum value:

MAX -- Maximum value.
MIN -- Minimum value.

Command Default

No defaults are available for the CYCPHASE command. You must specify an argument (TYPE) when issuing the command. Other values which may be necessary (OPTION) depend upon which TYPE argument you specify.


When you expand the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis (via the /CYCEXPAND or EXPAND command), the program combines the real and imaginary results for a given nodal diameter, assuming no phase shift between them; however, the modal response can occur at any phase shift.

CYCPHASE response results are valid only for the first cyclic sector. To obtain the response at any part of the expanded model, Ansys, Inc. recommends using cyclic symmetry results expansion at the phase angle obtained via CYCPHASE.

The phase angles returned by CYCPHASE contain the minimum and maximum values for USUM, SEQV and other scalar principal stress and strain quantities; however, they do not always return the true minimum and maximum values for directional quantities like UX or SX unless the values fall in the first sector.

CYCPHASE does not consider midside node values when evaluating maximum and minimum values, which may affect display quantities but no others. (Typically, the program ignores midside node stresses and strains during postprocessing.)

Issuing CYCPHASE,PUT clears the result values for midside nodes on high order elements; therefore, this option sets element faceting (/EFACET) to 1. The command reports that midside nodal values are set to zero and indicates that element faceting is set to 1.

If the sweep values are available after issuing a CYCPHASE,PUT command, the PRNSOL or PLNSOL command will print or plot (respectively) the sweep values of structure displacement Ux, Uy, Uz, component stress/strain X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX, principal stress/strain 1, 2, 3 and equivalent stress/strain EQV. The vector sum of displacement (USUM) and stress/strain intensity (SINT) are not valid phase-sweep results.

You can specify any coordinate system via the RSYS command for displaying or printing CYCPHASE results. However, after CYCPHASE results have been extracted, you cannot then transform them via the RSYS command. If you try to do so, the program issues a warning message.

The CYCPHASE command is valid in /POST1 and for cyclically symmetric models only.

To learn more about analyzing a cyclically symmetric structure, see the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Clear
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Get
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>List
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Phase Sweep
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Put Phase Results
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Status