Calculates the flux passing through a closed contour.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


FLUXV invokes a Mechanical APDL macro which calculates the flux passing through a closed contour (path) predefined by PATH.

The calculated flux is stored in the parameter FLUX.

In a 2D analysis, at least two nodes must be defined on the path. In 3D, a path of nodes describing a closed contour must be specified (that is, the first and last node in the path specification must be the same).

A counterclockwise ordering of nodes on the PPATH command gives the correct sign on flux.

Path operations are used for the calculations, and all path items are cleared upon completion.

This macro is available for vector potential formulations only.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Path Based>Path Flux