MSOPT, Option, Sname, Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4, Value5, Value6, Value7
Specifies solution options for a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Multistage cyclic symmetry analysis option. There is no default. You must choose one of the following options:



Activates a previously defined cyclic coordinate system by the reference number specified in Value1. Sname is ignored. This option is only valid in the /PREP7 processor.



Cylindrical coordinate system reference number. You must have already created the coordinate system by issuing prior commands like CS or LOCAL to define it. Defaults to 1 where the global Cartesian Z axis is the cyclic symmetry axis.

Note:  You must define the coordinate system before defining the stages.



Creates a new stage with the name entered in Sname and the Value1 - Value6 specifications listed in the table below. This option is only valid in the /PREP7 processor.



An alphanumeric name used to identify the stage. Sname may be up to 20 characters, beginning with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, and underscores. Names beginning with an underscore (for example, _LOOP) are reserved for use by Mechanical APDL and should be avoided. The component name ALL is not permitted.

Specifications for a new stage created via MSOPT (Option = NEW):
Value1The number of sectors.
Value2The harmonic index.
Value3The name of a component[a] containing all base sector elements (defaults to '_Sname_BASE_ELM').
Value4The name of a component[a] containing all base sector nodes (defaults to '_Sname_BASE_NOD').
Value5The name of a component[a] containing all duplicate sector elements (defaults to '_Sname_DUPL_ELM)'.

The duplicate sector[b] is not included in the analysis if this argument is blank and no ‘_Sname_DUPL_ELM’ component exists.

Value6The name of a component[a] containing all duplicate sector nodes (defaults to '_Sname_DUPL_NOD').

The duplicate sector[b] is not included in the analysis if this argument is blank and no ‘_Sname_DUPL_NOD’ component exists.

Value7The name of the lead harmonic stage if the stage being defined is a member of a multiharmonic group and is not the lead harmonic.

Note:  A multiharmonic group is composed of a single lead harmonic stage and one or more secondary harmonic stages formed by stage cloning. To properly set up the multiharmonic group, you must specify the name of the lead harmonic stage using Value7 for all secondary harmonic stages or stage clones.

Leave Value7 blank if you are issuing MSOPT,NEW to define:
  • the lead harmonic stage in a multiharmonic group

  • a stage that is not part of a multiharmonic group.

[a] Up to 32 characters (see CM command).

[b] A duplicate sector can always be present in the model even if it is not required in the analysis. For a more detailed discussion on duplicate sectors in multistage analyses, see Requirements for Stage Meshes in the Multistage Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.

Important:  When creating a new stage, the base and duplicate sector meshes should be coincident. The offset between the number of base and duplicate coincident nodes is constant throughout the whole model. The same is true for the element numbers.



Deletes the stage identified by Sname.



The name of the stage to be deleted. Entities such as nodes and elements contained in the stage are unaffected. Only the grouping and the related constraint equations are concerned.



Specifies stages (identified by Sname) and sectors (sector number specified in Value1) for subsequent expansion. This option is only valid in the /POST1 processor.



The name of the stage to be expanded. A value of 0 resets all expansion settings. A value of ALL means all existing stages will be expanded (default).



The sector number. A value of 0 resets all sector settings. A value of ALL means all sectors will be expanded (default).



Lists the stage identified by Sname with the level of detail specified in Value1.



The name of the stage to be listed. If blank, list all stages (default).



Key for specifying the level of detail.

0 (or OFF)


Basic listing (default).

1 (or ON)


Detailed listing, including constraint equations information. Note that the interstage constraint equations number information is only listed for the stage with the smallest number of sectors.



Sets the harmonic index of a stage identified by Sname to the integer specified in Value1.



The name of the stage to be modified.



The new harmonic index. Existing cyclic and multistage interface constraint equations will be deleted.



Deletes all stages and resets all multistage analysis settings.


The MSOPT command is used to specify solution options for a multistage cyclic symmetry analysis. It is not part of the CYCLIC procedure for a cyclic symmetry analysis.

When you issue MSOPT,EXPAND, subsequent SET commands read the data set from the specified .rst file and expand the nodes and elements to the stages and sectors specified via MSOPT,EXPAND.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.