Displays the status of database settings.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


STAT is a command generated by the GUI and will appear in the log file (Jobname.log) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu> List> Status. Generally, STAT will be preceded by one of the commands listed below, which specifies the particular topic that status was requested for.

If entered directly into the program, the STAT command should be immediately preceded by the desired topic command listed below. In processors other than those listed below (for example, AUX12), no topic command should proceed STAT.

This command is valid in any processor.

PREP7 topic commands (and their corresponding topics) are:

Topic CommandTopic
ETYPE Element types
RCON Real constants
MATER Material properties
TBLE Data table properties
PRIM Solid model primitives
KEYPTS Keypoints
LINE Lines
GEOMETRY Solid model information
BOOL Booleans
ELEM Elements
SELM Superelements
COUPLE Node coupling
CEQN Constraint equations

SOLUTION topic commands (and their corresponding topics) are:

Topic CommandTopic
ATYPE Analysis types
DEACT Element birth and death (deactivation)
LSOPER Load step operations
FECONS Constraints on nodes
FEFOR Forces on nodes
FESURF Surface loads on elements
FEBODY Body loads on elements
SMCONS Constraints on the solid model
SMFOR Forces on the solid model
SMSURF Surface loads on the solid model
SMBODY Body loads on the solid model
INRTIA Inertial loads
GENOPT General options
DYNOPT Dynamic analysis options
NLOPT Nonlinear analysis options
OUTOPT Output options
BIOOPT Biot-Savart options
SPTOPT Spectrum analysis options
SOLUOPT Solution options

POST1 topic commands (and their corresponding topics) are:

Topic CommandTopic
DEFINE Data definition settings
SORT Sort settings
PRINT Print settings
DISPLAY Display settings
CALC Calculation settings
PATH Path data settings
LCCALC Load case settings
DATADEF Directly defined data status
POINT Point flow tracing settings
SPEC Miscellaneous specifications

POST26 topic commands (and their corresponding topics) are:

Topic CommandTopic
DEFINE Data definition settings
OPERATE Operation data
PRINT Print settings
PLOTTING Plotting settings

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Solution>Solve>Current LS