Displays membrane and membrane-plus-bending linearized stresses.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Label identifying the item to be processed. Valid item labels are shown in Table 218: PLSECT - Valid Item and Component Labels below. Items also require a component label.


Component of the item. Valid component labels are shown in Table 218: PLSECT - Valid Item and Component Labels below.


In-plane (X-Y) average radius of curvature of the inside and outside surfaces of an axisymmetric section. If zero (or blank), a plane or 3D structure is assumed. If nonzero, an axisymmetric structure is assumed. Use a very large number (or -1) for an axisymmetric straight section.


Through-thickness bending stresses key for an axisymmetric analysis (RHO ≠ 0):



Include the thickness-direction bending stresses.



Ignore the thickness-direction bending stresses.



Include the thickness-direction bending stress using the same formula as the Y (axial direction ) bending stress. Also use the same formula for the shear stress.


Through-thickness bending stresses key for 3D geometry (RHO = 0):



Include the thickness-direction bending stresses.



Ignore the following thickness-direction bending stresses: SX, SXY, SXZ


Calculates and displays the membrane and membrane-plus-bending linearized stresses (as described for the PRSECT command) along a path section (PATH) as a graph. The path section is defined by two points specified with the PPATH command. For linearized stress calculations, the path must be defined with nodes. The path must be entirely within the selected elements (that is, there must not be any element gaps along the path). The total stress (equivalent to the PLPATH display) is also displayed. This command always uses 48 divisions along the path, regardless of the number of divisions defined by PATH.

In analyses of 3D models with RHO = 0, ignoring the calculated out-of-plane bending stresses is recommended in some scenarios when determining the linearized bending stresses. If KBR3D = 0, all calculated stresses are included in the linearized bending-stress calculations. If KBR3D = 1, these calculated out-of-plane bending stresses are ignored in the linearized bending-stress calculations: SX, SXY, SXZ. (The principal bending-stress calculation for S1, S2, S3, SINT, and SEQV is performed with these zeroed components.)

Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics (/GRAPHICS,POWER).

Table 218: PLSECT - Valid Item and Component Labels

Valid item and component labels for element results are:
SX, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZComponent stress.
"1, 2, 3Principal stress.
"INT, EQVStress intensity or equivalent stress.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Linearized Strs
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Plot Path Item>Lineariz Strs