VCROSS, LabXR, LabYR, LabZR, LabX1, LabY1, LabZ1, LabX2, LabY2, LabZ2
Forms element table items from the cross product of two vectors.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

LabXR, LabYR, LabZR

Label assigned to X, Y, and Z-component of resultant vector.

LabX1, LabY1, LabZ1

X, Y, and Z-component of first vector label.

LabX2, LabY2, LabZ2

X, Y, and Z-component of second vector label.


Forms labeled result items for the selected element from the cross product of two vectors:

{LabXR, LabYR, LabZR} = {LabX1, LabY1, LabZ1} X {LabX2, LabY2, LabZ2}

Data must be in a consistent coordinate system. Labels are those associated with the ETABLE command.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Cross Product