2.8. POST26 Commands

These commands postprocess the results with the time-history processor. The commands are grouped by functionality.

Table 2.86: Setup

These POST26 commands store data for processing.
ANSOLSpecifies averaged element nodal data to be stored from the results file.  
CISOLStores J-integral information in a variable. 
DATAReads data records from a file into a variable. 
ENERSOLSpecifies the total energies to be stored. 
ESOLSpecifies element data to be stored from the results file. 
FILESpecifies the data file where results are to be found. 
GSSOLSpecifies which results to store from the results file when using generalized plane strain. 
JSOLSpecifies result items to be stored for the joint element. 
NSOLSpecifies nodal data to be stored from the results file. 
NSTOREDefines which time points are to be stored. 
NUMVARSpecifies the number of variables allowed in POST26. 
/POST26Enters the time-history results postprocessor. 
RESETResets all POST1 or POST26 specifications to initial defaults. 
RFORCESpecifies the total reaction force data to be stored. 
/RGBSpecifies the RGB color values for indices and contours. 
SOLUSpecifies solution summary data per substep to be stored. 
STOREStores data in the database for the defined variables. 
TIMERANGESpecifies the time range for which data are to be stored. 
VARDELDeletes a variable (GUI). 
VARNAMNames (or renames) a variable. 

Table 2.87: Controls

These POST26 commands control the calculations of other commands.
CFACTDefines complex scaling factors to be used with operations. 
FORCESelects the element nodal force type for output. 
LAYERP26Specifies the element layer for which data are to be stored. 
SHELLSelects a shell element or shell layer location for results output. 
TVARChanges time to the cumulative iteration number. 

Table 2.88: Operations

These POST26 commands perform operations on the stored variables.
ABSForms the absolute value of a variable. 
ADDAdds variables. 
ATANForms the arctangent of a complex variable. 
CLOGForms the common log of a variable 
CONJUGForms the complex conjugate of a variable. 
DERIVDifferentiates a variable. 
EXPForms the exponential of a variable. 
FILLDATAFills a variable by a ramp function. 
IMAGINForms an imaginary variable from a complex variable. 
INT1Integrates a variable. 
LARGEFinds the largest (the envelope) of three variables. 
NLOGForms the natural log of a variable. 
PRODMultiplies variables. 
QUOTDivides two variables. 
REALVARForms a variable using only the real part of a complex variable. 
SMALLFinds the smallest of three variables. 
SQRTForms the square root of a variable. 

Table 2.89: Display

These POST26 commands display the results.
KEEPStores POST26 definitions and data during active session. 
PLCPLXSpecifies the part of a complex variable to display. 
PLTIMEDefines the time range for which data are to be displayed. 
PLVARDisplays up to ten variables in the form of a graph. 
SPREADTurns on a dashed tolerance curve for the subsequent curve plots. 
XVARSpecifies the X variable to be displayed. 
Certain graphics commands also apply, such as /AXLAB, /XRANGE, and /YRANGE.

Table 2.90: Listing

These POST26 commands produce tabular listings of the results.
EXTREMLists the extreme values for variables. 
LINESSpecifies the length of a printed page. 
NPRINTDefines which time points stored are to be listed. 
PRCPLXDefines the output form for complex variables. 
PRTIMEDefines the time range for which data are to be listed. 
PRVARLists variables vs. time (or frequency). 

Table 2.91: Special Purpose

These POST26 commands are used for various special purposes.
CVARComputes covariance between two quantities. 
PMGTRANSummarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis. 
RCYCCalculates cyclic results for a mode-superposition harmonic solution. 
RESPGenerates a response spectrum. 
RPSDComputes response power spectral density (PSD). 
SMOOTHEnables smoothing of noisy data and provides a graphical representation of the data. 
VGETMoves a variable into an array parameter vector. 
VPUTMoves an array parameter vector into a variable. 

Table 2.92: Status

These POST26 commands are for use with the STAT command.
DEFINESpecifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
OPERATESpecifies "Operation data" as the subsequent status topic. 
PLOTTINGSpecifies "Plotting settings" as the subsequent status topic. 
PRINTSpecifies "Print settings" as the subsequent status topic.