Offered Solvers

The Solver paradigma page lists the available solvers. For a quick access to a solver, use the search field.

Depending on the selected output type the solver chain will have the following components:

  • ETK output

    Input node (for example, Text Input, AMESim Input) > Script or Process node > ETK Output node (for example, ETK ABAQUS)

  • Text output

    Input node (for example, Text Input, AMESim Input) > Script or Process node > Text Output node


To change the page overview, expand the Preferences section.

Beta modulesWhen selected, displays beta solvers.
Unavailable modulesWhen selected, displays solvers that are unavailable for use. Hover over the solver icon for details on why it is unavailable.
Type of scriptSelect the type of script file the solver uses to display those solvers.
Create in parametric systemWhen selected, displays solvers that create the solver node inside a parametric system.


Solver Description
Ansys APDL
Ansys Discovery
  • Select a Discovery (*.dsco), SpaceClaim (*.scdoc, *.scdocx), or other input file

  • Define parameters and responses

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

Ansys EDT

Select the Ansys EDT (*.aedt) input file.


Select the Ansys EDT LSDSO input file.

Ansys Fluent - SolverSelect the Ansys Fluent case (*.cas, *.cas.h5, *.cas.gz) or Ansys Fluent Parametric Project file (*.flprj).
Ansys LumericalSelect the Ansys Lumerical input file (.ldev, .fsp, .icp, .lms, .lsf).
Ansys ModelCenterSelect the Ansys ModelCenter input file.(.pxcz, .pxc).
Ansys OpticStudioSelect the Ansys OpticStudio input file (.zmx, .zos).
Ansys optiSLang
  • Select the optiSLang project file of type *.opf

  • Define parameters and responses

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

Ansys Rocky
Ansys SpaceClaim
  • Select a SpaceClaim (*.scdoc, *.scdocx) or other input file

  • Define parameters or input slots

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

Ansys SpeosSee Ansys Speos Wizard.
Ansys Workbench
  • Either open a project or connect to a local opened project. Select the path to the Workbench executable or connect to an open project in the network.

  • Load and define parameter and responses, define preferences of Workbench and optional output files.

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs.

  • [Criteria] Define criteria.

Common text based

This solver chain depends on the operating system.

  • [Text Input] Select input file

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Text Output] Select output file and define outputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

  • [Bash Script] On Linux systems define a script of type *.sh and modify process settings

    [Batch Script] On Windows systems define a script of type *.bat or modify the process

  • [Text Input] Select input text file

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [ETK Adams] Select Adams result file of type *.res, *.RES

  • Define responses or output slots

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

  • [Script] Define solver process

  • [ANSA Input] Select the input DV file

  • Select the ANSA application ansa64.bat file

  • Select the reference FEA output file

  • [ANSA Output] Select the ANSA response file

ASCMO Solver
  • Select ASCMO file of type *.ascmo

  • Define parameters, input slots, responses and output slots

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

  • Select the project file of type *.axx

  • Select the AxStream application AxStream.exe file

  • Select the Solver type

  • Select the input and output files

  • Define variables, parameter, input slots, responses and output slots

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

CATIASelect the CATIA input file (.CATPart, .CATProduct).
CFX-SolverSelect the CFX model file (*.def or *.res).
COMSOLSelect the COMSOL model file (.mph).
CreoSelect the Creo input file ( (.asm, .prt)).
  • Select input file of type *.xls, *.XLS

  • Define parameter, input slots, responses and output slots

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

FloEFDSee FloEFD Wizard.
InventorSelect the Inventor input file (.ipt, .iam) .
IPG AutomotiveSelect the IPG Automotive TestRun file.
JMAG Designer
KULISelect the KULI input file (*.scs).
LibreOffice Calc
  • Select input file of type *.xls, *.XLS

  • Define parameter, input slots, responses and output slots

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

  • Select input file of type *.m, *.M

  • Define parameter, input slots, responses and output slots

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

MOP Solver
  • Select MOP result file of type *_MOP.bin, *.omdb, *.ascmo

  • Define parameter, input slots, responses and output slots

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

NASTRANSelect the Nastran input file (.bdf, .dat, .nas, .inp).
NXSelect the NX input file (.prt).
optiSLang 3

Select an optiSLang 3 problem definition file (*.pro). All parameters, responses and criteria are imported automatically. Only the solver script has to be applied manually to calculate the reference design. The Python script used to import optiSLang 3 projects is located in [installation path]/tools/import/optislang3/

  • Select input file of type *.py, *.Py, *.PY

  • Define parameter, input slots, responses and output slots

  • [Parameter] Parametrize inputs

  • [Criteria] Define criteria

SimulationXSelect the SimulationX input file (*.ism, *.isx).
Custom scripts

List of all found Python-based custom script wizards.