Batch Script

This node is used for input parametrization of batch script (*.bat and *.cmd) files. The environment variable %ComSpec% is considered when preparing the script execution and can be used to choose a certain command line interpreter.

Script Tab

Use the file selector to open a batch file. The contents of the file are displayed in the text field. Any parameters that are auto-detected in the script are displayed in the table below the text field. You can drag these parameters from the table and drop them in the Parameter or Input Slots panes.

To tag text from the script file as a parameter:

  1. In the text field, highlight the text to tag.

  2. Right-click the text and select Tag as script parameter from the context menu.

  3. In the dialog, optionally change the default parameter name and select whether to register the text as a parameter or an input slot.

  4. Click OK.

Input Files Tab

Displays a list of input files. The working file name can be relative or absolute.

 Adds an input file to the list.
 Removes the selected input file.
Input file path/slot nameSets the location of the input file.
  • Existing File: Uses an input file path from an existing file. After selecting this option, define the file path.

  • From Slot: Uses an input slot name to point to the input file.

A copy of the file is stored in the working directory.

Output Files Tab

Displays a list of all output files.

 Adds an output file to the list.
 Removes the selected output file.
Working file name

Defines the working file name. The working file name can be relative or absolute. If the file exists only once in the design directory, only the file name is defined. If the file exists in several subdirectories of the design directory, you should define the relative path.

You can use RegExes as working file names. To do so, select RegEx from the menu to the left of the field. When selected, the archival option is selected for all files that comply with the regular expression.

Wildcards are not regular expressions. The following is a list of the most important conversions for wildcards and some examples for RegExes.

  • Wildcard conversion:

    * → .*

    ? → .

    . → \.

  • all files with special ending (*.out): .*\.out

  • all files with special prefix (prefix.*): prefix\.*

  • all files with special ending and prefix (prefix*.out): prefix.*\.out

  • file names with numbers (prefix<number>.out): prefix[0-9]?\.out

  • file names with different endings: output\.(foo|bar)


Defines the importance of files using the following options.

  • Optional: The existence of this output file is optional and has no effect on the success of the node.

  • Required: The existence of this output file after the process finished is required or the node fails.

  • Wait: The process node succeeds as soon as all of the indicated output files are available.

  • Wait, indicates failure: Once one of these output files exists, the process node fails.

You must specify the maximum runtime in the additional options when using the Wait and Wait, indicates failure settings. These settings wait at most until the expiration of this value, even if the (executed) process has already finished.

By default, conditions are checked every one second. The interval of the check can be changed in the configuration settings.

If only one of Wait or Wait, indicates failure is set, but the associated files are not created, the process node waits until the maximum runtime.

ArchivalSets the type of file archiving.
  • Default

    File remains in working directory.

  • Compressed

    File is stored compressed in working directory.

  • Remove

    File is removed.

Slot nameBy default, the slot name is the file name but it can be changed manually.
Environment Tab

Displays a list of all environmental variables with their values.

 Adds an environment variable to the list.
 Removes the selected environment variable. The override for a default environment variable is removed or the variable entry is removed entirely if it does not exist in the default environment.
Default environmentSets the conditions for the default environment variables.
  • Merge: Keeps the default environment variables and adds new user-defined variables. In a merged environment the color of the table entries represents whether the variable has its default value (faded text) or has a custom value (normal text).

  • Replace: Uses only user-defined variables and some special variables for optiSLang 3 compatibility.

Prepend project directory and its bin subdirectory to PATHWhen selected, two directories are inserted in front of the PATH variable. For example, if your project path is C:\mypath, the variable PATH will be PATH = C:\mypath; C:\mypath\bin; C:\Windows instead of PATH = C:\Windows
Execution Settings Tab
Designs per process

When selected, activates the launch of a single process for multiple designs. The process node creates a file with designs to be calculated and provides the following environment variables for the executing script:

  • OSL_DESIGNS_BASE: Base directory to the design working directories.

  • OSL_DESIGNS_LIST: File path with the listing of design folders to calculate in the current process call.

If this option is enabled, the environment variables OSL_DESIGN_NO, OSL_DESIGN_NAME, and OSL_DESIGN_DIR are not available.

An example implementation for the script in process node:

REM This is a Windows batch script (*.bat)
copy ..\..\..\py\

An example code snippet to process the designs:

# This is the Python script ""
basedir=normpath(sys.argv[1]) # base directory
listfile=normpath(sys.argv[2]) # path of the file containing the listing of design folders
for folder in listfilereader(listfile):
    pd=myreader(join(basedir,folder,'inp_cpfunc.txt')) # pd stands for parameter dictionary
    results={'Y': 0.5*pd['X1']+pd['X2']+0.5*pd['X1']*pd['X2']+5*sin(pd['X3'])+0.2*pd['X4']+0.1*pd['X5']}
Ignore process exit codeWhen selected, ignores the process exit code, avoiding problems if the code is not evaluable.
Distinct working directoryWhen selected, creates an extra directory in the design directories for calculations.
Execute through command shellWhen selected, interprets the command line or the script as a shell command. When cleared, the process is started at the operating system level.
  • The option is enabled by default, and is the behavior up to version 7.0.

  • The redirection of the output to files with the > operator is only possible with shell execution.

  • If the shell itself causes problems, you should turn this option off.

Run Options

This node has general Run Options. The number of supported options is individual for each node.

Script Node Slots

The script node is derived from the Process node.

Slot NameSlot TypeData TypeDescription
BaseDirx  Base directory
Commandx  Executing Command
Contentx  Content of the script file
Designx  Receiving design
Environmentx  List of environment variables
ErrorCodex  Error code
MaxParallelx  Number of parallel runs
MaxRuntimex  Maximum runtime (in milliseconds)
Starting Delayx  Delay before a process is started
WorkingDirx  Path to working directory
Design x Solved design
ErrorCode x Error code
MaxParallel x Number of parallel runs
StdErr x Error text
StdOut x Output text
WorkingDir x Path to working directory

Supported Versions

See the Supported Integration Versions table.