This node allows you to use NX files (.prt) within an optiSLang workflow. Open a file in the node and the parameters and results are displayed in the editor.

Parameters and Responses

The integration opens the model and scans the model parameters. Each changeable object is listed as an available parameter in the integration dialog box. All unchangeable objects are listed as available responses. Parameters and responses can be registered using drag-and-drop.

The optiSLang setting Customization:Customized integrations use tree view controls whether the parameters and responses are presented as a list or a tree structure. To use the setting, from the menu bar select Edit > Settings. After changing the setting, restart optiSLang.

The following types are supported:

NX ExpressionExampleoptiSLang ParameterExampleoptiSLang ResponseExample
Booleanmy_exp = trueBOOLmy_exp = trueBOOLmy_exp = true
Stringmy_exp = "test"STRINGmy_exp = "test"--
Numbermy_exp = 1.5REALmy_exp = 1.5REALmy_exp = 1.5
Integermy_exp = 1INTEGERmy_exp = 1INTEGERmy_exp = 1
Pointmy_exp = Point(1, 2, 3)REAL

my_exp.X = 1

my_exp.Y = 2

my_exp.Z = 3


my_exp.X = 1

my_exp.Y = 2

my_exp.Z = 3

Vectormy_exp = Vector(1, 2, 3)REAL

my_exp.X = 1

my_exp.Y = 2

my_exp.Z = 3


my_exp.X = 1

my_exp.Y = 2

my_exp.Z = 3

Listmy_exp = [1, 2, 3]REAL

my_exp[0] = 1

my_exp[1] = 2

my_exp[2] = 3

VECTORmy_exp = [1, 2, 3]

To access the NX settings, switch to the Settings tab and click Change settings.

TabNameDefault valueDescription
ExecutionNX install pathC:\Program Files\Siemens\NX1953\NXBINSets the path to the run_journal.exe file.
ExportExport as pdfFalseWhen selected, exports the current view as a PDF file.
SPEOS for NXSave .sv5/.speosFalseWhen selected, exports a Speos *.sv5 or *.speos file.
Speos install pathC:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\Optical Products\ViewersSets the path to the SPEOSCore.exe file.
Ansys Speos NX directoryC:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\Optical Products\Speos for NX\NX_SPEOS_2007Sets the path to the Speos custom directory.
UGII custom directory fileC:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v231\Optical Products\Speos for NX\speos_custom_dir_2007.datSets the path to the Speos custom directory file (*.dat).
Simulation nameDirect Simulation (0)Sets the Speos simulation name.
Run Options

This node has general Run Options. The number of supported options is individual for each node.

Operating System


Supported Versions

See the Supported Integration Versions table.