JMAG Designer Output

The JMAG Designer integration allows you to use JMAG Designer projects inside your optiSLang workflow.

Basic Concept

The integration consists of three nodes: input, solve and output. You can use the JMAG Designer wizard to automatically generate a parametric system and to configure the integration. The integration requires a .jproj file. Ensure that you have executed the project at least once before using it in the integration. Based on the .jproj file, the integration does the following:

  • The input node reads the parameters of the project.

  • The solve node sets parameter values based on the current design and runs the project.

  • The output node extracts the responses from the generated output.

The integration copies the reference ..jproj file inside the design directory to prevent unwanted changes on the original project. The integration opens the JMAG Designer application with Python scripts as argument, which then executes the script to perform the corresponding tasks.

The integration saves the extracted parameters and responses in a .json file. If the project did not change, the integration load the data from the files instead of starting JMAG Designer again. This improves loading and execution time. However, if you encounter issues with the integration, try to remove the PROJECT_NAME.optislang directory next to your selected project.

Node Settings

The nodes provide the following execution settings:

NameDefault valueDescription
JMAG_designer_pathInsert the path to the JMAG Designer executableDefine the location of your JMAG Designer executable.
use_windowlessTrueWhen true, the JMAG Designer executable is started in the windlowless (-w) mode. Otherwise the -g mode is used.
export_jcfFalseWhen true, the integration generates an export.jcf file in order to prepare the submission of the job to a remote location via the JMAG scheduler.

The nodes provide the following remote/scheduler settings:

NameDefault valueDescription
MachinelocalhostSpecify the machine name for remote solve.
Number of cores4Specify number of cores of the remote host to be used for simulation.
Port8888Specify port number for the communication with the remote host.
Max runtime0Maximum runtime of the remote job defined in minutes. (0 = no timeout)
Run Options

This node has general Run Options. The number of supported options is individual for each node.

Supported Versions

See the Supported Integration Versions table.