This node allows you to use CATIA files (.CATPart, .CATProduct) within an optiSLang workflow. Select a file in the node and the parameters and results are displayed in the editor.

Parameters and Responses

The integration opens the model and scans the model parameters. Each changeable object is listed as an available parameter in the integration dialog box. All unchangeable objects are listed as available responses. Parameters and responses can be registered using drag and drop.

The optiSLang setting Customization:Customized integrations use tree view controls whether the parameters and responses are presented as a list or a tree structure. To use the setting, from the menu bar select Edit > Settings. After changing the setting, restart optiSLang.

The following types are supported:

CATIA ParameterExampleoptiSLang ParameterExampleoptiSLang ResponseExample
BoolParammy_exp = trueBOOLmy_exp = trueBOOLmy_exp = true
StrParammy_exp = "test"STRINGmy_exp = "test"--
RealParammy_exp = 1.5REALmy_exp = 1.5REALmy_exp = 1.5
IntParammy_exp = 1INTEGERmy_exp = 1INTEGERmy_exp = 1

The CATIA integration node provides the following settings:

TabNameDefault ValueDescription
ExecutionStart CATIADefault versionThe starting option for CATIA. Either start the default version of CATIA (with default environment) or start it with batch script.
Batch Script A batch script that starts CATIA. The content could be, for example, set install_path=C:\Program Files\Dassault Systems\B29\win_b64\code\bin "%install_path%\cnext.exe" -env MyEnvironmentFile -batch
Update dependent CATParts Add semicolon separated filenames for CATParts that must be updated. Every filename can contain wildcards (*). For example, the value my_first_file;my_second_file updates my_first_file.CATPart and my_second_file.CATPart. The value *_file updates the same files.
Parameter key 

A key to identify inputs and outputs shown in optiSLang. This key can appear either at the beginning or the end of the parameter name and does not need to be separated from the name with an underscore or any other character. If the key is empty, all parameters are exposed.

You must assign CAD parameters correctly in the CAD system before importing the model. Refer to your CAD system instructions for detailed information on assigning these parameters.

ExportExport as bmpTrueExport the current view as a BMP file.
Export as stpFalseExport the current view as a STP file.
Export as igsFalseExport the current view as a IGS file.
SPEOS for CATIAExport sv5FalseThis is a beta option that is not fully tested and documented. Contact optiSLang support for more information.
Run Options

This node has general Run Options. The number of supported options is individual for each node.

Versions and Requirements
  • Set up CATIA to Run With optiSLang

    If you have properly set up CATIA and its license and the integration is not working, try the following.

    1. Install the CATIA VBAPI.

    2. Register the COM server using "cnext.exe /regserver".

  • Log Files

    The CATIA integration automatically creates a log file next to the currently used CATIA model with the extension .cadlog. For more detailed information, set the following environment variable before working with optiSLang: