
This node can be used as an integration node connecting a design to the input and output slot of a system. The node dialog consists of the common integration blocks.

Defining Variables

The multi-action button and the context menu include the following options:

Add variableAdds a new variable to the list of variables. The new variable has a default ID, an empty expression and is of type UNINITIALIZED. An expression can be added to the Expression cell either by double-clicking the cell and typing it in directly or opening the calculator. The value is displayed as soon as the expression has been evaluated.
Remove variableRemoves the selected variables.
Export variable(s)Exports the selected variables to an optiSLang variable database (*.ovdb) file.
Import variable(s)Imports an optiSLang variable database (*.ovdb) file and adds the variables to the list.
Refresh valuesRefreshes (re-calculates) the value of all variables.

The defined variables can be used as output slots or responses by dragging them from the variable list and dropping them onto the Responses or Output slots panes.

Variable names must begin with a letter or underscore. Subsequently, digits and periods are allowed as well, but nothing else.

Defining Parameters

The expression field can be used to define parameters or input slots by either dragging each parameter from the field and dropping them onto the Parameter or Input slots panes, or selecting the variable and dropping it as a parameter. The expression is dissected automatically and parameters are added. For example:

Variable: My_sum

Expression: x+y

  • Select x, drag and drop it on the Parameter pane. Parameter x is defined.

  • Select y, drag and drop it on the Parameter pane. Parameter y is defined.

  • Select My_sum, drag and drop it on the Parameter pane. Parameters x and y are defined.

Instant Value Update

When selected, instantly update variables and their reference values whenever dependencies change.

Instant Visualization

When selected, displays visual information of the selected values. A graphical and a textual representation is available by switching the tab of the visualization widget. Multiple values can be visualized simultaneously.

Run Options

This node has general Run Options. The number of supported options is individual for each node.

Calculator Standard Slots

This node has the common integration slots.

In addition, it has dynamic input slots that must be one of the following types:

 Design Point
 Design Entry
 NVP Sequence