ABAQUS Process

This node composes a ABAQUS command call using the given settings.

Abaqus Tab

This tab is composed of the following sub-tabs. For further information see your ABAQUS User's Manual.

Basic Options Tab

In this tab, you must provided the ABAQUS executable, the job title, and the execution type. The number of CPUs can be changed to start a parallelized ABAQUS run.

Abaqus executableSets the link to the ABAQUS executable file.
Job nameSets the name of the job.
Execution typeSets the type of execution. Select from the following options:
  • Analysis

  • Datacheck

  • Parametercheck

  • Synctaxcheck

  • PrePost

Number of cpusSets the number of CPUs to use for the computation

Advanced Options Tab

In this tab, you can set some additional options for the ABAQUS run.

Input fileSpecifies the input file name, which may be given with or without the .inp extension (if the extension is not supplied, ABAQUS will append it automatically). If this option is not supplied, the procedure will look for an input file called job-name.inp in the current directory. If jjob-name.inp cannot be found, the procedure will prompt for the input file name.
MADYMO input fileSpecifies the MADYMO input file name for a co-simulation analysis that couples ABAQUS/Explicit and MADYMO. The MADYMO input file name must be given with the .saf extension. For more information, see the ABAQUS User's Guide for Crash Safety Simulation Using ABAQUS/Explicit and MADYMO.
User defined function

Specifies the name of a FORTRAN source or object file that contains any user subroutines to be used in the analysis. The name of the user routine may contain a path name and may be given with or without a file extension. This option is not applicable for ABAQUS/CFD.

If an extension is given, the program will take the appropriate action based on the file type. If the file name has no extension, the program will search for a FORTRAN source file. If the source file does not exist, an object file will be searched for instead. The execution procedure creates a shared library using the user subroutine file that is used by ABAQUS/Standard or ABAQUS/Explicit during execution.

If the same user subroutine will be required often, consider setting the usub_lib_dir environment file parameter and using the ABAQUS make execution procedure to create a shared library containing the user subroutine. This will avoid the need to recompile and/or relink the user subroutine each time it is needed. The user option is not required if the user subroutine called by the analysis is contained in the user library. User libraries contained in the directory given by the usub_lib_dir environment file parameter will not be used if the user option is specified.

This option cannot be used to specify an object file when the double option is used to run an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis because ABAQUS/Explicit double precision runs need both single precision and double precision objects. In this case, you must set the usub_lib_dir environment file parameter and place the single and double precision object files in the specified directory. Alternatively, you can supply the user subroutine source.

Output data base file nameSpecifies the name of the global model's results file or output database file where the results are to be interpolated to drive a submodel analysis. This option is required whenever a submodel analysis or submodel boundary condition reads data from the global model's results. The file extension is optional. If both a results file and an output database file exist for the global model and no extension is given, the results file will be used. This option is not applicable for ABAQUS/CFD.
Scratch dirSpecifies the name of the directory used for scratch files. On UNIX platforms, the default value is the value of the $TMPDIR environment variable or /tmp if $TMPDIR is not defined. On Windows platforms, the default value is the value of the %TEMP% environment variable or \TEMP if this variable is not defined. During the analysis a subdirectory will be created under this directory to hold the analysis scratch files. The default value for this parameter can be set in the environment file.

Specifies that the double precision executable is used for ABAQUS/Explicit. The possible values are: both, constraint, explicit, and off.

  • explicit

    The ABAQUS/Explicit analysis will run in double precision, while the packager will still run in single precision. The default value is explicit.

  • both

    Both the ABAQUS/Explicit packager and analysis will run in double precision.

  • off

    The environment file setting is overridden if necessary to invoke both the ABAQUS/Explicit packager and ABAQUS/Explicit analysis in single precision.

  • constraint

    The constraint packaging and constraint solver in ABAQUS/Explicit will run in double precision, while the ABAQUS/Explicit packager and ABAQUS/Explicit analysis continue to run in single precision.

This capability is also supported through the ABAQUS environment file with the environment variable double_precision.

MemorySpecifies the maximum amount of memory or maximum percentage of the physical memory that can be allocated during the input file preprocessing and during the ABAQUS/Standard analysis phase. The default values can be changed in the environment file.
Parallel typeSpecifies the method to use for thread-based parallel processing in ABAQUS/Explicit. The possible values are domain and loop. If parallel=domain, the domain-level method is used to break the model into geometric domains. If parallel=loop, the loop-level method is used to parallelize low-level loops.
Number of domainsSpecifies the number of parallel domains in ABAQUS/Explicit. If the value is greater than 1, the domain decomposition will be performed regardless of the values of the parallel and cpus options. However, if parallel=domain, the value of CPUs must be evenly divisible into the value of domains. The default value is set equal to the number of processors used during the analysis run if parallel=domain and 1 if parallel=loop.
Dynamic load balancingActivates the dynamic load balancing scheme for domain-parallel execution in ABAQUS/Explicit (parallel=domain) where the number of domains is larger than the number of CPUs. ABAQUS/Explicit will attempt to improve computational efficiency by periodically reassigning domains to processors in a way that minimizes load imbalance.
MP modeIf this option is set equal to mpi, the MPI-based parallelization method will be used when applicable. Set mp_mode=threads to use the thread-based parallelization method. The default value is mpi on Windows platforms if MPI components are installed; otherwise, thread-based parallel execution is the default behavior. On all other platforms, the default value is mpi.
Standard parallelSpecifies the parallel execution mode in ABAQUS/Standard. The possible values are all and solver. If standard_parallel=all, both the element operations and the solver will run in parallel. If standard_parallel=solver, only the solver will run in parallel. The default value is standard_parallel=all on platforms where MPI-based parallelization is supported.
Output precisionSpecifies the precision of the nodal field output written to the output database file (job-name.odb). Using output_precision=full results in double precision field output for ABAQUS/Standard analyses. To obtain double precision field output for ABAQUS/Explicit analyses, use the double option in addition to using output_precision=full. Nodal history output is available only in single precision.

Pre-Post Options Tab

In this tab, you define the settings for a ABAQUS CAE or Viewer run.

PrePost typeSelect either CAE or Viewer functionality and licensing.
Database file nameSpecifies the name of the model database file or output database file to open. To specify a model database file, include either the .cae file extension or no file extension in the file name. To specify an output database file, include the .odb file extension in the file name.
NoGUI file name

Specifies that ABAQUS/CAE is to be run without the graphical user interface (GUI). If no file name is specified, an ABAQUS/CAE license is checked out and the Python interpreter is initialized to allow interactive entry of Python or ABAQUS Scripting Interface commands.

If a file name is specified, ABAQUS/CAE runs the commands in the file and exits upon their completion. If no file extension is given, the default extension is .py. This option is useful for automating pre- or post-analysis processing tasks without the added expense of running a display. Since no interface is provided, the scripts cannot include any user interaction. If you use the noGUI option, ABAQUS/CAE ignores any other command line options that you provide.

Arguments can be passed into the file by entering -- on the command line, followed by the arguments separated by one or more spaces. These arguments will be ignored by the ABAQUS/CAE execution procedure, but they will be accessible within the Python script. If you are using the noGUI option, you can use an argument to pass in a variable that would otherwise be provided by a command line option. For example, you can pass in the name of a file that would otherwise be specified by the script option.

noenvstartupSpecifies that all configuration commands in the environment files should not be run at application start-up. This option can be used in conjunction with the script command to suppress all configuration commands except those in the script file.
NoSavedOptionsSpecifies that ABAQUS/CAE should not apply the display options settings stored in abaqus_v6.11.gpr (for example, the render style and the display of datum planes).
NoStartupDialogSpecifies that the Start Session dialog box for ABAQUS/CAE should not be displayed.
Startup script fileSpecifies the name of the file containing Python configuration commands to be run at application startup. Commands in this file are run after any configuration commands that have been set in the environment file. ABAQUS/CAE does not echo the commands to the replay file when they are executed.
Script file

Specifies the name of the file containing Python configuration commands to be run at application startup. Commands in this file are run after any configuration commands that have been set in the environment file.

Arguments can be passed into the file by entering -- on the command line, followed by the arguments separated by one or more spaces. These arguments will be ignored by the ABAQUS/CAE execution procedure, but they will be accessible within the script.

Custom script fileSpecifies the name of the file containing ABAQUS GUI Toolkit commands. This option executes an application that is a customized version of ABAQUS/CAE.

Actual Command Call Tab

After you have updated the settings on the other three sub-tabs, click Apply. The command call for the ABAQUS run is then displayed on this tab.

Additional Arguments Tab

Defines the arguments to be passed to the ABAQUS executable process. This tab is a text field where you can enter the arguments.

Input Files Tab

Displays a list of input files. The working file name can be relative or absolute.

 Adds an input file to the list.
 Removes the selected input file.
Input file path/slot nameSets the location of the input file.
  • Existing File: Uses an input file path from an existing file. After selecting this option, define the file path.

  • From Slot: Uses an input slot name to point to the input file.

A copy of the file is stored in the working directory.

Output Files Tab

Displays a list of all output files.

 Adds an output file to the list.
 Removes the selected output file.
Working file name

Defines the working file name. The working file name can be relative or absolute. If the file exists only once in the design directory, only the file name is defined. If the file exists in several subdirectories of the design directory, you should define the relative path.

You can use RegExes as working file names. To do so, select RegEx from the menu to the left of the field. When selected, the archival option is selected for all files that comply with the regular expression.

Wildcards are not regular expressions. The following is a list of the most important conversions for wildcards and some examples for RegExes.

  • Wildcard conversion:

    * → .*

    ? → .

    . → \.

  • all files with special ending (*.out): .*\.out

  • all files with special prefix (prefix.*): prefix\.*

  • all files with special ending and prefix (prefix*.out): prefix.*\.out

  • file names with numbers (prefix<number>.out): prefix[0-9]?\.out

  • file names with different endings: output\.(foo|bar)


Defines the importance of files using the following options.

  • Optional: The existence of this output file is optional and has no effect on the success of the node.

  • Required: The existence of this output file after the process finished is required or the node fails.

  • Wait: The process node succeeds as soon as all of the indicated output files are available.

  • Wait, indicates failure: Once one of these output files exists, the process node fails.

You must specify the maximum runtime in the additional options when using the Wait and Wait, indicates failure settings. These settings wait at most until the expiration of this value, even if the (executed) process has already finished.

By default, conditions are checked every one second. The interval of the check can be changed in the configuration settings.

If only one of Wait or Wait, indicates failure is set, but the associated files are not created, the process node waits until the maximum runtime.

ArchivalSets the type of file archiving.
  • Default

    File remains in working directory.

  • Compressed

    File is stored compressed in working directory.

  • Remove

    File is removed.

Slot nameBy default, the slot name is the file name but it can be changed manually.
Environment Tab

Displays a list of all environmental variables with their values.

 Adds an environment variable to the list.
 Removes the selected environment variable. The override for a default environment variable is removed or the variable entry is removed entirely if it does not exist in the default environment.
Default environmentSets the conditions for the default environment variables.
  • Merge: Keeps the default environment variables and adds new user-defined variables. In a merged environment the color of the table entries represents whether the variable has its default value (faded text) or has a custom value (normal text).

  • Replace: Uses only user-defined variables and some special variables for optiSLang 3 compatibility.

Prepend project directory and its bin subdirectory to PATHWhen selected, two directories are inserted in front of the PATH variable. For example, if your project path is C:\mypath, the variable PATH will be PATH = C:\mypath; C:\mypath\bin; C:\Windows instead of PATH = C:\Windows
Execution Settings Tab
Designs per process

When selected, activates the launch of a single process for multiple designs. The process node creates a file with designs to be calculated and provides the following environment variables for the executing script:

  • OSL_DESIGNS_BASE: Base directory to the design working directories.

  • OSL_DESIGNS_LIST: File path with the listing of design folders to calculate in the current process call.

If this option is enabled, the environment variables OSL_DESIGN_NO, OSL_DESIGN_NAME, and OSL_DESIGN_DIR are not available.

An example implementation for the script in process node:

REM This is a Windows batch script (*.bat)
copy ..\..\..\py\run_multi_cpfunc.py
python run_multi_cpfunc.py %OSL_DESIGNS_BASE% %OSL_DESIGNS_LIST%

An example code snippet to process the designs:

# This is the Python script "run_multi_cpfunc.py"
basedir=normpath(sys.argv[1]) # base directory
listfile=normpath(sys.argv[2]) # path of the file containing the listing of design folders
for folder in listfilereader(listfile):
    pd=myreader(join(basedir,folder,'inp_cpfunc.txt')) # pd stands for parameter dictionary
    results={'Y': 0.5*pd['X1']+pd['X2']+0.5*pd['X1']*pd['X2']+5*sin(pd['X3'])+0.2*pd['X4']+0.1*pd['X5']}
Ignore process exit codeWhen selected, ignores the process exit code, avoiding problems if the code is not evaluable.
Distinct working directoryWhen selected, creates an extra directory in the design directories for calculations.
Execute through command shellWhen selected, interprets the command line or the script as a shell command. When cleared, the process is started at the operating system level.
  • The option is enabled by default, and is the behavior up to version 7.0.

  • The redirection of the output to files with the > operator is only possible with shell execution.

  • If the shell itself causes problems, you should turn this option off.

Run Options

This node has general Run Options. The number of supported options is individual for each node.


The ABAQUS integration node is derived from the Process node.


Slot NameSlot TypeData TypeDescription
BaseDirx  Base directory
Commandx  Executing Command
Designx  Receiving design
Environmentx  List of environment variables
ErrorCodex  Error code
MaxParallelx  Number of parallel runs
MaxRuntimex  Maximum runtime (in milliseconds)
Starting Delayx  Delay before a process is started.
WorkingDirx  Path to working directory
Design x Solved design.
ErrorCode x Error code
MaxParallel x Number of parallel runs.
StdErr x Error text
StdOut x Output text
WorkingDir x Path to working directory


Slot NameSlot TypeData TypeDescription
Inputfilex  Path to the used Inp file
ODBPath x Path to the result odb
Supported Versions

See the Supported Integration Versions table.