Ansys SpaceClaim

The SpaceClaim solver node supports SpaceClaim project files (*.scdoc, *scdocx) or all files (*).


You can open an existing SpaceClaim project in the node dialog box. Parameters are loaded and listed in the Parameters table. You can then register them as parameters or input slots using drag and drop or the respective buttons.

Execution Settings
ProductSelect the version of SpaceClaim to use from the list of supported versions.
Batch mode

Controls whether SpaceClaim is started with or without a user interface.

  • Selected: No user interface

  • Cleared: User interface

Python script pre updateWhen selected, allows you to execute a Python script before the design is updated. After selecting the check box, set the path to the Python script file.
Python script post updateWhen selected, allows you to execute a Python script after the design is updated. After selecting the check box, set the path to the Python script file.

The following execution sequence runs for each design:

  1. Open project

  2. Execute Python script pre-update

  3. Update parameters

  4. Check set parameters

  5. Export geometries/images

  6. Execute Python script post-update

  7. Close project

Note:  The parameters are updated in the order displayed in the Parameter pane. The sort order is always alphabetical and you can change the order by renaming the parameters.

The following environment variables are available for the Python scripts during the execution sequence.

Environment VariableDescription
OSL_DESIGN_NOCurrent design number (for example, 0.1).
OSL_DESIGN_NAMECurrent design directory name (for example, Design0001).
OSL_DESIGN_DIRAbsolute path of the current design directory.
OSL_PROJECT_DIRAbsolute path of the current project (*.opd).
OSL_WORKING_DIRAbsolute path of the current working directory.
OSL_NODE_NAMEName of the current node.
OSL_RLS_VERVersion number of optiSLang.
OSL_RLS_REVRevision number of optiSLang.
OSL_RLS_FLGEmpty unless a specific version of optiSLang is used.

  • You get access to the environment variables by using the following IronPython code:

    OSL_DESIGN_DIR = args_dict['OSL_DESIGN_DIR']

Export Settings
Export formatsSelect one or more format check boxes to write as result files in the design directory.
Additional formatsExports defined file types during the run. In the field, separate the file types using commas (,), semicolons (;), or pipes (|). For supported export formats, see Exporting: Supported File Formats in the SpaceClaim Documentation.
Run Options

This node has general Run Options. The number of supported options is individual for each node.

Hint: Using the run option "Designs per process" can lead to a very high memory allocation of the SpaceClaim project, as the allocated memory is only released when the SpaceClaim process is closed. It is recommended to use a small number for "Designs in process" if memory is limited.

Log Management

SpaceClaim logs information automatically into the log file, which can be found in one of the following directories:

  • C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\SpaceClaim\Log Files

  • C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\SpaceClaim\Log Files


Windows operating system only.

Supported Versions

See the Supported Integration Versions table.