S Commands

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SABS - Specifies absolute values for element table operations.
SADD - Forms an element table item by adding two existing items.
SALLOW - Defines the allowable stress table for safety factor calculations.
SAVE - Saves all current database information.
SBCLIST - Lists solid model boundary conditions.
SBCTRAN - Transfers solid model loads and boundary conditions to the FE model.
*SCAL - Scales a vector or matrix by a constant or a vector.
SCCONNECT - Specifies System Coupling connection parameters.
SCOPT - Specifies System Coupling options.
SDELETE - Deletes sections from the database.
SE - Defines a superelement.
SECCONTROL - Supplements or overrides default section properties.
SECDATA - Describes the geometry of a section.
SECFUNCTION - Specifies shell section thickness as a tabular function.
SECJOINT - Defines local coordinate systems at joint element nodes and other data for joint elements.
/SECLIB - Sets the default section library path for the SECREAD command.
SECLOCK - Specifies locks on the components of relative motion in a joint element.
SECMODIF - Modifies a pretension or joint section.
SECNUM - Sets the element section attribute pointer.
SECOFFSET - Defines the section offset for cross sections.
SECPLOT - Plots the geometry of a beam, pipe, elbow, shell, or reinforcing section to scale.
SECREAD - Reads a custom section library or a user-defined section mesh into Mechanical APDL.
SECSTOP - Specifies stops on the components of relative motion in a joint element.
SECTYPE - Associates section type information with a section ID number.
SECWRITE - Creates an ASCII file containing user mesh section information.
SED - Defines the excitation direction for response spectrum and PSD analyses.
SEDLIST - Lists the DOF solution of a superelement after the use pass.
SEEXP - Specifies options for the substructure expansion pass.
/SEG - Allows graphics data to be stored in the local terminal memory.
SELIST - Lists the contents of a superelement matrix file.
SELM - Specifies "Superelements" as the subsequent status topic.
SELTOL - Sets the tolerance for subsequent select operations.
SEMIIMPLICIT - Specifies parameters for a semi-implicit solution.
SENERGY - Determines the stored magnetic energy or co-energy.
SEOPT - Specifies substructure analysis options.
SESYMM - Performs a symmetry operation on a superelement within the use pass.
*SET - Assigns values to user-named parameters.
SET - Defines the data set to be read from the results file.
SETFGAP - Updates or defines the real constant table for squeeze film elements.
SETRAN - Creates a superelement from an existing superelement.
SEXP - Forms an element table item by exponentiating and multiplying.
SF - Defines surface loads on nodes.
SFA - Specifies surface loads on the selected areas.
SFACT - Allows safety factor or margin of safety calculations to be made.
SFADELE - Deletes surface loads from areas.
SFALIST - Lists the surface loads for the specified area.
SFBEAM - Specifies surface loads on beam and pipe elements.
SFCALC - Calculates the safety factor or margin of safety.
SFCONTROL - Defines structural surface-load properties on selected elements and nodes for subsequent loading commands.
SFCUM - Specifies that surface loads are to be accumulated.
SFDELE - Deletes surface loads.
SFE - Defines surface loads on elements.
SFEDELE - Deletes surface loads from elements.
SFELIST - Lists the surface loads for elements.
SFFUN - Specifies a varying surface load.
SFGRAD - Specifies a gradient (slope) for surface loads.
SFL - Specifies surface loads on lines of an area.
SFLDELE - Deletes surface loads from lines.
SFLEX - Sets flexibility factors for the currently defined pipe element section.
SFLIST - Lists surface loads.
SFLLIST - Lists the surface loads for lines.
SFSCALE - Scales surface loads on elements.
SFTRAN - Transfer the solid model surface loads to the finite element model.
/SHADE - Defines the type of surface shading used with Z-buffering.
SHELL - Selects a shell element or shell layer location for results output.
/SHOW - Specifies the device and other parameters for graphics displays.
SHPP - Controls element shape checking.
SHSD - Creates or deletes a shell-solid interface to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies.
/SHRINK - Shrinks elements, lines, areas, and volumes for display clarity.
SLIST - Summarizes the section properties for all defined sections in the current session.
SLOAD - Loads a pretension section.
SMALL - Finds the smallest of three variables.
*SMAT - Creates a sparse matrix.
SMAX - Forms an element table item from the maximum of two other items.
/SMBC - Controls the display of solid model boundary condition symbols and labels.
SMBODY - Specifies "Body loads on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SMCONS - Specifies "Constraints on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SMFOR - Specifies "Forces on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SMIN - Forms an element table item from the minimum of two other items.
SMOOTH - Allows smoothing of noisy data and provides a graphical representation of the data.
SMRTSIZE - Specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing.
SMSURF - Specifies "Surface loads on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SMULT - Forms an element table item by multiplying two other items.
SNOPTION - Specifies Supernode (SNODE) eigensolver options.
SOLOPTION - Specifies solution transition options.
SOLU - Specifies solution summary data per substep to be stored.
/SOLU - Enters the solution processor.
SOLUOPT - Specifies "Solution options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLVE - Starts a solution.
*SORT - Sorts the values of the specified vector.
SORT - Specifies "Sort settings" as the subsequent status topic.
SOURCE - Defines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints.
SPACE - Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiation Matrix method.
SPCNOD - Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiosity method.
SPCTEMP - Defines a free-space ambient temperature for radiation using the Radiosity method.
SPDAMP - Defines input spectrum damping in a multi-point response spectrum analysis.
SPEC - Specifies "Miscellaneous specifications" as the subsequent status topic.
SPFREQ - Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables SPVAL vs. SPFREQ for multi-point spectrum analysis.
SPGRAPH - Displays input spectrum curves for MPRS analysis.
SPH4 - Creates a spherical volume anywhere on the working plane.
SPH5 - Creates a spherical volume by diameter end points.
SPHERE - Creates a spherical volume centered about the working plane origin.
SPLINE - Generates a segmented spline through a series of keypoints.
SPLOT - Displays the selected areas and a faceted view of their underlying surfaces
SPMWRITE - Calculates the state-space matrices and writes them to the SPM file.
SPOINT - Defines a point for force/moment summations or inertia calculation
SPOPT - Selects the spectrum type and other spectrum options.
SPREAD - Turns on a dashed tolerance curve for the subsequent curve plots.
SPTOPT - Specifies "Spectrum analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.
SPUNIT - Defines the type of multi-point response spectrum.
SPVAL - Defines multi-point response spectrum values.
SQRT - Forms the square root of a variable.
*SREAD - Reads a file into a string array parameter.
SRSS - Specifies the square root of sum of squares mode combination method.
SSBT - Specifies preintegrated bending thermal effects for shell sections.
/SSCALE - Sets the contour multiplier for topographic displays.
SSLN - Selects and displays small lines in the model.
SSMT - Specifies preintegrated membrane thermal effects for shell sections.
SSOPT - Defines a solution option for soil analysis.
SSPA - Specifies a preintegrated membrane stiffness for shell sections.
SSPB - Specifies a preintegrated coupling stiffness for shell sections.
SSPD - Specifies a preintegrated bending stiffness for shell sections.
SSPE - Specifies a preintegrated transverse shear stiffness for shell sections.
SSPM - Specifies mass density for a preintegrated shell section.
SSTATE - Defines a steady-state rolling analysis.
SSUM - Calculates and prints the sum of element table items.
STABILIZE - Activates stabilization for all elements that support nonlinear stabilization.
STAT - Displays the status of database settings.
*STATUS - Lists the current parameters and abbreviations.
/STATUS - Lists the status of items for the run.
STEF - Specifies Stefan-Boltzmann radiation constant.
/STITLE - Defines subtitles.
STORE - Stores data in the database for the defined variables.
SUBOPT - Specifies Subspace (SUBSP) eigensolver options.
SUBSET - Reads results for the selected portions of the model.
SUCALC - Create new result data by operating on two existing result data sets on a given surface.
SUCR - Create a surface.
SUDEL - Delete geometry information as well as any mapped results for specified surface.
SUEVAL - Perform operations on a mapped item and store result in a scalar parameter.
SUGET - Moves surface geometry and mapped results to an array parameter.
SUMAP - Map results onto selected surface(s).
SUMTYPE - Sets the type of summation to be used in the following load case operations.
SUPL - Plot result data on all selected surfaces or on a specified surface.
SUPR - Print global status, geometry information and/or result information.
SURESU - Read a set of surface definitions and result items from a file and make them the current set.
SUSAVE - Saves surface definitions to a file.
SUSEL - Selects a subset of surfaces
SUVECT - Create new result data by operating on two existing result vectors on a given surface.
SV - Defines spectrum values to be associated with frequency points.
SVPLOT - Displays input spectrum curves.
SVTYP - Defines the type of single-point response spectrum.
SWADD - Adds more surfaces to an existing spot weld set.
SWDEL - Deletes spot weld sets.
SWGEN - Creates a new spot weld set.
SWLIST - Lists spot weld sets.
SYNCHRO - Specifies whether the excitation frequency is synchronous or asynchronous with the rotational velocity of a structure.
/SYP - Passes a command string and arguments to the operating system.
/SYS - Passes a command string to the operating system.