SSPE, E11 , E21 , E22 , T
Specifies a preintegrated transverse shear stiffness for shell sections.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

E11 , E21 , E22

Transverse shear stiffness component (symmetric lower part of submatrix [ E ]).




The behavior of shell elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship of the form:

The SSPE command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands, specifies the transverse shear stiffness quantity (submatrix [ E ] data) for a preintegrated shell section. The section data defined is associated with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE command).

Unspecified values default to zero.

Related commands are SSPA, SSPB, SSPD, SSMT, SSBT, and SSPM.

If you are using the SHELL181 or SHELL281 element's Membrane option (KEYOPT(1) = 1), it is not necessary to issue this command.

For complete information, see Creating a Preintegrated General Shell Section .

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated