SSMT, MT 11 , MT 22 , MT 12 , T
Specifies preintegrated membrane thermal effects for shell sections.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

MT 11 , MT 22 , MT 12

Membrane thermal effects component [ M T ].




The behavior of shell elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship of the form:

The SSMT command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands, specifies the membrane thermal effects quantity (submatrix [ M T ] data) for a preintegrated shell section. The section data defined is associated with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE command).

The [ M T ] quantity represents membrane stress resultants caused by a unit raise in temperature on a fully constrained model. For a layered composite shell, it is usually necessary to specify both the [ M T ] and [ B T ] quantities (by issuing the SSMT and SSBT commands, respectively).

Unspecified values default to zero.

Related commands are SSPA, SSPB, SSPD, SSPE, SSBT, and SSPM.

For complete information, see Creating a Preintegrated General Shell Section.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated