SOLU, NVAR, Item, Comp, Name
Specifies solution summary data per substep to be stored.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (2 to NV (NUMVAR)).


Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items may also require a component label.


Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below. None are currently required.


Thirty-two character name identifying the item on printouts and displays. Defaults to an eight character label formed by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.


See also the PRITER command of POST1 to display some of these items directly. Valid for a static or full transient analysis. All other analyses have zeros for the data. Valid item and component labels for solution summary values are:

Valid Item Labels
ALLFTotal arc-length load factor (ratio of the load at equilibrium to the total applied load)
ALDLFArc-length load factor increment (change in ALLF)
ARCLNormalized arc-length radius
CNVGConvergence indicator.
CRPRATMaximum creep ratio.
CSCVCurrent segment convergence value.
CUCVCurrent convergence value.
DICVDisplacement convergence value.
DSPRMDescent parameter.
DTIMETime step size.
EQITNumber of equilibrium iterations.
FFCVFluid flow convergence value.
FOCVForce convergence value.
HFCVHeat flow convergence value.
NCMITCumulative number of iterations.
NCMLSCumulative number of load steps
NCMSSCumulative number of substeps
MFCVMagnetic flux convergence value.
MOCVMoment convergence value.
MXDVLMaximum degree of freedom value.
PRCVPressure convergence value.
PSINCMaximum plastic strain increment.
RESFRQResponse frequency for 2nd order systems.
RESEIGResponse eigenvalue for 1st order systems.
ROCVRotation convergence value.
SMCVScalar magnetic potential convergence value.
TECVTemperature convergence value.
VECVVelocity convergence value.
VOCVVoltage convergence value.
VMCVVector magnetic potential convergence value.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables