Supplements or overrides default section properties.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, . . . , VAL13

Values, such as the length of a side or the numbers of cells along the width, that describe the geometry of a section. See the "Notes" section of this command description for details about these values for the various section types.


The SECCONTROL command is divided into these operation types: Beams, Links, Pipes, Shells, and Reinforcings.

Values are associated with the most recently issued SECTYPE command. The data required is determined by the section type and is different for each type.

SECCONTROL overrides the program-calculated transverse-shear stiffness.

The command does not apply to thermal shell elements SHELL131, SHELL132, and SHELL294 or thermal solid elements SOLID278 and SOLID279.


Type: BEAM

Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1 through VAL4):
TXZ – User transverse shear stiffness.
-- – Unused field.
TXY – User transverse shear stiffness.
ADDMAS – Added mass per unit length.


Type: LINK

Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4, VAL5, VAL6):
ADDMAS – Added mass per unit length.
TENSKEY – Flag specifying tension and compression, tension only, or compression only (not valid for CABLE280:
0 – Tension and compression (default).
1 – Tension only.
-1 – Compression only.
CV1, CV2Damping coefficients.
CV3 – Compressive stiffness scaling factor (for CABLE280 only). The ratio between compressive stiffness and tensile stiffness. Default – 1.0e-5. Maximum – 1.0.
CV4 – Viscous regularization factor (for CABLE280 only). Default – 0.05. Maximum – 1.0.


Type: PIPE

Data to provide in the value field (VAL1):
ADDMAS – Added mass per unit length. Use this value to account for extra hardware only.
Other masses are handled as follows:
  • The mass of the internal fluid is accounted for by Mint on the SECDATA command.

  • The mass of the outer covering (insulation) is accounted for by Mins on the SECDATA command.

  • The mass of the external fluid is accounted for by MATOC on the OCDATA command.



Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1 through VAL8):
E11 – User transverse-shear stiffness.
E22 – User transverse-shear stiffness.
E12 – User transverse-shear stiffness.
ADDMAS – Added mass-per-unit area.
HMEMSCF – Hourglass-control membrane-scale factor.
HBENSCF – Hourglass-control bending-scale factor.
DRLSTIF – Drill-stiffness scale factor.
BENSTIF – Bending-stiffness scale factor (SHELL181 and SHELL281).



Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1, VAL2, VAL3):
TENSKEY – Specifies tension-and-compression, tension-only, or compression-only reinforcing behavior (valid for structural reinforcing analysis):
0 – Tension and compression (default).
1 – Tension only.
-1 – Compression only.
REMBASE – Specifies how base-element material is handled:
0 – Retain base-element material in the space occupied by the reinforcing fibers (default).
1 – Remove base-element material in the space occupied by the reinforcing fibers.
STSSTATE – Specifies the reinforcing stress state or heat flow:
For smeared reinforcing:
0 – Uniaxial-stress state (for structural reinforcing analysis) or uniaxial heat flow (for thermal reinforcing analysis). Only kxx is required. (Default.)
1 – Plane-stress state (for structural reinforcing analysis) or anisotropic heat flow (for thermal reinforcing analysis). Both kxx and kyy are specified.
2 – Plane-stress state with transverse shear stiffness. Valid for 3D smeared structural reinforcing analysis.
3 – Plane-stress state with transverse shear stiffness and bending stiffness. Valid for 3D smeared structural reinforcing analysis with solid base elements.
For discrete reinforcing:
0 – Uniaxial stiffness, or uniaxial heat flow for thermal reinforcing analysis. (Default.)
1 – Uniaxial, bending, and torsional stiffness with square cross section. Valid for 3D structural reinforcing analysis with solid base elements.
2 – Uniaxial, bending, and torsional stiffness with circular cross section. Valid for 3D structural reinforcing analysis with solid base elements.
REMBASE = 1 typically leads to more accurate models. (The base material must support 1D stress states.) For structural-reinforcing analysis, the base-element material consists of mass, stiffness, and body force. For thermal-reinforcing analysis, the base-element material consists of damping, conduction, and heat generation, and the base-element surface loads (convection and heat flux) are not subtracted. This option is not valid when the base-element material is anisotropic.
For smeared reinforcing with STSSTATE = 0, the equivalent thickness h of the smeared reinforcing layer is determined by h = A / S, where A is the cross-section area of a single fiber and S is the distance between two adjacent fibers. (See SECDATA.)
STSSTATE = 1 to 3 is suitable for homogenous reinforcing layers (membrane) and applies to smeared reinforcing only (SECTYPE,,REINF,SMEAR). For smeared reinforcing with STSSTATE = 1 to 3, discrete reinforcing with STSSTATE = 1 or 2, TENSKEY is ignored, and the default tension and compression behaviors apply to the reinforcing layers; also, the cross-section area input A is the thickness of the reinforcing layers and the distance input S is ignored. (See SECDATA and REINF265 Structural/Thermal Input Data in the Element Reference.)
For smeared reinforcing with STSSTATE = 3 or discrete reinforcing with STSSTATE = 1 or 2, bending or torsional reinforcing stiffness may not be captured adequately when using reinforcing with overly refined high-order base tetrahedral elements (SOLID187 or degenerated SOLID186) and the stiffness ratio between reinforcing and base elements is excessive (> 100x).
Specified TENSKEY, REMBASE and STSSTATE values apply to all fibers defined in the current section.
For more information, see Reinforcing and Direct Element Embedding in the Structural Analysis Guide.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Sect Control
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Link>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Link>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Reinforcing>Sect Control
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Lay-up>Add / Edit