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Introduction to optiSLang Tutorials
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optiSLang Documentation Set
Sensitivity Analysis of a Coupled Function
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Input File
Defining the Input Parameters
Editing the Parameter Properties
Selecting the Output File
Defining the Response
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Importing the Solver Call File
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Saving and Running the Project
Completing the Sensitivity Wizard
Running the Sensitivity Analysis
Viewing the MOP Results
Adding an Adaptive Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis System
Configuring AMOP Settings
Running the Project and Viewing AMOP Postprocessing
Deactivating Outliers
Optimization of a Coupled Function
Task Description
Results of the Sensitivity Analysis
Tutorial Steps
Opening and Preparing the Sensitivity Analysis Project
Completing the Optimization Wizard using the MOP
Running the MOP Optimization
Completing the Optimization Wizard using the Adaptive MOP
Configuring AMOP Settings
Running the Project and Viewing AMOP Postprocessing
Sensitivity Analysis of a Coupled Function in Ansys Workbench
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Workbench Project
Completing the Sensitivity Wizard
Running the Sensitivity Analysis
Viewing the Table of Design Points and Sensitivity Analysis Results
Creating Additional Samples
Configuring AMOP Settings
Updating the Project and Viewing AMOP Postprocessing
Deactivating Outliers
Sensitivity Analysis of a Coupled Function in Microsoft Excel
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Selecting the Input File
Selecting the Parameters and Response
Editing the Parameter Properties
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Saving and Running the Project
Sensitivity Analysis of a Coupled Function in MATLAB
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Selecting the Input File
Selecting the Parameters and Response
Editing the Parameter Properties
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Saving and Running the Project
Sensitivity Analysis of a Coupled Function in Python
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Selecting the Input File
Selecting the Parameters and Response
Editing the Parameter Properties
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Saving and Running the Project
Process Integration of Kursawe Functions
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Selecting the Input File
Selecting the Parameters and Responses
Editing the Parameter Properties
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Completing the Solver Wizard
Saving and Running the Project
Sensitivity of Kursawe Functions
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Kursawe Process Integration Project
Completing the Sensitivity Wizard
Running the Sensitivity Analysis
Viewing the Postprocessing Results
Adding an Adaptive Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis System
Configuring AMOP Settings
Running the Project and Viewing AMOP Postprocessing
Deactivating Outliers
Optimization of Kursawe Functions
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Opening and Preparing the Kursawe Process Integration Project
Completing the Optimization Wizard using the MOP
Running the MOP Optimization
Completing the Optimization Wizard using the Adaptive MOP
Configuring AMOP Settings
Running the Project and Viewing AMOP Postprocessing
One-Click Optimization of Kursawe Functions
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Kursawe Process Integration Project
Running the Multi-Objective Optimization Wizard
Setting up the System for Multi-Objective Optimization
Saving and Running the Multi-Objective Optimization
Updating the Pareto 2D Postprocessing
Multi-Objective Optimization Strategies
Adding and Configuring Clusters
Saving Postprocessing
Running the Single-Objective Optimization Wizard
Saving and Running the Single-Objective Optimization
Viewing the Single-Objective Optimization Postprocessing
Optimization of a Damped Oscillator
Problem Definition
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Input File
Defining the Input Parameters
Editing the Parameter Properties
Selecting the Output File
Defining the Response
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Importing the Solver Call Files
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Saving and Running the Project
Completing the Sensitivity Wizard
Running the Sensitivity Analysis
Completing the Optimization Wizard using the MOP
Running the MOP Optimization
Adjusting the Optimization
Completing the Optimization Wizard using the Adaptive MOP
Configuring AMOP Settings
Running the Project and Viewing AMOP Postprocessing
Robustness Evaluation of a Damped Oscillator
Task Description
Results of the Deterministic Optimization
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Damped Oscillator Optimization Project
Completing the Robustness Wizard
Running the Project and Viewing the Robustness Evaluation Results
Editing limits
Viewing the Objective Function Results
Viewing the Constraint Equation Results
Completing Iterative Robust Design Optimization
Completing Nested Robust Design Optimization
Running the Project and Viewing Nested Robust Design Optimization Postprocessing
Reliability Analysis of a Damped Oscillator
Task Description
Results of the Robust Design Optimization
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Damped Oscillator Optimization Project
Completing the Adaptive Response Surface Method Robustness Wizard
Running the Project and Viewing the ARSM-DS Reliability Evaluation Results
Completing the Importance Sampling Robustness Wizard
Running the Project and Viewing the ISPUD Reliability Evaluation Results
Optimization of a Damped Oscillator in Ansys Workbench
Problem Definition
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Workbench Project
Completing the Sensitivity Wizard
Running the Sensitivity Analysis
Viewing the Sensitivity Analysis Results
Completing the Optimization Wizard using the MOP
Updating the Project and Viewing Optimization Results
Adjusting the Optimization
Completing the Optimization Wizard using the Adaptive MOP
Configuring AMOP Settings
Updating the Project and Viewing AMOP Postprocessing
Robustness Evaluation of a Damped Oscillator in Ansys Workbench
Task Description
Results of the Deterministic Optimization
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Workbench Project
Completing the Robustness Wizard
Running the Project and Viewing the Robustness Evaluation Results
Editing limits
Viewing the Objective Function Results
Viewing the Constraint Equation Results
Completing Iterative Robust Design Optimization
Reliability Analysis of a Damped Oscillator in Ansys Workbench
Task Description
Results of the Robust Design Optimization
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Workbench Project
Completing the Adaptive Response Surface Method Robustness Wizard
Updating the Project and Viewing the ARSM-DS Reliability Evaluation Results
Completing the Importance Sampling Robustness Wizard
Updating the Project and Viewing the ISPUD Reliability Evaluation Results
Calibration of a Damped Oscillator
Problem Definition
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Input File
Defining the Input Parameters
Editing the Parameter Properties
Selecting the Solver Signal File
Defining the Solver Signal
Selecting the Reference Signal File
Defining the Reference Signal
Defining the Signal Functions
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Importing the Solver Call Files
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Saving and Running the Project
Completing the Sensitivity Wizard
Running the Sensitivity Analysis
Completing the Optimization Wizard
Running the Simplex Optimization
Calibration of a Damped Oscillator in Ansys Workbench
Problem Definition
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Workbench Project
Connecting a Signal Processing System
Selecting the Solver Signal File
Defining the Solver Signal
Selecting the Reference Signal File
Defining the Reference Signal
Defining the Signal Functions
Completing the Sensitivity Wizard
Running the Sensitivity Analysis
Completing the Optimization Wizard
Running the Simplex Optimization
Viewing Images in the Post Processor
Calibration of a Damped Oscillator Using Signals in ABAQUS
Problem Definition
Task Description
Oscillator Model in ABAQUS
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Input File
Defining the Input Parameters
Editing the Parameter Properties
Selecting the Output Data File
Defining the Output Data
Selecting the Reference Data File
Defining the Reference Signal
Defining the Signal Functions
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Defining the Solver Process
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Saving and Running the Project
Alternative Setup for Robust Design Optimization Tutorials
Alternative Execution Options for the ABAQUS Solver
Calibration of a Damped Oscillator Using Signals in Ansys Twin Builder
Problem Definition
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Completing the Solver Wizard
Creating a One Node Setup
Creating a Two Node System
Calibration of a Damped Oscillator Using Signals in AMESim
Problem Definition
Task Description
Oscillator Model in AMESim
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Input File
Selecting the Input Parameters
Defining the Parameter Properties
Selecting the Output Data File
Defining the Output Data
Selecting the Reference Data File
Defining the Reference Signal
Defining the Signal Functions
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Defining the Solver Process
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Saving and Running the Project
Alternative Setup for Robust Design Optimization Tutorials
Calibration of a Damped Oscillator Using Signals in Excel
Problem Definition
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Input File
Selecting the Input Parameters
Selecting the Responses
Defining the Output Signal
Using Macros
Editing the Parameter Properties
Completing the Solver Wizard
Saving the Project
Defining the Reference Signal
Routing the Reference Signal
Defining the Signal Functions
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Calibration of a Damped Oscillator Using Signals in MATLAB
Problem Definition
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Input File
Selecting the Parameters and Response
Editing the Parameter Properties
Completing the Solver Wizard
Saving the Project
Defining the Reference Signal
Routing the Reference Signal
Defining the Signal Functions
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Calibration of a Damped Oscillator Using SimulationX
Problem Definition
Task Description
Oscillator Model in SimulationX
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Input File
Registering Parameters and Responses
Defining the Design Variables
Defining the Reference Signal
Defining the Signal Functions
Saving and Running the Project
First Steps in Graphical Programming
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Creating Nodes
Updating Variables
Configuring the Calculator
Creating the Monitoring Node
Saving and Running the Project
Kursawe Functions—Integration of ASCII, Python, MATLAB, and Excel
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Selecting the Python Input File
Selecting the Python Parameters and Response
Editing the Python Parameter Properties
Defining the Python Optimization Criteria
Completing the Python Solver Wizard
Saving the Project
Starting the MATLAB Solver Wizard
Selecting the MATLAB Input File
Selecting the MATLAB Parameters and Response
Completing the MATLAB Solver Wizard
Starting the ASCII Solver Wizard
Selecting the ASCII Input File
Defining the ASCII Input Parameters
Selecting the ASCII Output File
Selecting the ASCII Output Slot Value
Defining the ASCII Optimization Criteria
Importing the ASCII Solver Call File
Completing the ASCII Solver Wizard
Completing the Excel Integration
Creating the Solver Chain Template
Conditional Execution
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Completing Process Integration
Adding Parameters
Updating Project Settings
Configuring the First Model
Configuring the Second Model
Completing the Sensitivity Analysis
Saving and Running the Project
Signal Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Creating the MOP Node
Saving and Running the Project
Viewing the MOP Postprocessing
Calibrating the Model
Adding an ETK Node
Completing the Optimization Wizard
Solver Execution on a Remote Computer using PuTTY
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Preparing PuTTY
Preparing the Solver Execution Script
Preparing the Process Chain on a Local Computer
Saving and Running the Project
Table Internet Application Configurer
Tutorial Workflow
CAx Experts
CAx Workflow Expert
CAx System Expert
Product Analyst
Creating the Table Load Model using optiSLang
Creating a New Table Load Project
Selecting the Input File
Defining the Input Parameters
Editing the Parameter Properties
Selecting the Output File
Defining the Response
Adding a New Variable
Defining the Optimization Criteria
Importing the Solver Call File
Finishing the Solver Wizard
Saving and Running the Table Load Project
Creating the Table Workflow
Creating a New Table Workflow Project
Selecting the Table Top Input File
Selecting the Table Top Parameters and Outputs
Editing the Table Top Parameter Properties
Defining the Table Top Optimization Criteria
Finishing the Table Top Solver Wizard
Starting the Table Leg Solver Wizard
Selecting the Table Leg Parameters and Outputs
Editing the Table Leg Parameter Properties
Defining the Table Leg Optimization Criteria
Finishing the Table Leg Solver Wizard
Creating the Construction Node
Saving and Running the First Part of the Table Workflow Project
Creating the Table Costs Node
Saving and Running the Second Part of the Table Workflow Project
Creating the Variable Nodes
Creating the optiSLang Node
Saving and Running the Third Part of the Table Workflow Project
Publishing the Workflow
Defining the Project Placeholders
Creating an optiSLang Web Service Application
While Loop
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Preparing the Coupled Function While Loop Project
Configuring While Loop Criteria
Saving and Running the Project
Running While Loop with a Custom Stopping Criterion
Running While Loop with a Custom Workflow
Data Export Using Excel Add-In
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Opening the Excel File
Exporting the Excel Data
Viewing the Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis Postprocessing
Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis from External Data
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Creating the MOP Node
Saving and Running the Project
Viewing the MOP Postprocessing
Completing the Optimization Wizard
Viewing the Optimization Results
Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis Solver in Excel
Tutorial Steps
Starting the MOP Solver
Preparing the Excel Sheet
Running the MOP Solver
Using the MOPSolver Function
Evaluation of the Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis Solver in MATLAB
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Preparing the MOP Solver Environment
Calling the MOP Solver
Evaluation of the Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis Solver in Python
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Preparing the MOP Solver Environment
Calling the MOP Solver
Status Overview
Task Description
Preparing the Project using optiSLang
Preparing the Project using optiSLang Web Service
Using the Status Overview
optiSLang in Optimetrics
Downloading the Tutorial File
Configuring Ansys EDT
Configuring optiSLang
Tutorial Steps
Setting Up optiSLang in Optimetrics
Editing the Distributed Analysis Configuration
Creating the optiSLang Project
Defining Responses
Using the Optimization Wizard
Running the optiSLang Optimization
Viewing the Optimization Results
Granta MI optiSLang Connector
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Granta MI Connector
Connecting to Granta MI
Browsing for Records
Importing the Data to optiSLang
Granta MI (Beta)
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Create a New Project
Use the Granta MI (Beta) Node
Explore the Granta MI (Beta) Node
AxSTREAM optiSLang Connector
Task Description
Tutorial Steps
Creating a New Project
Starting the Solver Wizard
Selecting the Project File
Selecting the AxSTREAM Installation
Selecting the Solver Type
Selecting the Input Data File
Saving the AxSTREAM Project File with the Designed Flow Path
Adding an AxSTREAM Node for Geometry Export
Setting the Parametric Solver System
Saving and Running the Project
Running Ansys Workbench with Designed Impeller
Transferring the Calculation Variables
Running the Workflow
Braille Printer
EKM Report Generation
Force Deflection Curve
The Kursawe Functions
Python Examples
Spring Steel
Steel Hook
Ten Bar Truss
Tuning Fork
Wedge Splitting Test