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oSP3D Tutorials Overview
oSP3D Example Files
Basic oSP3D Tutorials
Importing and Visualizing an FEM Mesh
Starting a New Project
Visualizing the Reference Mesh
Importing Field and Scalar Data
Importing Field Designs
Inspecting Imported Field Data Samples
Importing Scalar Parameters
Analyzing Imported Field Data
Deactivating Designs with Eroded Elements
Calculating Standard Statistical Estimators
Visualizing the Resulting Statistical Measures
Creating and Analyzing Random Fields
Creating an Empirical Random Field Model
Creating a Synthetic Random Field Model
Creating a Synthetic Random Field Model When No Field Designs are Available
Creating a Synthetic Random Field Model When One to Five Field Designs are Available
Creating and Analyzing Field-MOPs
Creating a Field-MOP
Visualizing Field-CoP Results
Visualizing a Field-MOP's Output Field Based on Any Input Parameter Set
Analyzing a Field-MOP with optiSLang Postprocessing
Building a Field-MOP with a MOP Backend
Opening a Field-MOP in optiSLang Postprocessing
Detecting and Deactivating Outliers in optiSLang Postprocessing
Deactivating Outliers in oSP3D
Exporting Scalar and Field Data
Exporting Scalar Data to optiSLang
Exporting Scalar Data in CSV Format
Exporting Field Data Objects in CSV Format
How-To oSP3D Tutorials
Importing Field Data from Ansys Mechanical
Preparing Data for Export in Mechanical
Preparing the Thermal Model
Preparing the Mechanical Model
Selecting Output Files Saved to optiSLang Design Directories
Performing a DOE in optiSLang
Setting Up a DOE in optiSLang
Importing DOE Data into oSP3D
Importing Scalar Data from a Third-Party DOE
Importing Scalar Data from an optiSLang DOE
Importing Field Data from an Unsupported Solver
Using a Field as a Field-MOP Input to Generate RF Amplitudes in oSP3D
Generating Amplitudes from Random Field Data
Verifying Random Field Approximation
Using a Field as a Field-MOP Input to Generate RF Amplitudes in optiSLang
Exporting the Data Needed to Run from the "AmplitudesFromField_SoS" Node in optiSLang
Calculating and Using Random Field Amplitudes in a Field-MOP Evaluation Workflow
Performing Hot Spot Analysis
Preparing the Database
Identifying Hot Spots
Exporting Created Scalars to optiSLang
Performing Robustness Analysis in optiSLang Postprocessing
Identifying Maximum Likelihood in oSP3D
Identifying the Maximum of Selected Nodes and Elements
Synchronizing Selected Nodes and Elements
Ansys Workbench Integration Tutorials
Exporting Field Data from Ansys Mechanical for Use in oSP3D and optiSLang
Adding an Export results SoS) Node
Configuring the Export results SoS) Node
Using Exported Files in optiSLang
Creating Geometric Imperfections from a Synthetic Random Field in Ansys Mechanical
Creating a Synthetic Random Field
Configuring the Synthetic random field (SoS) Node
Generating and Visualizing the Synthetic Random Field
Setting Advanced Options
Configuring the Generate variations (SoS) Node
Performing a Robustness Analysis in optiSLang
Creating Geometric Imperfections from a Free-form Variation Field in Ansys Mechanical
Creating a Free-form Variation Field
Configuring the Free-form variation (SoS) Node
Generating and Visualizing the Free-form Variation Field
optiSLang Integration Tutorials
Analyzing 1D Signal Data Using a Signal-MOP in optiSLang
Reviewing the Simulation Model Description for the Wedge Splitting Test
Setting Up the Simulation Solver Chain in optiSLang
Parsing Input Parameters
Defining Input Parameter Ranges
Defining Output and Reference Signals
Defining the Output Signal (Part 1)
Defining the Output Signal (Part 2)
Defining the Reference Signal (Part 1)
Defining the Reference Signal (Part 2)
Defining Signal Functions
Defining Signal Functions (Part 1)
Defining Signal Functions (Part 2)
Defining the Optimization Objective
Defining the Solver Call
Creating a Signal-MOP in optiSLang
Performing a Sensitivity Analysis
Viewing Sensitivity Analysis Results
Viewing Additional Sensitivity Results
Optimizing the Signal-MOP
Adding the Optimization
Setting Up and Running the Optimization
Analyzing an Ansys Mechanical Project in optiSLang
Evaluating Field-MOPs in optiSLang
Exporting the Field-MOP for Simulation
Using the "Generate_oSL3D" Node in optiSLang
Analyzing 2D Performance Maps in optiSLang
Understanding the Valve Model
Creating a Nested DOE in optiSLang
Creating a 2D Performance Map Field-MOP
Visualizing and Analyzing a 2D Performance Map Field-MOP
Advanced Field-MOP Tutorials
Tuning Field-MOP Settings
Improving the Field-MOP's Forecast Quality
Using Fields or Signals as Field-MOP Inputs
Creating an Empirical Random Field Model of a Temperature Field
Creating a Field-MOP for a Stress Field with a Temperature Field as an Input
Using Named Selections
Setting Named Selections Imported Within the Reference Mesh
Importing Named Selections from a CSV File
Setting a Fixed Boundary for Mesh Morphing
Exporting a Field-MOP as an FMU
Exporting a Field-MOP as an FMU
Importing the FMU into optiSLang Using the "FMU_oSL3D" Integration Node
Performing a Sensitivity Analysis with the FMU
Evaluating Gasket Tightness
Identifying the Contact Tightness Algorithm
Importing Simulation Data and Creating Field-MOPs
Exporting the Custom Analysis Workflow as an FMU
Executing the Exported FMU
Measurements and Noise Tutorials
Using RPCA (Robust Principal Component Analysis) to Filter Noise
Importing and Analyzing Measured Geometries
Importing Measurements
Analyzing Measurements
Creating Imperfect Geometries
Preparing Statistical Shape Models
Configuring oSP3D as a Solver
Performing Uncertainty Quantification Based on Measured Geometries
Summary of the Solution Steps for the Uncertainty Quantification
Preparing the Mesh of the Nominal CAD Geometry
Importing the Mesh Data File and STL Scan File into oSP3D
Using the Morphing Script in a Mechanical Solve
Observing Differences Between the Nominal Geometry and Real Geometry
Aligning the STL and CAD Geometry Files in SpaceClaim
Applying Displacement of Nodes of a Mesh by Measurement on Another Geometry
Setting Up the Workbench Project
Editing the Mechanical Model and Generating the New "Geometry"