19.14.7. User Defined Results for the Mechanical APDL Solver

This section examines supported expressions for the User Defined Result as well as certain requirements and limitations for their use with the Mechanical APDL solver.

Refer to the PRNSOL and PRESOL command pages in the Mechanical APDL application Commands Reference for descriptions of most Component and Expression entries in the table. Some other entries are self-explanatory (SUM for example). VECTORS refer to vector plot results that include arrows in the display.

The following tables for node- and element-based results list additional User Defined Result names not included in the PRESOL/PRNSOL listings. The Solution object Worksheet lists these result options following a solution (see Application). Using this data, you can explicitly define your User Defined Result, such as Total Deformation by using the component deformations across all of the nodes in the model, identified by UX, UY, and UZ. You can use these component values to mathematically produce a user defined result for Total Deformation: SQRT(UX^2+UY^2+UZ^2).

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Important:  Review the Notes below for specific requirements and characteristics regarding certain User Defined Results as well as the topics for User Defined Results Not Displayed in Worksheet and Limitations of Vector Displays.

Node-Based Result Expressions

The following table lists the available expressions that you can use to define your User Defined Result. Node-based user defined results are most often associated with degree of freedom solutions (like nodal reactions).

AMPSNodal electric current (reaction)
CSGNodal magnetic current segments (reaction)
DOMGNodal rotational accelerations in a structural transient dynamic analysis (analogous to PRNS,DMG)
FNodal structural forces (reaction)[a]
HEATNodal thermal heat flow (reaction)
LOCNodal locations (x,y,z)
LOC_DEFDeformed nodal locations (x+ux,y+uy,z+uz)
MNodal structural moments (reaction)[a]
MVP_AZNodal Z magnetic vector potential in an axisymmetric electromagnetic analysis (analogous to PRNS,A)
NDIRNodal THXY, THYZ, and THZX values. The NDIRVECTORS display consists of triads.
NAR_EPELComponent (X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ) strain and Principal (1, 2, 3, INT) elastic strain.[b]
NAR_EPCRComponent (X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ) strain and Principal (1, 2, 3, INT) creep strain.[b]
NAR_EPPLComponent (X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ) strain and Principal (1, 2, 3, INT) plastic strain.[b]
NAR_EPTHComponent (X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ) strain and Principal (1, 2, 3, INT) thermal strain.[b]
NAR_EPTOComponent (X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ) strain and Principal (1, 2, 3, INT) total strain.[b]
NAR_EPELEQV_RSTEquivalent elastic strain.[b]
NAR_EPCREQV_RSTEquivalent creep strain.[b]
NAR_EPPLEQV_RSTEquivalent plastic strain.[b]
NAR_EPTHEQV_RSTEquivalent thermal strain.[b]
NAR_EPTOEQV_RSTEquivalent total strain.[b]
NAR_SComponent (X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ) stress and Principal (1, 2, 3, INT, EQV) stress.[b]
OMGNodal rotational velocities in a structural transient dynamic analysis (analogous to PRNSOL,OMG)
RNodal rotations in a structural analysis (analogous to PRNSOL,ROT)
REULERStructural rotations displayed as Euler triads.
UACOUSTICNodal displacement for an Acoustic Environment which equals the pressure value divided by the product of density and gravity.
UALLUALL is the nodal displacement solution (X, Y, or Z structural displacement or vector sum) that is displayed even if the node is deactivated using the EKILL/EALIVE commands. If all elements are LIVE/ACTIVE, then the UALL result is exactly the same as the U result. This result can be useful in the study of Additive Manufacturing.

[a] The application computes the result values of Forces and Moments (FX/MX, FY/MY, FZ/MZ, FSUM/MSUM, and FVECTORS/MVECTORS) only at constrained nodes. Consequently, if you create a User Defined Result from one of these values and scope it to a Construction Geometry Path, it is possible that no contours will display. Since Mechanical cannot properly interpolate the nodal values at the path point if a path point touches an element with unconstrained nodes, it displays no contour color.

[b] See the Nodal Average Result note below.

Element-Based Result Expressions

The following table lists the available expressions that you can use to define your element-based User Defined Result. Element-based user defined results can exist at the nodes (like stress and strain) or can exist at the centroid (like volume).

AIElement nodal acoustic intensity (pressure times the complex conjugate of the acoustic velocity vector (PG)). Components include AIX, AIY, AIZ, AISUM, and AIVECTORS.
  • This result is derived from the pressure and velocity results at the corner nodes.

  • This result is not based upon the sound intensity solution (SNDI).

SPSDElement nodal equivalent stress as calculated by the solver. See SPSD Result note below.
SFPRESSurface pressure load applied to SOLID187 elements in models with cracks. The load is defined by the SF command in the solution. The SFPRES result is displayed as a vector normal to the element face.
ELEMENTAL_REALElement real data from the Mechanical APDL R command.
ELEMENTAL_STATUSElement birth/death status associated with the EKILL command. If element is DEAD, the status is 1; if element is not DEAD, status is 0..
EPCREQV_RSTElement nodal equivalent creep strain as calculated by the solver.
EPELEQV_RSTElement nodal equivalent elastic strain as calculated by the solver.
EPPLEQV_RSTElement nodal equivalent plastic strain as calculated by the solver.
EPTTEQV_RSTElement nodal equivalent total strain (plus thermal strain) as calculated by the solver, that is, EPTTEQV_RST is total mechanical and thermal strain: EPTTEQV_RST = EPELEQV_RST + EPPLEQV_RST + EPCREQV_RST + EPTHEQV_RST.
EPTOEQV_RSTElement nodal equivalent total strain as calculated by the solver, that is, EPTOEQV_RST is total mechanical strain: EPTOEQV_RST = EPELEQV_RST + EPPLEQV_RST + EPCREQV_RST.
ETOPElement nodal densities used for topological optimization (same as TOPO).
BEAMElement nodal beam stresses: direct, minimum bending, maximum bending, minimum combined, maximum combined.
SVARElement nodal state variable data.
CONTJHEAElement nodal Joule heat for CONTA174.
CONTFORCElement nodal contact normal forces for CONTA175.
CONTFNODEComponent (X, Y, Z) contact element forces.[a]
CONTHNODEContact element heat.[a]
CONTAREAContact element area.[a]
BEAM_AXIAL_FElement nodal axial force vectors for BEAM188/189.
BEAM_BENDING_MElement nodal bending moment vectors for BEAM188/189.
BEAM_TORSION_MElement nodal torsion moment vectors for BEAM188/189.
BEAM_SHEAR_FElement nodal shear force vectors for BEAM188/189.
BEAMDIRECTDirect Stress, the stress component due to the axial load encountered in a beam element.
BEAMMIN_BENDINGMinimum Bending Stress. From any bending loads a bending moment in both the local Y and Z directions will arise. This leads to the following four bending stresses: Y bending stress on top/bottom and Z bending stress on top/bottom. Minimum Bending Stress is the minimum of these four bending stresses.
BEAMMAX_BENDINGMaximum Bending Stress, the maximum of the four bending stresses described under Minimum Bending Stress.
BEAMMIN_COMBINEDMinimum Combined Stress, the linear combination of the Direct Stress and the Minimum Bending Stress.
BEAMMAX_COMBINEDMaximum Combined Stress, the linear combination of the Direct Stress and the Maximum Bending Stress.
PIPE_INTERNAL_PRESSUREInternal pressure at integration point for PIPE288.
PIPE_EXTERNAL_PRESSUREExternal pressure at integration point for PIPE288.
PIPE_EFFECTIVE_TENSIONEffective tension at integration point for PIPE288.
PIPE_HOOP_STRESSMaximum Hoop Stress at integration point for PIPE288/PIPE289.
ENFOElement nodal reaction forces for structural analyses.
ENMOElement nodal reaction moments for structural analyses.
EHEATElement nodal heat values for thermal analyses.
CURRENTSEGElement nodal magnetic current segments.
VOLUMEElement volumes.
ENERGYElement potential and kinetic energies.
RIGID_ANGElement Euler angles for MASS21 elements (rotation about x-axis, rotation about y-axis, rotation about z-axis).
CONTSMISCElement summable miscellaneous data for contact elements. CONTSMISC is completely analogous in implementation to SMISC (see "User Defined Results Not Displayed in Worksheet" below), except that CONTSMISC, for display purposes, extrapolates the single elemental value to the corner nodes.
CONTNMISCElement non-summable miscellaneous data for contact elements. CONTNMISC is completely analogous in implementation to NMISC (see "User Defined Results Not Displayed in Worksheet" below), except that CONTSMISC, for display purposes, extrapolates the single elemental value to the corner nodes.
EDIRElemental THXY, THYZ, and THZX values: (1) currently only angles of first node in solution record are employed; (2) the EDIRVECTORS display consists of triads.
ECENTElement centroids (x,y,z)
PNUMTYPEElement type reference numbers.[b]
PNUMREAL Real constant set numbers.[b]
PNUMMATMaterial set numbers.[b]
PNUMSECSection numbers.[b]
PNUMESYSElement coordinate system numbers (note: a 0 value corresponds to the global Cartesian system).[b]
PNUMELEMMechanical APDL element ID.[b]
PNUMENAMMechanical APDL element identifying number (such as 181 for SHELL181 elements).[b]
CONTPNUMTYPEElement type reference numbers for contact elements.[b]
CONTPNUMREALReal constant set numbers for contact elements.[b]
CONTPNUMMATMaterial set numbers for contact elements.[b]
CONTPNUMSECSection numbers for contact elements.[b]
CONTPNUMESYSElement coordinate system numbers for contact elements.[b]
CONTPNUMELEMMechanical APDL Element ID for contact elements.[b]
CONTPNUMENAMMechanical APDL element identifying number for contact elements.[b]
SMISCElement summable miscellaneous data.
NMISCElement non-summable miscellaneous data.

Element nodal equivalent total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR) as calculated by the post-processor.

For average results, the solver averages the element nodal component strains at common nodes and performs a Von Mises calculation with effective Poisson's Ratio set to ZERO.


Element nodal equivalent total strain plus thermal strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR + EPTH) as calculated by the post-processor.

For average results, the solver averages the element nodal component strains at common nodes and performs a Von Mises calculation with effective Poisson's Ratio set to ZERO.


Number of layers, as defined by the section database, for a shell element. If no section database exists, the number of layers is displayed as zero.


Thickness of a layer, as defined by the section database, for a shell element. The layer number is specified using the Layer property. If the Layer property is set to Entire Section, the thickness of the entire element is displayed.


Material number for an element, displayed in a manner similar to Mechanical APDL's graphic for /PNUM,MAT,1. If a shell element contains layers defined by the section database and if the Layer property is set to a layer number greater than 0, then the material number for the layer is displayed.


Angle of a layer's coordinate system with respect to the element coordinate system, as defined by the section database, for a shell element. The layer number is specified by the Layer property. If the Layer property is set to Entire Section, a value of zero is displayed.[b]


Section offset in the Y direction, as defined by the section database, for a shell element. The Y offset is the same for all layers.


Rate of fluid flow through a specified Line Body.


Heat flow rate due to conduction within the fluid of a Line Body.


Composite quality of meshed elements.


Aspect ratio for triangles and quadrilaterals of meshed elements.


Jacobian Ratio of meshed elements.


Warping Factor of meshed elements.


Parallel Deviation of meshed elements.


Maximum Corner Angle of meshed elements.


Skewness of meshed elements.


Orthogonal Quality of meshed elements.


Characteristic Length of meshed elements.

COMBI250_FStructural force (reaction) using element COMBI250. Components include X, Y, Z, Sum, and Vectors.
COMBI250_MStructural moment (reaction) using element COMBI250. Components include X, Y, Z, Sum, and Vectors.
TARGFPRSThis expression displays fluid penetration pressure at the target side of a contact condition. The application stores this data in the result file for the target element.

[a] The solver does not calculate these element nodal results. The application calculates these results using the centroid value of each scoped element and divides that value by the number of nodes included in the element. The application then assigns this derived value to each node. This creates an elemental-nodal result. The application does not perform any interpolation for these calculations.

[b] See the PNUM note below.

Note:  The section database is created by the Mechanical APDL SECDATA command.

Characteristics, Requirements, and Limitations

Review the following specific characteristics, requirements, and limitations associated with certain User Defined Results.

Display Option

If the Display Option is set to:

  • Averaged: For the ENFO, EHEAT, and CURRENTSEG expressions, the result at each node represents the sum (or contributions) of all the elements that contain the node.

  • Unaveraged: The ENFO expression is analogous to PLESOL,FORCE.

Node-based Element Reaction Results

If your User Defined Result contains an expression which is performing mathematical operations on elemental nodal Reaction results, such as ENFO, ENMO, EHEAT, CURRENTSEG, etc., the value shown in the Total/Average column of the Details pane could be incorrect. For these types of user defined results, Ansys recommends that you export all result values and manually calculate the Total/Average to verify the values.

Contact Results

By default, Contact Results (accessible through User Defined Results via CONTSTAT or CONTFLUX) are not written to the result file in a thermal analysis.

SPSD Result

SPSD is a User Defined Result that is unique to the Mechanical APDL result file. For any element that supports stresses, the SPSD result represents the equivalent stress, for each corner node in the element, as stored on the result file. Hence, SPSD is the equivalent stress as calculated by the Mechanical APDL solver for the corner nodes. For this result, SPSD is the expression displayed in the Type column and Stress is displayed in the Output Unit column. Prior to release 13.0, SPSD represented the equivalent stress as calculated from component stresses during postprocessing, that is, it was not calculated by the Mechanical APDL solver.

Nodal Average Result

Note the following Nodal Average Result (NAR) requirements. NAR results are:

  • Supported by Mechanical APDL solver only.

  • Controlled by the OUTRES,NAR command.

  • Results averaged across all bodies.

  • Displayed in the Global Coordinate System only.

  • Not supported the MAXSHEAR component.

  • Not supported for Random Vibration Analyses and Response Spectrum analyses.

  • Not supported for Equivalent Strain data (zero is reported) for the element LINK180.

Note:  If you use the OUTRES command in a Commands (APDL) object to 1) disable a tensor result and 2) enable the corresponding NAR, the application only supports the Averaged option for the Display Option and Average Across Bodies properties for the specified result. Furthermore, the label "Nodal Averaged Result" is displayed in the legend of the Geometry window for the result.

PNUM Command

Displays of /PNUM results are analogous to EPLOTs with the following commands in Mechanical APDL:

  • /PNUM,TYPE,1

  • /PNUM,REAL,1

  • /PNUM,MAT,1

  • /PNUM,SEC,1

  • /PNUM,ESYS,1

  • /PNUM,ELEM,1

For example, the range of the values of the PNUMTYPE result vary from the smallest element type to the largest element type, as created by Ansys ET commands.

Important:  Mechanical supports up to 200 SVAR results (SVAR1, ..., SVAR200). Do not exceed this value. If more than 200 SVAR results exist in the result file, Mechanical does not evaluate or display any SVAR results. All SVAR results in the result file are ignored.

  • PNUM results are available for all analysis types.

  • When you are analyzing shell elements, the PNUMMAT result displays a Material Number for each layer when the following conditions are met:

    • The shell element contains layers defined by the section database (via SECDATA command).


    • The Layer property of the User Defined Result is set to a number greater than 0.

Nonlinear Analysis Components

During a nonlinear analysis (Large Deflection property set to Yes), the application generates the following components for the Nonlinear (NL) Item of the PLESOL command.

ComponentDescriptionUser Defined Result Expression
SEPLEquivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).NLSEPL
SRATStress state ratio. NLSRAT
HPREHydrostatic pressure. NLHPRE
EPEQAccumulated equivalent plastic strain.NLEPEQ
CREQ Accumulated equivalent creep strain.NLCREQ
PLWKPlastic work per volume/plastic strain energy density.NLPLWK[a]
CRWKCreep strain energy density.NLCRWK[b]
ELWKElastic strain energy density.NLELWK[c]
SGYTYield stress (tensile).NLSGYT[d]
PEQTEquivalent plastic strain (tensile).NLPEQT[d]

[a] This expression is the equivalent of the command PLESOL,SEND,PLASTIC.

[b] This expression is the equivalent of the command PLESOL,SEND,CREEP.

[c] This expression is the equivalent of the command PLESOL,SEND,ELASTIC.

[d] No Mechanical APDL equivalent.

Solution Coordinate System Results

If you evaluate a User Defined Result with Element-Nodal result quantities (e.g., stress) that are 1) averaged, or 2) interpolated, the application could produce incorrect result values when using the Solution Coordinate System. Commonly, you see this situation when using shell bodies, where the individual element coordinate systems may not be aligned with each other. Some examples of averaging or interpolation operations include calculating the result value on a node shared between two elements, calculating the result value on a midside node from corner nodes, and calculating result values on paths/surfaces. Standard element-nodal results in Mechanical are always automatically evaluated in Global Coordinate System, and therefore do not face this problem.

User Defined Results Not Displayed in Worksheet

For the Mechanical APDL solver, there are User Defined Results associated with summable miscellaneous data (SMISC) and non-summable miscellaneous data (NMISC) on the result file. These results are not listed in the Solution Worksheet. Because this data can be voluminous, by default, Mechanical does not write it to the result file for all element types in the model (examples of MISC records always written to the result file include beam, joint, and spring element types). You activate miscellaneous output for all elements or just contact elements using the Output Controls available in the Details of the Analysis Settings object. Mechanical has adopted a convention that miscellaneous data for contact elements be called CONTSMISC and CONTNMISC. This means that SMISC and NMISC data will only display on non-contact elements and that CONTSMISC and CONTNMISC data will only display on contact elements. You can also request and store state variables such as USERMAT or USERCREEP if you wish to utilize user-defined materials. Like miscellaneous data, SMISC and NMISC, the state variables do not display in the Solution Worksheet. You access state variables using the expression field entry SVAR followed by the state variable number.

To display these results:

  1. Select the User Defined Result option on the Solution Context tab.

  2. In the Details view Expression field, type the string SMISC or NMISC followed by the sequence number which indicates the desired datum.

For example, to display the 2nd sequence number for SMISC, enter SMISC2 for the Expression. The graphics contour display will be similar to the Mechanical APDL display for the command PLESOL,SMISC,2. When you evaluate this result, the Details view will show no units and no coordinate system for this data. That is, no unit conversions and no coordinate transformations are performed. If you enter a data expression that does not exist on the result file, the result will not be evaluated. To display the 2nd sequence number for summable miscellaneous data on scoped contact elements, enter CONTSMISC2 for the Expression.

Limitations of Vector Displays

The following limitations are associated with vector display for user defined results:

  • BEAM_SHEAR_FVECTORS (based upon section shear forces, SFy and SFz, in the BEAM188 SMISC record).

  • BEAM_BENDING_MVECTORS (based upon the bending moments, My and Mz, in the BEAM188 SMISC record).

The beam is defined by nodes I(end 1) and J(end 2) and an optional orientation node K. Depending upon direction from node I to node J, the displayed vector for these results may be flipped 180 degrees.