Reactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Element to be reactivated. If ALL, reactivate all selected elements (ESEL). If ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for ELEM. To specify a table, enclose the table name in percent signs (%): EALIVE,%tabname%


EALIVE reactivates a specified element when the birth-and-death capability is being used.

An element can be reactivated only after it has been deactivated (EKILL).

Reactivated elements have a zero strain (or thermal heat storage, etc.) state.

Tabular input is described in Using TABLE Type Array Parameters to Control Birth and Death in the Advanced Analysis Guide.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Birth & Death>Activate Elem
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Birth & Death>Activate Elem