

2–parameter mooney-rivlin model: Hyperelasticity
3–parameter mooney-rivlin model: Hyperelasticity
5–parameter mooney-rivlin model: Hyperelasticity
9–parameter mooney-rivlin model: Hyperelasticity


analysis settings
for explicit dynamics analyses: Analysis Settings for Explicit Dynamics Analyses
analysis types
explicit dynamics: Introduction
applying pre-stress effects: Applying Pre-Stress Effects for Explicit Analysis


body interaction types: Interaction Type Properties for Body Interaction Object
bonded: Bonded Type
frictional: Frictional Type
frictionless: Frictionless Type
reinforcement: Reinforcement Type
body interactions folder properties
body self contact: Body Self Contact
contact detection: Contact Detection
edge on edge contact: Edge on Edge Contact
element self contact: Element Self Contact
formulation: Formulation
limiting time step velocity: Limiting Time Step Velocity
listing: Properties for Body Interactions Folder
pinball factor: Pinball Factor
shell thickness: Shell Thickness Factor and Nodal Shell Thickness
time step safety factor: Time Step Safety Factor
tolerance: Tolerance
body interactions in explicit dynamics analyses
connections: Body Interactions in Explicit Dynamics Analyses
body scoped result tracker: Body Scoped Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
body self contact for body interactions: Body Self Contact
bonded body interaction type: Bonded Type
boundary scoped result tracker: Force Reaction Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
breakable setting for body interaction object: Bonded Type
brittle strength: Brittle/Granular


compaction EOS linear: Compaction EOS Linear
compaction EOS nonlinear: Compaction EOS Non-Linear
contact detection for body interactions: Contact Detection
contact scoped result tracker: Force Reaction Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
cowper symonds strength: Cowper-Symonds Strength
crack softening: Crack Softening Failure
crushable foam: Porosity-Crushable Foam


decay coefficient for body interaction object: Frictional Type
density: Density
detonation point: Detonation Point
display options for result tracker graphs: Viewing and Filtering Result Tracker Graphs for Explicit Dynamics
dynamic coefficient for body interaction object: Frictional Type


edge on edge contact for body interactions: Edge on Edge Contact
element self contact for body interactions: Element Self Contact
Equation of state: Introduction
equations of state: Equations of State
ideal gas: Ideal Gas EOS
eroded nodes: Eroded Nodes in Explicit Dynamics Analyses
Explicit Dynamics
detonation point: Detonation Point
impedance boundary: Impedance Boundary
explicit dynamics analysis settings: Analysis Settings for Explicit Dynamics Analyses
explicit dynamics analysis type: Introduction
Explicit Dynamics system
analysis settings: Analysis Settings
body scoped result tracker: Body Scoped Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
boundary scoped result tracker: Force Reaction Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
elastic waves: Elastic Waves
erosion controls: Erosion Controls
Euler (Virtual) solutions: Eulerian (Virtual) Reference Frame in Explicit Dynamics
Euler-Lagrange Coupling: Explicit Fluid Structure Interaction (Euler-Lagrange Coupling)
Eulerian reference frame: Lagrangian, Eulerian, and Particle Reference Frames
explicit time integration: Explicit Time Integration
force reaction result tracker: Force Reaction Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
implicit time integration: Implicit Time Integration
Lagrangian reference frame: Lagrangian, Eulerian, and Particle Reference Frames
mass scaling: Mass Scaling
moment reaction result tracker: Force Reaction Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
multiple material transport: Multiple Material Transport
plastic waves: Plastic Waves
point scoped result tracker: Point Scoped Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics, Force Reaction Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
shell coupling: Shell Coupling
shock waves: Shock Waves
solver controls: Solver Controls
sub-cycling: Sub-cycling
theory: Explicit Dynamics Theory Guide
wave propagation: Wave Propagation
Explicit Material Library: Explicit Material Library
explicit transient dynamic analysis: Explicit Transient Dynamics


failure: Failure
Grady Spall: Grady Spall Failure
Johnson cook: Johnson-Cook Failure
plastic strain: Plastic Strain Failure
post: Failure
principal strain: Principal Strain Failure
principal stress: Principal Stress Failure
stochastic: Stochastic Failure
tensile pressure: Tensile Pressure Failure
filtering result tracker graphs: Viewing and Filtering Result Tracker Graphs for Explicit Dynamics
formulation for body interactions: Formulation
friction coefficient for body interaction object: Frictional Type
frictional body interaction type: Frictional Type
frictionless body interaction type: Frictionless Type


impedance boundary
description: Impedance Boundary
implicit transient dynamic analysis: Implicit Transient Dynamics
isotropic elasticity: Isotropic Elasticity


Johnson cook strength: Johnson-Cook Strength
Johnson-holmquist strength: Johnson-Holmquist Strength Continuous


Explicit Material: Explicit Material Library
limiting time step velocity for body interactions: Limiting Time Step Velocity
Linear Elastic: Linear Elastic
ls-dyna analyses : Introduction


material properties
nonlinear: Hyperelasticity
maximum offset for body interaction object : Bonded Type
MO granular strength: MO Granular
Material erosion: Introduction
Material failure: Introduction
Material strength: Introduction
mooney-rivlin model: Hyperelasticity
2–parameter: Hyperelasticity
3–parameter: Hyperelasticity
5–parameter: Hyperelasticity
9–parameter: Hyperelasticity
multilinear kinematic hardening: Multilinear Kinematic Hardening


neo-hookean: Hyperelasticity
normal stress exponent for body interaction object: Bonded Type
normal stress limit for body interaction object: Bonded Type


ogden: Hyperelasticity
orthotropic elasticity: Orthotropic Elasticity


p-alpha EOS: P-alpha EOS
pinball factor for body interactions: Pinball Factor
plasticity: Plasticity
point scoped result tracker: Point Scoped Result Trackers for Explicit Dynamics
polynomial: Hyperelasticity
polynomial EOS: Polynomial EOS
porous collapse damage: RHT Concrete Strength
porous materials: Porosity-Crushable Foam


reinforcement body interaction type: Reinforcement Type
result tracker
explicit dynamics: Result Trackers
resume capability for explicit dynamics: Resume Capability for Explicit Dynamics Analyses
RHT concrete strength: RHT Concrete Strength
rigid materials: Rigid Materials


shear damage: RHT Concrete Strength
shear stress exponent for body interaction object: Bonded Type
shear stress limit for body interaction object: Bonded Type
shell thickness for body interactions: Shell Thickness Factor and Nodal Shell Thickness
shock EOS linear: Shock EOS Linear
Equation of: Introduction
steinberg guinan strength: Steinberg-Guinan Strength
strain hardening: RHT Concrete Strength
strain rate effects: RHT Concrete Strength
defining in explicit dynamics: Explicit Dynamics Symmetry


tensile failure: RHT Concrete Strength
test data: Test Data
thermal specific heat: Thermal Specific Heat
time step safety factor for body interactions: Time Step Safety Factor
tolerance for body interactions: Tolerance


Viscoelastic: Viscoelastic


zerilli armstrong: Zerilli-Armstrong Strength