11.7.7. Steinberg-Guinan Strength

In this formulation the authors have assumed that while yield stress initially increases with strain rate, experimental data on shock-induced free surface velocity versus time records indicate that at high strain rates (greater than 105sec-1) strain rate effects become insignificant compared to other effects and that the yield stress reaches a maximum value which is subsequently strain rate independent.

They have also postulated that the shear modulus increases with increasing pressure and decreases with increasing temperature and in doing this they have attempted to include modeling of the Bauschinger effect into their calculations. They have therefore produced expressions for the shear modulus and yield strength as functions of effective plastic strain, pressure and internal energy (temperature).

The constitutive relations for shear modulus G and yield stress Y for high strain rates are :

subject to


ε = effective plastic strain
T = temperature (degrees K)
η = compression = ν0/ ν

and the primed parameters with the subscripts p and T are derivatives of that parameter with respect to pressure and temperature at the reference state (T = 300 K, p= 0, ε = 0).

The subscript zero also refers to values of G and Y at the reference state.

If the temperature of the material exceeds the specified melting temperature the shear modulus and yield strength are set to zero.

Note:  A specific heat capacity property should be defined to enable the calculation of temperature hence the melting effect.

Table 11.2: Input Data

Initial Yield StressYStress 
Maximum Yield StressYmax Stress 
Hardening Constant None 
Hardening ExponentnNone 
Derivative dG/dPG'P None 
Derivative dG/dTG'T Stress/Temperature 
Derivative dY/dPY'P None 
Melting TemperatureTmelt Temperature 

Custom results variables available for this model:

EFF_PL_STNEffective Plastic StrainYesYes*Yes*
EFF_PL_STN_RATEEffective Plastic Strain RateYesYes*Yes*
SUBL_EPSEffective sublayer plastic strainNoYesNo

*Resultant value over shell/beam section.

**Temperature will be non-zero only if a specific heat capacity is defined.