11.1. Introduction

In general, materials have a complex response to dynamic loading and the following phenomena may need to be modeled.

  • Non-linear pressure response

  • Strain hardening

  • Strain rate hardening

  • Pressure hardening

  • Thermal softening

  • Compaction (for example, porous materials)

  • Orthotropic response (for example, composites)

  • Crushing damage (for example, ceramics, glass, concrete)

  • Chemical energy deposition (for example, explosives)

  • Tensile failure

  • Phase changes (for example, solid-liquid-gas)

The modeling of such phenomena can generally be broken down into three components:

Equation of State

An equation of state describes the hydrodynamic response of a material.

This is the primary response for gases and liquids, which can sustain no shear. Their response to dynamic loading is assumed hydrodynamic, with pressure varying as a function of density and internal energy.

This is also the primary response for solids at high deformation rates, when the hydrodynamic pressure is far greater than the yield stress of the material.

Material Strength Model

Solid materials may initially respond elastically, but under highly dynamic loadings, they can reach stress states that exceed their yield stress and deform plastically. Material strength laws describe this non-linear elastic-plastic response.

Material Failure Model

Solids usually fail under extreme loading conditions, resulting in crushed or cracked material. Material failure models simulate the various ways in which materials fail. Liquids will also fail in tension, a phenomenon usually referred to as cavitation.

Material Erosion Model

An erosion model can be added to any material in Engineering Data. Erosion models are used to overcome problems caused by large mesh distortions in Lagrange meshes. They do not model any physical phenomena, but can remove elements from the simulation which are heavily distorted or degenerate, and may cause the overall timestep of the analysis to become extremely small. See Erosion for further details on the erosion models which are available in Engineering Data.

Erosion models added to materials in Engineering Data work in combination with the global Erosion Controls specified in the Analysis Settings of an Explicit Dynamics analysis.

Engineering Data properties for explicit analyses in the Mechanical application cover a wide range of materials and material behaviors. Some examples are provided below:

Class of MaterialMaterial Effects


Shock Effects


Isotropic Strain Hardening

Kinematic Strain Hardening

Isotropic Strain Rate Hardening

Isotropic Thermal Softening

Ductile Fracture

Brittle Fracture (Fracture Energy based)

Dynamic Failure (Spall)



Shock Effects

Porous Compaction


Strain Hardening

Strain Rate Hardening in Compression

Strain Rate Hardening in Tension

Pressure Dependent Plasticity

Lode Angle Dependent Plasticity

Shear Damage/Fracture

Tensile Damage/Fracture



Shock Effects

Porous Compaction


Pressure Dependent Plasticity

Shear Damage/Fracture

Tensile Damage/Fracture






Orthotropic Elasticity

Orthotropic Strength

The Engineering Data properties supported by explicit analysis are described below. Additional material modeling options, particularly in the areas of composite materials and reactive materials, are available in the Ansys Autodyn product.