11.8.6. RHT Concrete Strength

The RHT concrete model is an advanced plasticity model for brittle materials developed by Riedal et al [2], [3], [4]. It is particularly useful for modeling the dynamic loading of concrete. It can also be used for other brittle materials such as rock and ceramic.

The RHT constitutive model is a combined plasticity and shear damage model in which the deviatoric stress in the material is limited by a generalized failure surface of the form:


This failure surface can be used to represent the following aspects of the response of geological materials

  • Pressure hardening

  • Strain hardening

  • Strain rate hardening in tension and compression

  • Third invariant dependence for compressive and tensile meridians

  • Strain softening (shear induced damage)

  • Coupling of damage due to porous collapse

The model is modular in nature and is designed such that individual aspects of the material behavior can be turned on and off. This gives the model significant practical usefulness. Further details of how the model represents the various aspects of the material behavior are now presented.

Fracture surface

The fracture surface is represented through the expression


where fc' is the cylinder strength

AFAIL, NFAIL are user defined parameters
P* is pressure normalized with respect to fc'
Pspall* is the normalized hydrodynamic tensile limit
FRATE is a rate dependent enhancement factor

Additionally, there is an option to truncate the fracture surface to fit through the characteristic points that can be observed experimentally at low pressures, while retaining the flexibility to match data at high pressures. This feature is described in the figure below.

Figure 11.7: RHT Representation of Compressive Meridian

RHT Representation of Compressive Meridian

Tensile and Compressive Meridians

The RHT model can represent the difference between the compressive and tensile meridian in terms of material strength using the third invariant dependence term (R3). This can be utilized to represent the observed reduction in strength of concrete under triaxial extension, compared with triaxial compression. The third invariant dependence term is formulated using the expression


The input parameter Q2.0 defines the ratio of strength at zero pressure and the coefficient BQ defines the rate at which the fracture surface transitions from approximately triangular in form to a circular form with increasing pressure (Figure 11.8: Third invariant dependence).

Figure 11.8: Third invariant dependence

Third invariant dependence

Strain Hardening

Strain hardening is represented in the model through the definition of an elastic limit surface and a "hardening" slope. The elastic limit surface is scaled down from the fracture surface by user defined ratios; (elastic strength/fc) and (elastic strength/ft). The pre-peak fracture surface is subsequently defined through interpolation between the elastic and fracture surfaces using the "hardening" slope, . This is shown in Figure 11.9: Bi-linear strain hardening function for the case of uniaxial compression.


Figure 11.9: Bi-linear strain hardening function

Bi-linear strain hardening function

Shear Damage

Damage is assumed to accumulate due to inelastic deviatoric straining (shear induced cracking) using the relationships


where D1 and D2 are material constants used to describe the effective strain to fracture as a function of pressure. Damage accumulation can have two effects in the model

  • Strain softening (reduction in strength)

    The current fracture surface (for a given level of damage) is scaled down from the intact surface using the expression




    The term Y XTC*SFMAX is used to limit the maximum residual shear strength (for completely damaged material) to be a fraction (SFMAX) of the current fracture strength.

  • Reduction in shear stiffness

    The current shear modulus is defined through the expression


Porous Collapse Damage

The model includes the option to include a cap to limit the elastic deviatoric stress under large compressions. This effectively leads to the assumption that porous compaction results in a reduction in deviatoric strength.

The final combination of elastic, fracture and residual failure surfaces is shown schematically below in Figure 11.10: RHT Elastic, Fracture and Residual Failure Surfaces.

Figure 11.10: RHT Elastic, Fracture and Residual Failure Surfaces

RHT Elastic, Fracture and Residual Failure Surfaces

Strain Rate Effects

Strain rate effects are represented through increases in fracture strength with plastic strain rate. Two different terms can be used for compression and tension with linear interpolation being used in the intermediate pressure regime.


= 3e-6 in tension and 30e-6 in compression.

Tensile Failure

By default, tensile failure is achieved using a hydrodynamic tensile limit. The maximum tensile pressure in the material is limited to


Using this option, no additional user input is required since the value of Pmin is derived from ft, which forms part of the input for the strength model.

Note that the principal tensile stress and crack softening failure properties may also be used in conjunction with this model.

Data for concrete with cube strengths of 35MPa and 140MPa are included in the distributed material library.

The model is formulated such that input can be scaled with the cube strength; fc for example. you can retrieve one of the two concretes in the library, change its cube strength to match the concrete you want to model and the remaining terms will automatically scale proportionately. The resulting data set will be approximate and we recommend validation of the material data against experimental characterization tests in all cases.

Note:  This property can only be applied to solid bodies.

Table 11.9: Input Data

Compressive StrengthfcStress 
Tensile Strengthft/fcNone 
Shear Strengthfs/fcNone 
Intact failure surface constant AAFAIL None 
Intact failure surface exponent NNFAIL None 
Tens./Comp. Meridian ratioQ2.0 None 
Brittle to Ductile TransitionBQNone 
Hardening Slope NoneGel/(Gel-Gpl)
Elastic Strength/ft None 
Elastic Strength/fc None 
Fracture Strength ConstantBNone 
Fracture Strength ExponentmNone 
Compressive strain rate exponent αNone 
Tensile strain rate exponentδNone 
Maximum fracture strength ratioSFMAXNone 
Use cap on elastic surface NoneOption:

Yes (default)


Damage constant D1D1None 
Damage constant D2D2None 
Minimum strain to failure None 
Residual Shear modulus fraction None 

Custom results variables available for this model:

EFF_PL_STNEffective Plastic StrainYesNoNo
EFF_PL_STN_RATEEffective Plastic Strain RateYesNoNo
PRESSUREPressureYes NoNo
STATUSMaterial Status**Yes NoNo

**Material status indicators (1=elastic, 2= plastic, 3 = bulk failure, 4 = bulk failure, 5= failed principal direction 1, 6= failed principal direction 2, 7 = failed principal direction 3)