Chapter 9: Applying Pre-Stress Effects for Explicit Analysis

Because an Explicit Dynamics analysis is better suited for short duration events, preceding it with an Implicit analysis may produce a more efficient simulation, especially for cases in which a generally slower (or rate-independent) phenomenon is followed by a much faster event, such as the collision of a pressurized container. To produce this combination, you can define pre-stress as an initial condition in an Explicit Dynamics system, specifying the transfer of either displacements only or the more complete Material State (displacements, velocities, stresses, and strains), from a static or transient structural analysis to an Explicit Dynamics analysis.

Characteristics of the Implicit to Explicit pre-stress feature:

  • Applicable to 3-D analyses only.

  • The Material State mode, for mapping stresses, plastic strains, displacements, and velocities is valid for solid models only.

  • The displacements only mode is valid for solid, shell, and beam models.

  • The same mesh is required for both Implicit and Explicit analyses and only low order elements are allowed. If high order elements are used, the solve will be blocked and an error message will be issued.

  • For a nonlinear Implicit analysis, the Strain Details view property in the Output Controls category under the Analysis Settings object must be set to Yes because plastic strains are needed for the correct results.