Menu Bar

The menu bar gives you access to the following menus.

File Menu

Menu ItemDescription
NewCreates a new project.
OpenOpens an existing project.
SaveSaves the current project.
Save AsSaves the current project under a different name and/or location.
ImportImports a legacy database.
ArchiveGenerates an archive file that contains all project files.
Ansys MinervaProvides options for connecting to and working with Ansys Minerva repositories.
ScriptingOpens a sub-menu containing journalling and scripting options.
Export ReportWrites out a report of the current project in .html/.htm format.
Recently Viewed FilesDisplays the four most recently opened projects.
ExitCloses Workbench. You are prompted to save any unsaved data.

View Menu

Menu ItemDescription
RefreshUpdates the pane.
Reset WorkspaceRestores the current workspace layout to its default settings.
Reset Window LayoutRestores the original window layout.
List of panesDisplays the list of Workbench panes. You can select which panes you want to display. Any changes you make to panes are carried forward to subsequent Workbench sessions. For a detailed description of the individual panes listed here, see Panes within Tabs.
Show Connections BundledDisplays multiple links connecting systems as a single link where possible. A bundled connection includes a label indicating the shared cells (for example, 2-4 indicates that cells 2, 3, and 4 are shared between systems).
Show System CoordinatesShows the alphanumeric column and row headings for each system. This option is selected by default.

Tools Menu

Menu ItemDescription
ReconnectReconnects to updates that were pending when the project was closed. This option is available only if the project has cells in the Pending state. Upon opening a project, Workbench automatically retrieves the data for any completed background update.

After reconnecting to pending solution data, it is important to save the project. For a Solution cell update, if you decline to save the project before exiting, the intermediate solver data is discarded and is not accessible in future Workbench sessions. For more information, see Exiting a Project During a Remote Solve Manager Solution Cell Update.

Refresh ProjectRefreshes all cells in the project.
ResumeResumes design point updates that were pending when the project was closed. This option is available only if the project has design points that are paused due to cells in a Pending state.
Update All Design PointsUpdates all design points in a project that are in an Update Required state. This option is available only when the project contains multiple design points.
Update ProjectUpdates all cells in the project that are in an Update Required state.
Suspend Collecting RSM Results / Resume Collecting RSM ResultsTemporarily suspends or resumes the collection of design point data from Remote Solve Manager (RSM)

These options are enabled when RSM is processing an Update Project or an Update All Design Points operation. For more information, see Suspending and Resuming Collection of RSM Design Point Results.

Abandon Pending UpdatesIgnores any results calculated so far and return the project to its normal state.

Use this option if you have a remote or background solve process (some component or components in the project were saved in a Pending state) and attempts to reconnect have failed.

If you use this option, you may need to manually remove processes that were not stopped or files that were not removed.

OptionsDefines your user preferences for Workbench. The preferences you set here are local settings and affect only you. For descriptions, see Workbench User Preferences.

Units Menu

Menu ItemDescription
Display Values as DefinedDisplays the value and unit as defined in Workbench or the original source application. No conversion information is displayed.
Display Values in Project UnitsConverts displayed units to correspond to the selected project unit system.
Unit SystemsOpens the Unit Systems dialog box, where you can choose which unit systems to display in the Units menu and define custom unit systems. For more information, see Configuring Units in Workbench.

Extensions Menu

Menu ItemsDescription
ACT Start PageOpens the ACT Start Page, which provides you with convenient access to ACT functionality. From this page, you can access multiple tools for both the development and execution of extensions.
Manage ExtensionsOpens the Extension Manager, which enables you to specify which extensions you want to load.
Install ExtensionProvides for installing a binary extension (WBEX file) into your Application Data folder so that this extension is available in the Extension Manager.
Build Binary ExtensionOpens the binary extension builder so that you can compile a binary version of an extension from the scripted version.
View ACT ConsoleOpens the ACT Console, where you can interactively test commands during the development or debugging of an extension.
Open App BuilderOpens the ACT App Builder, where you can create ACT extensions in a visual environment.
View Log FileOpens the Extensions Log File, which provides messages generated by the extension. If present, warnings are shown in orange text, and errors are shown in red text.

Jobs Menu

Menu ItemDescription
Open Job MonitorDisplays the Job Monitor dialog box, which enables you to see the status of jobs that have been submitted to Remote Solve Manager for the current project.

For more information, see Monitoring and Controlling Remote Solve Manager Jobs in Workbench.

Open HPC Job ManagerOpens a browser window and launches the Ansys HPC Job Manager Web App.
Sync with HPC Platform ServicesSynchronizes the Workbench project with Ansys HPC Platform Services.
Sign out from HPC Platform ServicesSigns you out from Ansys HPC Platform Services.
Reset HPC Platform Services project IDResets the Ansys HPC Platform Services project ID assigned to the Workbench project.

Help Menu

Menu ItemDescription
Ansys Workbench HelpOpens the online help.
Show Context HelpOpens the Sidebar Help pane.
Installation HelpOpens the Ansys, Inc. Installation Guides.
Licensing HelpOpens the Licensing Documentation.
Getting StartedOpens the Sidebar Help pane to the Getting Started topic.
Ansys Product Improvement ProgramOpens the Ansys Product Improvement Program dialog box.
About Ansys WorkbenchOpens the About Ansys Workbench dialog box containing various product details.