ACT Tools

ACT provides many tools for developing, debugging, and executing extensions. To use these tools effectively, you must first understand how extensions are created and debugged.

ACT Start Page The ACT Start Page is a single page that provides you with convenient access to ACT functionality. From this page, you can access tools for developing, debugging and executing extensions.
Extension Manager The Extension Manager is for installing and loading extensions. Extensions cannot be executed until they are installed and loaded.
Wizards Launcher The Wizards launcher is for starting a simulation wizard. After an extension with a wizard is installed and loaded, you use the Wizards launcher to start the wizard.
Extensions Log File The Extensions Log File displays messages generated by extensions. If warnings are present, they display in orange. If errors are present, they display in red.
Binary Extension Builder The binary extension builder creates a compiled WBEX file from a scripted extension that can be shared with others. Once you finish developing and debugging a scripted extension, you can compile it into a binary extension. The contents of a binary extension cannot be viewed or edited.
ACT Console The ACT Console exposes the ACT API so that you can interactively test commands as you develop and debug scripts.
ACT App Builder The ACT App Builder is for a creating ACT extensions in a visual environment, saving you from having to create or modify XML files and IronPython scripts directly.
ACT Debugger The ACT Debugger extends the ACT Console to provide state-of-the-art debugging capabilities. You can use it or Microsoft® Visual Studio for debugging.
ACT Workflow Designer The ACT Workflow Designer is for automating the creation of custom simulation workflows on the Workbench Project page. For more information, see the ACT Customization Guide for Workbench.