Opening an Existing Project or File

You can open a previously saved project or file to continue working with it.

On Windows systems, you can also double-click a .wbpz archive file from the directory it is saved in to open the archive.

If you have deleted any project files through the file system and not through the Workbench interface, you may see a warning message when you attempt to open the project. The error message lists the missing files. The corrective action depends on the type of files that are missing:

  • For files that are programmatically integrated with Workbench (such as database files, geometry files, engineering data files, application-generated files, and so on), open the Files pane and use the context menu to repair a file or permanently remove it from the project’s Files list if it is no longer needed. Repairing these types of files should be done carefully; it is possible to use files or file types that are not similar to the original. Missing or erroneous files can cause unintended consequences for project stability and usability.

  • For files that are not programmatically integrated with Workbench (such as user-supplied input files, dpn files, and so on), you can replace them using your file system and then open the project again. These files may not be necessary for the project; in this situation, you can safely ignore the warning message.

To open an existing project:

  1. From the menu bar, select File > Open.

  2. Optionally, select a file type from the file selection filter list.

    • Workbench Files (*.wbpj, *.wbpz, *.wbjn)

    • Project Files (*.wbpj)

    • Archive Files (*.wbpz)

    • Journal Files (*.wbjn)

    • Python Script Files (*.py)

    • All Files (*.*)

  3. Browse to the file location.

  4. Select the file to open.

  5. Click Open.

  6. If you are opening an archive file (*.wbpz), browse to the location where you would like to extract the archive to and click Save.

    Note:  Ansys recommends saving the project to a local drive rather than a network drive due to performance reasons.