Installation Guides

2024 R2

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July 2024

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Linux Installation Guide
1. Installation Prerequisites for Linux
1.1. System Prerequisites
1.1.1. CAD Support
1.2. Disk Space and Memory Requirements
1.3. Requirements for the GPU Accelerator in Mechanical APDL
1.4. Additional Hardware and Software Requirements
1.4.1. Speos HPC Software Requirements
2. Platform Details
2.1. Required Linux Libraries and Packages by Product
2.2. Additional Library Details
2.3. Utilizing CPU Hyperthreading Technology with Ansys Products
2.4. Compiler Requirements for Linux Systems
2.5. Select Your Installation
3. Installing Ansys Products for a Stand-alone Linux System
3.1. Pre-Installation Instructions for Download Installations
3.2. Product Download Instructions
3.3. Installing from a USB Drive
3.4. Mounting the DVD Instructions for DVD Installations (Linux x64 Only)
3.5. Product Installation
3.5.1. Specifying CAD Configurations
3.5.2. Ansys License Manager Installation
4. Installing Ansys Products and the License Server on Different Linux Machines
4.1. Pre-Installation Instructions for Download Installations
4.2. Product Download Instructions
4.3. Installing from a USB Drive
4.4. Mounting the DVD Instructions for DVD Installations (Linux x64 Only)
4.5. Product Installation
4.5.1. Specifying CAD Configurations
4.5.2. Ansys License Manager Installation
4.5.3. Network Installation and Product and CAD Configuration
5. Post-Installation Instructions
5.1. Post-Installation Procedures for Mechanical APDL and Ansys Workbench Products
5.1.1. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys CFX
5.1.2. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys Fluent
5.1.3. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys Polyflow
5.1.4. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys ICEM CFD
5.1.5. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys Autodyn
5.1.6. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys FENSAP-ICE
5.1.7. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys Sherlock
5.1.8. Post-Installation Procedures for Other Products
5.2. Ansys Quality Assurance Services Application Control
5.3. Product Localization
5.3.1. Translated Message File Installation for Mechanical APDL
5.4. Launching Ansys, Inc. Products
6. Silent Mode Operations
6.1. Silent Product and License Manager Installation
6.2. Silent Product Configuration/Unconfiguration
6.3. Silent Media Installation
6.3.1. Silent Uninstall
7. Configuring CAD Products
7.1. Using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager
7.1.1. Unconfiguring
7.1.2. Running the CAD Configuration Manager in Batch Mode
7.1.3. NX Configuration
8. Uninstalling the Software
9. Troubleshooting
9.1. Installation Troubleshooting
9.1.1. Gathering Diagnostic Information
9.1.2. The GUI Installation Process Hangs
9.1.3. The Target Machine Does Not Have a DVD Drive
9.1.4. Product & CAD Configuration Manager Help Does Not Load
9.1.5. Cannot Enter Data in Text Fields
9.1.6. Download and Installation Error Messages
9.1.7. System-related Error Messages
9.1.8. High Performance Computing Error Messages
9.1.9. INSTALL Command Appears as Lowercase in USB Installation
9.2. Installation Troubleshooting - Graphics
9.2.1. DesignModeler and Mechanical APDL Crash When Using the Latest AMD Graphics Drivers
9.3. Installation Troubleshooting - Mechanical APDL
9.3.1. Your Batch Jobs Terminate when You Log out of a Session
9.3.2. Mechanical APDL Documentation File for User Interface Error Messages
9.3.3. Launcher Error Messages
9.3.4. FORTRAN Runtime Error Messages
9.4. Installation Troubleshooting - Ansys Workbench
9.4.1. Startup or Graphics Problems
9.5. Installation Troubleshooting - Ansys CFX
9.5.1. CFX Distributed Parallel Runs Fail
9.6. Contacting Technical Support
10. Applications Included with Each Product
Windows Installation Guide
1. Installation Prerequisites for Windows
1.1. System Prerequisites
1.1.1. CAD Support
1.2. Disk Space and Memory Requirements
1.3. Software Prerequisites
1.4. Requirements for the GPU Accelerator in Mechanical APDL
1.5. Additional Hardware and Software Requirements
1.5.1. Ansys Discovery Requirements
1.5.2. 3Dconnexion Product Support
1.5.3. Ansys Additive Requirements
1.5.4. Speos Software Requirements
1.6. Third-Party Software and other Security Considerations
2. Platform Details
2.1. Utilizing CPU Hyperthreading Technology with Ansys CFD Solvers
2.2. Compiler Requirements for Windows Systems
2.3. Select Your Installation
3. Installing Ansys Products for a Stand-alone Windows System
3.1. Downloading the Installation Files
3.1.1. Installing from a USB Drive
3.1.2. Installing from a DVD
3.2. Installing Ansys, Inc. Products
3.2.1. Product Installation with Client Licensing
3.2.2. Ansys License Manager Installation
4. Installing Ansys Products and the License Manager on Different Windows Machines
4.1. Downloading the Installation Files
4.1.1. Installing from a USB Drive
4.1.2. Installing from a DVD
4.2. Installing Ansys, Inc. Products
4.2.1. Product Installation with Client Licensing
4.2.2. Ansys License Manager Installation
5. Post-Installation Instructions
5.1. Post-Installation Procedures for Mechanical APDL and Ansys Workbench Products
5.1.1. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys Fluent
5.1.2. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys Polyflow
5.1.3. Post-Installation Procedures for ICEM CFD
5.1.4. Post-Installation Procedures for Ansys FENSAP-ICE
5.1.5. Post-Installation Information for Ansys Speos
5.1.6. Post-Installation Procedures for Other Products
5.2. Launching Ansys, Inc. Products
5.3. Running the ANS_ADMIN Utility for Mechanical APDL /Ansys Workbench Products
5.4. Product Localization
5.4.1. Translated Message File Installation for Mechanical APDL /Ansys Workbench Products
6. Installing MPI for Ansys Parallel Processing
6.1. Intel-MPI 2021.8.0 Installation Instructions
6.2. Microsoft MPI 10.0 Installation Instructions
7. Silent Mode Operations
7.1. Silent Product and License Manager Installation
7.1.1. Silent Product Configuration/Unconfiguration
7.1.2. Silent Media Installation
7.1.3. Silent Uninstall
8. Configuring CAD Products
8.1. Using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager
8.1.1. Unconfiguring
8.1.2. Running the CAD Configuration Manager in Batch Mode
8.1.3. Network Considerations
8.1.4. Uninstalling
8.2. Performing Non-Administrator CAD Configuration
8.3. Creo Parametric Configuration
8.3.1. Configuring the Connection for Creo Parametric
8.3.2. Creo Parametric Environment Variables
8.4. NX Configuration
8.4.1. Configuring the Connection for NX
8.5. Configuring CADNexus/CAPRI CAE Gateway for CATIA V5
8.6. Configuring AutoCAD
9. Uninstalling the Software
9.1. Uninstalling Licensing Components
10. Troubleshooting
10.1. Installation Troubleshooting
10.1.1. Using ANSLIC_ADMIN to Gather Diagnostic Information
10.1.2. Uninstall Gives Access Denied Error Message
10.1.3. Uninstall on a Windows 7 or Windows 10 System Gives Compatibility Error Message
10.1.4. A .chm File Does Not Display Properly Across a Network
10.1.5. Products Crash with an Application Error
10.1.6. Product Installation Does Not Create Start Menu Item for Ansys and CAD Plugins Do Not Work
10.1.7. Product Installation Displays Security Warning Dialogs or Silent Product Installation Hangs on a Network Install
10.1.8. System-related Error Messages
10.1.9. Installing Prerequisites May Require a System Restart
10.1.10. Confirmation Messages Open Behind the Installer Display in Windows
10.1.11. Start menu shortcuts are successfully created but are not displayed in the Start Menu
10.1.12. Ansys Additive will not start immediately after installation
10.2. Installation Troubleshooting - Mechanical APDL and Ansys Workbench Products
10.2.1. The Mechanical APDL Launcher is Excessively Slow to Start
10.2.2. Display Problems on Windows
10.2.3. ANS_ADMIN Error Messages
10.2.4. Mechanical APDL Product Launcher Error Messages
10.2.5. Distributed Mechanical APDL IBM Platform MPI Error Messages
10.2.6. Ansys Workbench Products Troubleshooting
10.3. Installation Troubleshooting - Ansys CFX
10.3.1. TurboGrid Mouse Behavior Problems
10.4. Installation Troubleshooting - Ansys Speos
10.4.1. Speos Network Installation Causes High Network Bandwidth Utilization
10.5. Installation Troubleshooting - CAD Packages
10.5.1. AnsysMechanical APDL Connection does not load into Creo Parametric
10.6. Contacting Technical Support
11. Applications Included with Each Product
Configuring High Performance Computing Guide
Configuring a Distributed-Memory Parallel (DMP) Analysis
1. Setting up a DMP Analysis
1.1. Prerequisites for Running a DMP Analysis
1.2. Setting Up the Cluster Environment for DMP
2. Running a Distributed Job
Configuring Ansys CFX Parallel
1. Ansys CFX Windows Parallel Setup
1.1. Requirements
1.2. Host Specification
1.3. Setting Up Intel MPI for Windows
1.4. Setting up and Running Microsoft Windows HPC 2019
2. Ansys CFX Linux Parallel Setup
2.1. Requirements
2.2. Host Specification
2.3. Setting Up Remote Access on Linux
2.4. Using Intel MPI (Message Passing Interface Library)
2.5. Using Cray MPI (Message Passing Interface Library)
3. Ansys CFX Hosts Specification
3.1. Predefinition of Hosts
3.2. Host Specification at Run Time from the CFX-Solver Manager
3.3. Host Specification at Run Time from the cfx5solve Command
3.4. Remote Host Interrogation
3.5. The hostinfo.ccl File
Configuring the Speos HPC Environment
1. Speos HPC Installation Overview
2. Speos HPC on Linux
2.1. Testing the MPI Program
2.2. Speos HPC on Linux using SPEOS Core
3. Speos HPC on Windows
3.1. Speos HPC on Windows using SPEOS Core
3.2. Speos HPC on Windows using Scripts
4. Speos HPC using the GPU Resources
4.1. GPU Requirements
4.2. GPU Limitations
4.3. Configuring the Scripts Files
5. Scheduler Installation for Speos HPC on Windows
6. Speos HPC without Job Scheduler
IBM Platform MPI with High (>4096) Process Count