Archiving a Project

If you want to send a project to a colleague or to Ansys Technical Support, or need to package all of the files, you can archive the project.

To archive a project:

  1. Optionally, specify the compression level for the archive file.

  2. If you have imported an external file into the project, and that external file refers to other files (for example, when a CAD assembly is linked to the CAD parts), copy the referenced files into the user_files directory to ensure they are added to the archive.

  3. To save the project, from the menu bar, select File > Save.

    If you do not save the project before archiving, you are prompted to save before proceeding.

  4. From the menu bar, select File > Archive.

  5. In the Save Archive dialog box, navigate to the directory where you want to save the file.

    Note:  The initial default save location depends on your project management user preferences. Also, the location you select is remembered and used as the default location the next time you archive a project. Review the default location carefully before saving the archive file.

  6. From the Save as type list, select the archive type:

    • Archive Files (*.wbpz)

    • Zip File (*.zip)

  7. Click Save.

  8. In the Archive Options dialog box, select the optional items to archive:

    • Result/solution and retained design point files

    • Imported files external to project directory

    • Items in the User_files folder

      • If your project contains Imported Boundary Conditions in the Mechanical application, you must include result/solution items so that the necessary upstream files are archived. Failure to archive these files prevents you from importing data or accessing features that involve reading upstream data, when the project is restored.

      • If you are using an External Model system, select the Imported files external to project directory option. External Model systems do not copy files to the project folders of downstream systems.

  9. Click Archive.