10. Result Objects

These objects define result types and the formats for viewing them. The objects are grouped by functionality.

Result Tools
These objects provide various result types and formats.
AlertSets pass or fail thresholds for individual results.
Bolt ToolProvides bolt-specific results for loads that are defined using the Bolt Pretension boundary condition.
ConvergenceControls the relative accuracy of a solution by refining solution results on a particular area of a model.
Expansion SettingsDisplays and edits the Expansion Settings Worksheet once your analysis is solved.
Fatigue ToolDetermines life, damage, and factor of safety information using a stress-life or strain-life approach.
FigureCaptures any graphic displayed for a particular object in the Geometry window.
Fracture ToolExamines fracture results in Mechanical.
Fracture ProbesShows the time history of a fracture parameter (that is, SIFS, Crack Extension, etc.) for a specific crack front node along the crack front (tip) only.
ProbeDetermines results at a point on a model or finds minimum or maximum results on a body, face, vertex, or edge.
Python CodeExecutes Python code in response to events occurring in Mechanical for a given workflow.
Python ResultEvaluates output quantities by executing an Iron-python script based on the DPF (Data Processing Framework) post-processing toolbox.
Response PSD ToolControls the sampling points of Response PSD probes for Random Vibration analyses.
Result TrackerProvides results graphs of various quantities (for example, deformation, contact, temperature, kinetic energy, stiffness energy) vs. time.
Result Plot TrackersShows the progression of specific results during the solution process.
Results and Result ToolsDefines the engineering output for displaying and analyzing the results from a solution.
SolutionDefines result types and formats for viewing a solution.
Solution InformationTracks and monitors your nonlinear solution, potentially diagnoses problems that may arise, and shows certain finite element graphical aspects of the model.
Stress ToolProvides stress safety tools for analyzing simulation results.
Solution Combination
These objects manage solutions from one or more beam bodies or environments.
Beam ToolExamines linearized stresses on beam (line) bodies.
Solution CombinationManages solutions that are derived from the results of one or more environments.
Fatigue Combination
This object sums the Damage results of multiple systems.
Fatigue CombinationGenerates a sum total of the Damage results of multiple systems that each include a Fatigue Tool object.
This object plots load and result data.
ChartCharts results against time or result quantities against a load or another result quantity.