Result Tracker

Provides results graphs of various quantities (for example, deformation, contact, temperature, kinetic energy, stiffness energy) vs. time.

Object Properties

The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Note:  Properties may differ for Result Trackers in Explicit Dynamics systems. See Result Trackers for more information.



Scoping Method: Displays for a Temperature result tracker object.

Geometry: Displays for a Deformation result tracker object, or for a Temperature object if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection. Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry field, then click Apply.

Contact Region: Displays for a Contact result tracker object.

Enhanced Tracking: Displays for a Contact result tracker object.


Type: Read-only indication of result tracker type for Deformation and Temperature objects. For Contact object, specify contact output.

Orientation: Displays for a Deformation result tracker object.

Suppression: Prior to solving, you can include or exclude the result from the analysis. The default is value is No.


Minimum: Read-only indication of the minimum value of the result tracker type.

Maximum: Read-only indication of the maximum value of the result tracker type.

Filter (Explicit Dynamics only)


Cut Frequency: Displays if Type = Butterworth.

Minimum filtered value: Displays if Type = Butterworth.

Maximum filtered value: Displays if Type = Butterworth.

Tree Dependencies

Insertion Methods

Use any of the following methods after highlighting Solution Information object:

  • Open the Results Trackers drop-down menu on the Solution Information Context tab and select the desired tracker.

    Note:  For a solution in a solved state, the application allows you to add and evaluate Contact Results Trackers. For all other Result Tracker types, you must first clear the solution.

  • Right-click the Solution Information object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > [Desired Result Tracker].

Right-click Options

In addition to common right-click options, relevant right-click options for this object include:

  • Insert > [Available Result Trackers]

  • Evaluate All Contact Trackers[a]: Evaluates all contact trackers (Only visible for Contact result trackers with the Enhanced Tracking property set to Yes.)

  • Evaluate Trackers[a]: Evaluates all trackers.

  • Evaluate Contact Tracker[a]: Evaluates selected contact tracker (Only visible for Contact result trackers with the Enhanced Tracking property set to Yes.)

  • Evaluate Tracker[a]: Evaluates selected tracker.

  • Suppress/Unsuppress

  • Export: Available after the solution is obtained. This option enables you to save a text file of the result data. And, based on the setting of the Automatically Open Excel preference in the Export category of the Options dialog, this option will also open an excel spreadsheet that includes the result data.

[a] Requires you to Retrieve result data.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information: