Named Selections

Manages all imported and/or user-defined Named Selection objects. Both the Named Selections object (parent object) and the Named Selection object (user-defined child objects) are described in this section. When you create a Named Selection for your model or if you have imported one or more Named Selection objects, the application automatically creates the parent object, Named Selections. See the Object Properties for the Named Selection Child Objects topic for descriptions of the properties of your defined Named Selection objects.

As illustrated above, the icon used for a Named Selection corresponds to the geometry or mesh type (Face, Element, etc.).

Object Properties for the Named Selections Parent

The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

The following applies only to the Named Selections object folder:



Show Annotation

Worksheet Based Named Selections

Generate on Refresh: Updates Named Selection criteria automatically following a geometry update.

Generate on Remesh: Updates the Node ids and locations based on the new mesh.


Named Selections: Lists the number of Named Selection objects contained in the folder.

Object Properties for the Named Selection Child Objects

The following properties are available when you select a Named Selection child object:



Scoping Method: Options include:


Send to Solver: Controls whether the named selection is passed to the solver. Also see Passing Named Selections to the Solver in the Meshing User's Guide.

Note:  The solvers supported by Mechanical are the only solvers that recognize node- and element-based Named Selections. Therefore, the Send to Solver feature supports Mechanical solvers only for node- and element-based Named Selections.

Protected: If your Named Selection includes geometry-contact, this property specifies if the corresponding contact entities (faces, edges, or vertices) are protected while meshing. Options include Program Controlled (default), Yes, and No. Select Program Controlled to protect the scoped object(s) when the named selection is used for boundary conditions, symmetry, other types of loads for the solver, as well as match controls and hard sizing controls for meshing. The objects will not receive any additional protection by the mesher if the named selection is not used for one of these controls. Select Yes to give higher priority to the geometry features the contact is scoped to and ensure the boundaries are better captured in order to get a better association between the geometry and mesh. Select No to indicate that the topology does not need any additional protection.

Send As (Element Face-based Named Selections only): Options include Nodes (default) and Mesh200. If your Named Selection is scoped to element faces, the Mesh200 option converts the scoped element faces to MESH200 elements and sends those elements as components to the solver.

Visible: For a named selection that you have selected in the tree, this property displays the geometry, elements, or nodes defining the name selection in the Geometry window. The default setting is Yes. Setting this property to No removes the associated geometry from view in the Geometry window.

Program Controlled Inflation: The options are Include and Exclude (default). This property enables you to specify the faces of your Named Selection as inflation boundaries. This setting requires that the Mesh object property, Use Automatic Inflation, is set to Program Controlled. Also see the Program Controlled topic in the Use Automatic Inflation section of the Meshing help.

Preserve During Solve: Displays only for Named Selections defined using elements. Options include Yes and No (default). You use this property in combination with the Nonlinear Adaptivity feature. The Nonlinear Adaptive Region changes your mesh during the solution to improve precision. Setting this property to Yes tells the application to update the named selection region during remeshing so that you can obtain certain results on it for the changed mesh.


Read-only status indications

Type: Read-only property whose options include Manual for Named Selections created in the Mechanical or Imported for Named Selections imported from a CAD application.

Total Selection

Surface Area: Available for Face-based Named Selection only and displays the surface area of the specified face(s).

Length: Available for Edge-based Named Selection only and displays the length of the specified edge(s).


Used by Mesh Worksheet: Yes if named selection is being used by the Mesh worksheet. Also see the description of the Mesh worksheet in the Meshing help.


(Worksheet-based Named Selections only)

Tolerance Type:

  • Program Controlled: Assigns application default values.

  • Manual: Makes Zero Tolerance, Relative Tolerance, and Angular Tolerance properties available for input. Otherwise, these properties are read-only.

Zero Tolerance: The default value is 1.e-008.

Relative Tolerance: Specified the multiplying factor applied to the values in the entire Worksheet. The default value is 1.e-003.

Angular Tolerance: Determines when two axes (vectors) are the same. For example, the normal direction of an element face and the direction of the selected coordinate systems axes are equal if they fall within the angular tolerance. The default value is .

Transfer Properties

(Displays for Named Selections imported through the External Model Component only)

Source: Read-only property that displays the source system for the imported Named Selection.

Tree Dependencies

  • Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (for Named Selections).

  • Valid Child Tree Objects: Individual Named Selection objects Comment, Figure, and Image.

    Note:  Comment, Figure, and Image are also child objects of individual Named Selection objects.

Insertion Methods

Use any of the following methods:

  • Click Named Selection option from the Insert group in the Home tab.

  • Select geometric entities for grouping in the Geometry window, or select Body objects in the Outline, then select the Named Selection option from the Insert group in the Home tab.

  • Select geometric entities in the Geometry window or select Body objects in the Outline and then right-click and select Create Named Selection.

  • Import named selections from a CAD system or from DesignModeler.

  • Automatically inserted in the event of a mesher failure so that problem surface bodies can be identified.

Right-click Options - Parent Object

In addition to common right-click options, relevant right-click options for the Named Selections parent object include:

  • Insert > Named Selection

  • Repair Overlapping Named Selections: Corrects overlap conditions in order to property export Named Selections.

  • Generate Named Selections: Updates all named selection child objects that were specified using the Worksheet. It is a substitute for the Worksheet Generate option to ensure that all worksheet-based named selection updates are captured.

  • Import Selections from CDB File: Available from the Named Selections folder as well as the Geometry window when the folder is selected, enables you to import element- and node-based named selections from a Mechanical APDL common database (.cdb) file.

    Upon import, the application automatically removes any spaces or special characters from the file name and replaces them with an underscore.

  • Export Selections to CDB File: Available from the Named Selections folder as well as the Geometry window when the folder is selected, enables you to export all of the Named Selections in the folder in.cdb file format. Note that the application ignores geometry-based Named Selections.

Right-click Options - Child Object

In addition to common right-click options, relevant right-click options for the specified Named Selections child objects include:

Right-click Options for Multiple Child Objects Selected

Whenever you select multiple named selection child objects, the following additional context menu options become available:

  • Suppress Bodies in Group

  • Hide Face(s)

  • Hide Bodies in Group

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information: