14.10. Turbomachinery Postprocessing

In addition to the many graphics tools already discussed, Ansys Fluent also provides turbomachinery-specific postprocessing features that can be accessed once you have defined the topology of the problem. Information on postprocessing for turbomachinery applications is provided in the following sections:

14.10.1. Defining the Turbomachinery Topology

In order to establish the turbomachinery-specific coordinate system used in subsequent postprocessing functions, Ansys Fluent requires you to define the topology of the flow domain. The procedure for defining the topology is described further in this section, along with details about the boundary types.

The current implementation of the turbomachinery topology definition for postprocessing is no longer limited to one row of blades at a time. If your geometry contains multiple rows of blades, you can define all turbomachinery topologies simultaneously. You can name and/or manage all topologies and perform various turbomachinery postprocessing tasks on a single topology or on all topologies at once.

Important:  The turbo coordinates can only be generated properly if the correct rotation axis is specified in the boundary conditions dialog box for the fluid zone (see Specifying the Rotation Axis).

To define the turbomachinery topology in Ansys Fluent, you will use the Turbo Topology Dialog Box (Figure 14.24: The Turbo Topology Dialog Box).

  Domain Turbomachinery Turbo Topology...

Figure 14.24: The Turbo Topology Dialog Box

The Turbo Topology Dialog Box

The procedure for defining topology for your turbomachinery application are as follows:

  1. Select a boundary type under Boundaries (for example, Hub in Figure 14.24: The Turbo Topology Dialog Box). The boundary types are described in detail in Boundary Types.

  2. In the Surfaces list, choose the surface(s) that represent the boundary type you selected in step 1.

    If you want to select several surfaces of the same type, click   and select Surface Type under Group By, which organizes the surfaces in a tree view that is grouped by surface type.

    Another shortcut is to use the Filter Text entry box to filter the Surfaces list to show only the surfaces that match the pattern you enter. For additional information on using the Filter Text entry box, see Filter Text Entry Boxes.

  3. Repeat the steps 1 and 2 for all the boundary types that are relevant for your model.

    Important:  For a complete turbo topology definition the surfaces defined as inlet, outlet, hub, shroud, periodic, theta min, and theta max (if available) should form a closed domain.

  4. Enter a name in the Turbo Topology Name field or keep the default name.

  5. Click Define to complete the definition of the boundaries.

    Ansys Fluent will inform you that the turbomachinery postprocessing functions have been activated.

  6. Specify a position vector that is defined as . This position vector should be outside the domain, for example, if your domain lies in the first and second quadrant, specify negative -axis as the zero line. This will ensure that there is no discontinuity in angular coordinates within the domain. This can be done using the display/set/zero-angle-dir command.

    Default zero line is -axis. If this axis passes through the domain, you should define the zero line, so as to satisfy above criteria.

  7. To view a defined topology, select the topology from the Turbo Topology Name drop-down list and click Display. The defined topology is shown in the active graphics window. This enables you to visually check the boundaries to ensure that you have defined them correctly.

  8. To edit a defined topology, select the topology from the Turbo Topology Name drop-down list, make the appropriate changes and click Modify.

  9. To remove a defined topology, select the topology from the Turbo Topology Name drop-down list and click Delete.

Important:  Note that the topology setup that you define will be saved to the case file when you save the current model. Thus, if you read this case back into Ansys Fluent, you do not need to set up the topology again.

However, use of a boundary condition file to set the turbo topology for two similar cases may not work properly. In that case you need to set the turbo topology manually.

Note:  From Fluent 2020 R1 onwards, turbo topology TUI access can be found at define/turbo-model/turbo-topology. Boundary Types

The boundaries for the turbomachinery topology are as follows (see Figure 14.25: Turbomachinery Boundary Types):


is the wall zone(s) forming the lower boundary of the flow passage (generally toward the axis of rotation of the machine).

, Shroud

is the wall zone(s) forming the upper boundary of the flow passage (away from the axis of rotation of the machine).

Theta Periodic

is the periodic boundary zone(s) on the circumferential boundaries of the flow passage.

Theta Min

and Theta Max are the wall zones at the minimum and maximum angular () positions on a circumferential boundary.


is the inlet zone(s) through which the flow enters the passage.


is the outlet zone(s) through which the flow exits the passage.


is the wall zone(s) that defines the blade(s) (if any). Note that these zones cannot be attached to the circumferential boundaries. For this situation, use Theta Min and Theta Max to define the blade.

Figure 14.25: Turbomachinery Boundary Types

Turbomachinery Boundary Types Turbomachinery-Specific Variables

After completing the turbo topology definition detailed in Defining the Turbomachinery Topology, the following turbomachinery-specific variables are available for postprocessing in Ansys Fluent:

  • Meridional Coordinate

  • Abs Meridional Coordinate

  • Spanwise Coordinate

  • Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate

  • Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate

  • Pitchwise Coordinate

  • Abs Pitchwise Coordinate

These variables are contained in the Mesh... category of the variable selection drop-down list. See Field Function Definitions for their definitions.

14.10.2. Contours and Vectors Visualization for Turbomachinery

Turbomachinery postprocessing commonly requires viewing contour and vector plots on turbo surfaces. As a prerequisite, you must first follow the instructions in Defining the Turbomachinery Topology to enable the Turbomachinery-Specific Variables that are used when creating a turbo surface. Creating Turbo Surfaces

Turbo surfaces are created using the Iso-Surface Dialog Box. The Turbomachinery-Specific Variables are available under the Mesh... category for the Surface of Constant drop-down list. For details on creating iso-surfaces, see Iso-surfaces.

Figure 14.26: Iso-Surface Dialog Box for Turbo Surfaces

Iso-Surface Dialog Box for Turbo Surfaces

  1. Enter a name for the turbo surface under New Surface Name.

  2. Under Surface of Constant, select Mesh... and the appropriate turbo-specific variable (for example, Spanwise Coordinate).

  3. Under From Zones, select the zone to create the turbo surface in.

  4. Click Compute.

  5. Specify Iso-Values or use the slide tool.

  6. Click Create.

The turbo surfaces will be used to display contours or velocity vectors. It is recommended that you create an iso-surface for each zone separately. Periodic Instancing

In turbomachinery analysis, it is common that only a portion of the machine is modeled. Therefore, in order to visualize the periodic repeating pattern of a turbomachine, you can use Periodic Instancing to replicate passages around an axis.

Periodic Instancing is accessed from the Turbomachinery ribbon:

  Domain Turbomachinery Periodic Instancing...

For more information on Periodic Instancing, see Mirroring and Periodic Repeats and Periodic Instancing Dialog Box.

14.10.3. General Fourier Coefficient Postprocessing for Turbomachinery Cases

Fluent provides a post-processing Fourier coefficient visualization capability that is available for all transient cases when Turbo Models is enabled. This feature supports the accumulation of the following flow variables: static pressure, temperature, velocity components, turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent dissipation rate (), and specific dissipation rate (). Fourier Coefficient Postprocessing Theory

The real representation of Fourier coefficients is used and the following and are provided in the list of variables available to postprocess. This representation allows for multiple (M) base frequencies to be captured (), each having its own harmonic content represented by . The Fourier coefficient accumulation method used is based on the moving averages. Its equivalent closed period integration form is given below where the integration period must be the common period between all frequencies captured.

Fourier coefficient definitions


The reconstructed signal can then be written as:


and is provided as a Fourier related variable.

Additional variables available for post-processing are as follows:



where for example is the time step change in coefficient . Fourier Coefficient Postprocessing Pre-requisites

Utilizing General Fourier Coefficient Postprocessing requires the following pre-requisites.

  1. Turbo Model must be enabled.

     Domain Turbomachinery Turbo Models

  2. Turbomachinery Description must be complete. For details, see Turbomachinery Description.

  3. The Run Calculation parameters must be specified using a Fixed time advancement method. It is recommended you use either the Frequency-Based or Period-Based time advancement method and it is required to use a sufficiently small timestep to run the phase-lag method. To accomplish this, you should specify the frequency or period to match the disturbance and then ensure a sufficiently high Time Steps per Period (such as 40). For details, see Configuring Run Calculation Settings. Fourier Coefficient Postprocessing Use-Cases

There are two distinct scenarios for general Fourier coefficient postprocessing:

  1. General cases which include periodic sector or full-wheel simulations for which there are three use-cases: Inlet/outlet disturbance, blade flutter, and transient-rotor-stator

    This can be used to help visualize the state of the harmonic content of any transient-periodic turbomachinery simulation.

    To make this implementation more general, separate controls are provided to define the spectral description of the postprocessing Fourier coefficients so that you can have different spectral content for each if desired.

  2. Phase-lag single passage cases for which there are two use-cases: Inlet/outlet disturbance and blade flutter

    Although these cell-zone-based Fourier coefficients are not strictly the same as those used in the Phase-lag boundary condition, they provide a good approximation of their state if the same spectral content is used as in the Phase-lag boundary. If the Phase-lag boundary was previously defined the first prompt when using the text command asks if the same spectral settings are to be used for the post-processing Fourier coefficients. The manual TUI method of enabling this is given below:

    Copy from phase lag spectral description? [yes]

    More details on the setup of this option and on the more general user-defined methods of defining graphical spectral content are given below in Creating Graphics Spectral Content. Creating Graphics Spectral Content

There are two methods for creating spectral content for Fourier coefficient postprocessing/

  1. From the Turbomachinery Ribbon

     Domain Turbomachinery Spectral Content

    There are two entries in the drop down menu as shown in Figure 14.27: Options for Spectral Content in the Turbomachinery Ribbon.

    Figure 14.27: Options for Spectral Content in the Turbomachinery Ribbon

    Options for Spectral Content in the Turbomachinery Ribbon

    • Update Graphics Spectral Content from Phase Lag Data - copies the spectral content from the phase-lag spectral content to the graphics spectral content identically. This will be the most used method to provide the spectral content for the post-processing Fourier coefficients.

    • Update Graphics Spectral Content from Disturbances - Derive the spectral content from the disturbances that are defined. For inlet/outlet type disturbances, the frequency is derived from the NumberSectors360 parameters provided in any inlet or outlet boundary profile files. For details, see Inlet/Outlet Disturbance Specific Phase-lag Method Workflow. For blade flutter use cases, the frequency associated to the mode-shape that is attached to the fluttering blade is used.

  2. In cases that don't comply with the ribbon option, you have the option to manually create graphics spectral content using the following text command:


    This commands prompts for all the required input to specify the frequencies associated with each disturbance of the simulation in each blade row. If you chose to not use the default number of Fourier harmonics for each fundamental frequency in the specifying spectral options step, you are prompted here to list the desired harmonics for each frequency in the simulation. The frequencies can be specified as disturbances where it will be computed using the input number of sectors in the 360-degree machine and a reference frame. A sample session is shown below:

    Add disturbances/frequencies manually? [no] yes
    List of all rows: (row-1)
    Enter the list of rows to add disturbances/frequencies: (1) [row-1] 
    Enter the number of disturbances/frequencies for row "row-1": [0] 1 
    For disturbance/frequency #1:
    --> Enter type (1= blade passing disturbance, 2= real frequency in [Hz], 3= blade flutter disturbance): [-1] 1
    --> Enter the reference frame associated with this disturbance/frequency Available: ("rotating" "global")
    Reference Frame: [] rotating
    --> Enter the number of sectors in 360 deg. associated with this disturbance: [0] 19 
    Calculate modal influence coefficients? [no] no Extra Settings

There are additional settings found under the console command /define/turbo-model/graphics-extra-settings for changing defaults associated with spectral content creation of the graphics/post-processing Fourier coefficients. In most cases, the default values are sufficient and need not be changed. A sample dialog is shown below.

/define/turbo-model> graphics-extra-settings
Fourier coefficients relaxation [1] 1
Number of initialization cycles [0] 0
Use the default number of Fourier harmonics for each fundamental frequency? [yes] yes
Enter the default number of Fourier harmonics of each fundamental frequency: [10] 

The following options are available:

  • Fourier coefficients relaxation

    Under-relaxation constant to be applied to Fourier coefficient accumulation. Current default is 1.0 but a lower value could be used to improve robustness if required.

  • Number of initialization cycles

    Number of periods to run the simulation using a “periodic like boundary condition” before starting Phase-lag. Permits delaying the onset of Phase-lag to have a better initial guess for the Fourier coefficients which improves robustness at start-up.

  • Use the default number of Fourier harmonics for each fundamental frequency?

    By default, uses the default number of harmonics for each fundamental base frequency. Alternatively, you can specify a list of harmonics for each fundamental frequency in the simulation.

  • Enter the default number of Fourier harmonics of each fundamental frequency

    A harmonic number to be applied as default to all the base frequencies in the simulation [defaults to 10].

If the case is multi-row, you can specify a frequency selection algorithm option. This provides an easier way to select the fundamental base frequency for each row.

Enter the multi-row frequency selection algorithm option 
(1- nearest neighbors, 2- extended neighbors, 3- user-selected)
  1. Nearest neighbors

    Frequencies related to the component immediately upstream and downstream of the current component.

  2. Extended neighbors

    All possible frequency contributions (all rotors see the frequencies from all the stators and vice-versa).

  3. User selected

    You are prompted for the base frequency to include in each blade row.

There are also additional commands to list, append, and delete postprocessing spectral content:



/define/turbo-model/delete-graphics-spectral-content Graphical Postprocessing of Fourier Coefficients

When Fourier coefficients are defined, they will be available for postprocessing. They are grouped by flow variable and labeled to reflect the mode and frequency.

Figure 14.28: Fourier Coefficients Available for Graphical Postprocessing

Fourier Coefficients Available for Graphical Postprocessing

14.10.4. Circumferential-Averaged Profile Extraction

With Turbo Models enabled, you have the option to write circumferential-averaged profiles. Circumferential-averaged profiles are available for flow variables on various surfaces including inlet, outlet, interfaces, planes, iso-surfaces, and iso-clips. The determination of the profile type (radial or axial) is internally based on the specific type of machine. For more details, see Writing Circumferential-Averaged Profiles.

14.10.5. Turbo Post

After the turbo topology has been defined, as described in Defining the Turbomachinery Topology, you can access various Turbo Post applications.

  Results Model Specific Turbo Post Generating Reports of Turbomachinery Data

Once you have defined your turbomachinery topologies, as described in Defining the Turbomachinery Topology, you can report a number of turbomachinery quantities, including mass flow, swirl number, torque, and efficiencies.

To report turbomachinery quantities in Ansys Fluent, you will use the Turbo Report Dialog Box (Figure 14.29: The Turbo Report Dialog Box).

 Results Model Specific Turbo Post Report...

Figure 14.29: The Turbo Report Dialog Box

The Turbo Report Dialog Box

The procedure for using this dialog box is as follows:

  1. Under Averages, specify whether you want to report Mass-Weighted or Area-Weighted averages.

  2. Under Turbo Topology, specify a predefined turbomachinery topology from the drop-down list.

  3. Under Process, specify whether to compute the efficiency for the flow Expansion (for example, in a turbine) or Compression (for example, in a pump or compressor).

  4. Click Compute. Ansys Fluent will compute the turbomachinery quantities as described below, and display their values.

  5. If you want to save the reported values to a file, click Write... and specify a name for the file in The Select File Dialog Box. Computing Turbomachinery Quantities Mass Flow

The mass flow rate through a surface is defined as follows:



  = is the area of the inlet or outlet
  = the velocity vector
  = the fluid density
  = a unit vector normal to the surface Swirl Number

The swirl number is defined as follows:


  = the radial coordinate (specifically, the radial distance from the axis of rotation)
  = the tangential velocity
  = the velocity vector
  = a unit vector normal to the surface,
  = the inlet or outlet Average Total Pressure

The area-averaged total pressure is defined as follows:


where is the total pressure and is the area of the inlet or outlet.

The mass-averaged total pressure is defined as follows:


  = the total pressure
  = the area of the inlet or outlet
  = the velocity vector
  = the fluid density
  = a unit vector normal to the surface Average Total Temperature

The area-averaged total temperature is defined as follows:


where is the total temperature and is the area of the inlet or outlet.

The mass-averaged total temperature is defined as follows:


  = the total temperature
  = the area of the inlet or outlet
  = the velocity vector
  = the fluid density
  = a unit vector normal to the surface Average Flow Angles

The area-averaged flow angles are defined as follows:


in the radial direction, and


in the tangential direction, where , , and represent the axial, radial, and tangential velocities, respectively.

The mass-averaged flow angles are defined as follows:


in the radial direction, and


in the tangential direction. Passage Loss Coefficient

The engineering loss coefficient is defined as follows:


  = the mass-averaged total pressure at the inlet
  = the mass-averaged total pressure at the outlet
  = the density of the fluid
  = the mass-averaged velocity magnitude at the inlet

The normalized loss coefficient is defined as follows:


where is the mass-averaged static pressure at the outlet. Axial Force

The axial force on the rotating parts is defined as follows:


  = the surfaces comprising all rotating parts
  = the total stress tensor (pressure and viscous stresses)
  = a unit vector normal to the surface
  = a unit vector parallel to the axis of rotation Torque

The torque on the rotating parts is defined as follows:


  = the surfaces comprising all rotating parts
  = the total stress tensor
  = a unit vector normal to the surface
  = the position vector
  = a unit vector parallel to the axis of rotation Efficiencies for Pumps and Compressors

The definitions of the efficiencies for compressible and incompressible flows in pumps and compressors are described in this section. Efficiencies for turbines are described later in this section. Consider a pumping or compression device operating between states 1 and 2 as illustrated in Figure 14.30: Pump or Compressor. Work input to the device is required to achieve a specified compression of the working fluid.

Figure 14.30: Pump or Compressor

Pump or Compressor

Assuming that the processes are steady state, steady flow, and that the mass flow rates are equal at the inlet and outlet of the device (no film cooling, bleed air removal, and so on), the efficiencies for incompressible and compressible flows are as described in the following subsections. Incompressible Flows

For devices such as liquid pumps and fans (2D boundaries or 3D cell zones) at low speeds, the working fluid can be treated as incompressible. The efficiency of a pumping process with an incompressible working fluid is defined as the ratio of the head rise achieved by the fluid to the power supplied to the rotor/impeller. This can be expressed as follows:



= volumetric flow rate


= total pressure


= net torque acting on the rotor/impeller


= rotational speed

This definition is sometimes called the “hydraulic efficiency”. Often, other efficiencies are included to account for flow leakage (volumetric efficiency) and mechanical losses along the transmission system between the rotor and the machine providing the power for the rotor/impeller (mechanical efficiency). Incorporating these losses then yields a total efficiency for the system. Compressible Flows

For gas compressors that operate at high speeds and high pressure ratios, the compressibility of the working fluid must be taken into account. The efficiency of a compression process with a compressible working fluid is defined as the ratio of the work required for an ideal (reversible) compression process to the actual work input. This assumes the compression process occurs between states 1 and 2 for a given pressure ratio. In most cases, the pressure ratio is the total pressure at state 2 divided by the total pressure at state 1. If the process is also adiabatic, then the ideal state at 2 is the isentropic state.

From the foregoing definition, the efficiency for an adiabatic compression process can be written as



= total enthalpy at 1


= actual total enthalpy at 2


= isentropic total enthalpy at 2

If the specific heat is constant, Equation 14–34 can also be expressed as



= total temperature at 1


= actual total temperature at 2


= isentropic total temperature at 2

Using the isentropic relation


where is the ratio of specific heats specified in the Reference Values Task Page.

The efficiency can be written in the compact form


Note that this definition requires data only for the actual states 1 and 2.

Compressor designers also make use of the polytropic efficiency when comparing one compressor with another. The polytropic efficiency is defined as follows:

(14–38) Efficiencies for Turbines

Consider a turbine operating between states 1 and 2 in Figure 14.31: Turbine. Work is extracted from the working fluid as it expands through the turbine. Assuming that the processes are steady state, steady flow, and that the mass flow rates are equal at the inlet and outlet of the device (no film cooling, bleed air removal, and so on), turbine efficiencies for incompressible and compressible flows are as described below.

Figure 14.31: Turbine

Turbine Incompressible Flows

The efficiency of a turbine with an incompressible working fluid is defined as the ratio of the work delivered to the rotor to the energy available from the fluid stream. This ratio can be expressed as follows:



= volumetric flow rate


= total pressure


= net torque acting on the rotor/impeller


= rotational speed

Note the similarity between this definition and the definition of incompressible compression efficiency (Equation 14–33). As with hydraulic pumps and compressors, other efficiencies (for example, volumetric and mechanical efficiencies) can be defined to account for other losses in the system. Compressible Flows

For high-speed gas turbines operating at large expansion pressure ratios, compressibility must be accounted for. The efficiency of an expansion process with a compressible working fluid is defined as the ratio of the actual work extracted from the fluid to the work extracted from an ideal (reversible) process. This assumes that the expansion process occurs between states 1 and 2 for a given pressure ratio. In contrast to the compression process, the pressure ratio for expansion is the total pressure at state 1 divided by the total pressure at state 2. If the process is also adiabatic, then the ideal state at 2 is the isentropic state.

From the foregoing definition, the efficiency for an adiabatic expansion process through a turbine can be written as



= total enthalpy at 1


= actual total enthalpy at 2


= isentropic total enthalpy at 2

If the specific heat is constant, Equation 14–40 can also be expressed as



= total temperature at 1


= actual total temperature at 2


= isentropic total temperature at 2

Using the isentropic relation


the expansion efficiency can be written in the compact form


Note that this definition requires data only for the actual states 1 and 2.

As with compressors, one may also define a polytropic efficiency for turbines. The polytropic efficiency is defined as follows:

(14–44) Displaying Turbomachinery Averaged Contours

Turbo averaged contours are generated as projections of the values of a variable averaged in the circumferential direction and visualized on an - plane. A sample plot is shown in Figure 14.33: Turbo Averaged Filled Contours of Static Pressure. Steps for Generating Turbomachinery Averaged Contour Plots

You can display contours using the Turbo Averaged Contours Dialog Box (Figure 14.32: The Turbo Averaged Contours Dialog Box).

 Results Model Specific Turbo Post Averaged Contours...

Figure 14.32: The Turbo Averaged Contours Dialog Box

The Turbo Averaged Contours Dialog Box

The basic steps for generating a turbo averaged contour plot are as follows:

  1. Select All or a specific predefined turbomachinery topology from the Turbo Topology drop-down list.

  2. Select the variable or function to be displayed in the Contours of drop-down list. First select the desired category in the upper list; you may then select a related quantity in the lower list. (See Turbomachinery-Specific Variables for a list of turbomachinery-specific variables, and see Field Function Definitions for an explanation of the variables in the list.)

  3. Specify the number of contours in the Levels field. The maximum number of levels allowed is 100.

  4. Set any of the options described below.

  5. Click Display to display the specified contours in the active graphics window.

The resulting display will include the specified number of contours of the selected variable, with the magnitude on each one determined by equally incrementing between the values shown in the Min and Max fields.

Note that the Min and Max values displayed in the dialog box are the minimum and maximum averaged values. These limits will in general be different from the global Domain Min and Domain Max, which are also displayed for your reference (see Figure 14.32: The Turbo Averaged Contours Dialog Box).

Figure 14.33: Turbo Averaged Filled Contours of Static Pressure

Turbo Averaged Filled Contours of Static Pressure Contour Plot Options

The options mentioned in the procedure above include drawing color-filled contours (instead of line contours), specifying a range of values to be contoured, and storing the contour plot settings. These options are the same as those in the standard Contours Dialog Box. See Contour and Profile Plot Options for details about using them. Displaying Turbomachinery 2D Contours

In postprocessing a turbomachinery solution, it is often desirable to display contours on surfaces of constant spanwise coordinate, and then project these contours onto a plane. This permits easier evaluation of the contours, especially for surfaces that are highly three-dimensional. Steps for Generating Turbo 2D Contour Plots

You can display contours using the Turbo 2D Contours Dialog Box (Figure 14.34: The Turbo 2D Contours Dialog Box).

 Results Model Specific Turbo Post 2D Contours...

Figure 14.34: The Turbo 2D Contours Dialog Box

The Turbo 2D Contours Dialog Box

The basic steps for generating a turbo 2D contour plot are as follows:

  1. Specify a specific predefined turbomachinery topology using the Turbo Topology drop-down list.

  2. Enter a value for the Normalized Spanwise Coordinates (0 to 1) for the spanwise surface you want to create.

    Important:  If shroud and hub are the curved surfaces, the isosurface very close to them may contain void spaces as Ansys Fluent displays only a plane cut surface.

  3. Select the variable or function to be displayed in the Contours of drop-down list.

    First select the desired category in the upper list; you may then select a related quantity in the lower list. See Turbomachinery-Specific Variables for a list of turbomachinery-specific variables, and see Field Function Definitions for an explanation of the variables in the list.

  4. Specify the number of contours in the Levels field. The maximum number of levels allowed is 100.

  5. Click Display to display the specified contours in the active graphics window.

The resulting display will include the specified number of contours of the selected variable, with the magnitude on each one determined by equally incrementing between the values shown in the Min and Max fields. Contour Plot Options

Depending on the type of contour plot you want to display, select appropriate choice under Options. These options are the same as those in the standard Contours Dialog Box. See Contour and Profile Plot Options for details about using them. Generating Averaged XY Plots of Turbomachinery Solution Data

When comparing numerical solutions of turbomachinery problems to experimental data, it is often useful to plot circumferentially averaged quantities in the spanwise and meridional directions. This section describes how to do this in Ansys Fluent. Steps for Generating Turbo Averaged XY Plots

To create an XY plot of circumferentially averaged solution data, you will use the Turbo Averaged XY Plot Dialog Box (Figure 14.35: The Turbo Averaged XY Plot Dialog Box).

 Results Model Specific Turbo Post Averaged XY Plot...

Figure 14.35: The Turbo Averaged XY Plot Dialog Box

The Turbo Averaged XY Plot Dialog Box

The procedure for generating a turbo averaged XY plot are as follows:

  1. Select the variable or function to be plotted in the Y Axis Function drop-down list. First select the desired category in the upper list; you may then select a related quantity in the lower list. (See Turbomachinery-Specific Variables for a list of turbomachinery-specific variables, and see Field Function Definitions for an explanation of the variables in the list.)

  2. Select All or a specific predefined turbomachinery topology from the Turbo Topology drop-down list.

  3. Select the variable or function to be plotted in the X Axis Function drop-down list. The choices are Hub to Casing Distance and Meridional Distance.

  4. Specify the desired value in the Fractional Distance field. The definition of the fractional distance depends on your selection of X Axis Function:

    • If you select Hub to Casing Distance, the fractional distance will be Inlet to Outlet.

    • If you select Meridional Distance, the fractional distance will be Hub to Casing.

  5. (optional) Modify the attributes of the axes or curves as described in Modifying Axis Attributes and Modifying Curve Attributes.

  6. Click Plot to generate the XY plot in the active graphics window.

    Note that you can use any of the mouse buttons to annotate the XY plot (see Adding Text to the Graphics Window).

If you want to write the XY data to a file, follow these steps instead of Step 5 above:

  1. Enable the Write to File option. The Plot button changes to a Write... button.

  2. Click Write....

  3. In The Select File Dialog Box, specify a name for the plot file and save it. Globally Setting the Turbomachinery Topology

In some cases, that is, isosurface creation, Ansys Fluent enables you to globally set the current turbomachinery topology for your model using the Turbo Options Dialog Box (Figure 14.36: The Turbo Options Dialog Box).

 Results Model Specific Turbo Post Options...

Figure 14.36: The Turbo Options Dialog Box

The Turbo Options Dialog Box

To set the current topology, select a topology from the Current Topology drop-down list and select OK.

14.10.6. Calculating Turbomachine Performance

An additional tool is available to calculate performance characteristics of a turbomachine. These characteristics are defined using Named Expressions and include efficiency, total pressure and total temperature ratios, as well as mass flow rates at the inlet and outlet. Turbo Performance

You can define and evaluate performance characteristics for a turbomachine using the Turbo Performance dialog box (Figure 14.37: The Turbo Performance Dialog Box) accessed from:

 Domain Turbomachinery Turbo Performance...

Figure 14.37: The Turbo Performance Dialog Box

The Turbo Performance Dialog Box

  1. Select locations for the Inlets and Outlets using the corresponding surface lists. These lists are filtered to include only the surfaces of supported types.

  2. Under Efficiency Type, select whether to compute the Isentropic or Polytropic efficiency.

  3. Under Process, select whether to compute the performance characteristics for an Expansion or Compression process.

  4. Under Efficiency Ratio, you can select which values are used when computing the turbomachine efficiency: Total to Total, Total to Static, or Static to Static.

  5. You can define expressions for performance characteristics based on the dialog box input. Select the performance characteristics for which to define an expression. Optionally edit the default names (an integer number will be appended to each name automatically) and click Define to create expressions for each performance characteristic. All available expressions can be viewed and/or edited by clicking Expression Manager…. For more details, see Calculating Efficiency using Named Expressions, Calculating Total Pressure and Total Temperature Ratios using Named Expressions and Calculating Mass Flow Rates using Named Expressions.

  6. Click Report Definitions… to open a dialog box which allows you to monitor, print, write, and/or plot the values of the expressions defined in the previous step. For more information, refer to Expression Report Definition.

  7. Click Display to visualize the selected surfaces.

You can also access this tool by using the following console command and following the prompts:

/define/turbo-model/performance Calculating Efficiency using Named Expressions

You can compute the values of isentropic and polytropic efficiencies for a turbomachine using Named Expressions as shown in Figure 14.38: Expression Dialog Box with Efficiency Calculation.

 User DefinedUser DefinedNamed ExpressionsNew...

Figure 14.38: Expression Dialog Box with Efficiency Calculation

Expression Dialog Box with Efficiency Calculation

Functions for both efficiency types are listed under FunctionsReduction as EfficiencyIsentropic and EfficiencyPolytropic.

Permeable boundaries of various types (for example, inlets, outlets, interfaces), as well as cut-planes and iso-surfaces, can be chosen as locations. Also, groups of surfaces for postprocessing is supported.

For the argument Inlets, you can select one or more locations of mixed types. However, multiple locations will still be treated as the single-stream inlet with properties averaged over all selected locations. This averaged inlet can be considered as the starting point for efficiency calculation. Similarly, the end point will be determined by locations selected for the argument Outlets. Options for the argument Process(Expansion and Compression) specify whether the flow expands or compresses when moving from the inlet to the outlet. Options for the argument Ratio (TotaltoTotal, TotaltoStatic and StatictoStatic) determines the values used in computing the efficiency. Limitations
  • Efficiency can be evaluated only for compressible flows of ideal gas, single-component real gas, and condensing water vapor (Wet Steam model).

  • Only the following locations are supported: Pressure Inlet, Pressure Outlet, Mass-Flow Inlet, Mass-Flow Outlet, Velocity Inlet, Pressure-far-field, Inlet Vent, Outlet Vent, Intake Fan, Exhaust Fan, Interior, Interface, Cut-plane, Iso-surface, Groups of listed surfaces.

  • Multiple inlet or outlet locations are reduced to a single stream with flow properties averaged over all selected. Calculating Efficiency using Turbo Report

After you have defined Turbo Topology (as described in Defining the Turbomachinery Topology), an additional option is available to compute efficiency using the Turbo Report dialog box as described in Generating Reports of Turbomachinery Data.

 ResultsModel SpecificTurbo PostReport...

Figure 14.39: Turbo Report Dialog Box

Turbo Report Dialog Box

By default, the Turbo Report dialog box computes the Total to Total values of isentropic and polytropic efficiencies assuming constant values of the specific heat capacity Cp and heat capacity ratio γ. You can switch to the more general equations which are implemented in the EfficiencyIsentropic and EfficiencyPolytropic functions, by using the following console command:


Note that for an ideal gas with constant Cp value, the two methods give nearly identical results. However, for other cases, only the methods from the EfficiencyIsentropic and EfficiencyPolytropic functions are able to provide appropriate efficiency values. Calculating Total Pressure and Total Temperature Ratios using Named Expressions

The Turbo Performance tool uses the MassFlowAveAbs function to compute the values of total pressure and total temperatures ratios. Named Expressions for these values are defined as follows:


where the first argument Field is TotalPressure or TotalTemperature. For the Expansion process, the second argument ['location_1'] is the list of inlet zones and ['location_2'] is the list of outlet zones selected in the dialog box. For the Compression process, the locations are reversed with ['location_1'] being the list of outlet zones and ['location_2'] being the list of inlet zones selected in the dialog box.

The MassFlowAveAbs function is listed under FunctionsReduction in the Expression dialog box. For more information on this and other functions from the Named Expressions library, refer to Fluent Expressions Language. Calculating Mass Flow Rates using Named Expressions

The Turbo Performance tool uses the MassFlowInt function to compute mass flow at inlets and outlets. Named Expressions are defined as follows:

MassFlowInt(1, ['locations'])

The argument ['locations'] is the list of inlet or outlet zones selected in the dialog box for the definition of the corresponding expression.

The MassFlowInt function is listed under FunctionsReduction in the Expression dialog box. For more information on this and other functions from the Named Expressions library, refer to Fluent Expressions Language.